Democrats’ Bill to Codify Federal Abortion Rights Before & After Fetal Viability While Preempting State Laws (H.R. 8296)

Do you support or oppose this bill?

  • 412
    Voted Yea

    Women WILL have abortions. The choice between safe procedures or " back alley " abortions is up to YOU. 

  • 5,397

    Congress had almost 50 years to codify Roe v Wade. It failed to do so, and in those years the positions of both parties have become increasingly radicalized, and increasingly entrenched. The argument of sending it back to the states is a non-starter as the right has openly stated one of their next goals is to implement a nationwide ban on abortion with no exceptions. (Note that in a House Judiciary Committee hearing today the president of a leading national anti-abortion group stated the abortion for a 10 year old rape victim pregnant as a result of that rape was not an abortion because carrying the pregnancy to term would have significantly affected her life.)

    The current push to ban abortion is not about the babies, or about the right to life. It is about power, control, Christian Nationalism, and the desire of a increasingly small segment of society to entrench their values and beliefs without consideration of or respect for the values and beliefs of others. Hence the lawsuit filed in Florida by a Jewish Synagogue, and to today joined by the Unitarian Church and Buddhists, challenging Florida's abortion law as a violation of their First Amendment rights to practice their religious beliefs.

    While this bill will likely pass the House, its chances in the Senate are essentially none due to McConnell's lust for power, and his own narcissism. Codification of Roe v Wade should have occurred years ago when it's likelihood of passage was much greater.

  • 7,796
    Voted Nay

    What the hell is wrong with you people?! How about for every abortion, they get an added bonus of having their tubes tied!  This is irresponsible behavior and should not be a means of birth control.  Grow up people!  You want to play?  Then recognize the consequences! If you don't want that child, drop it off at the hospital or fire department.  

    The ONLY exception should be pregnancies as a result of rape, incest or if the mother (yes MOTHER) or child is in distress.  

  • 109.3k

    While it seems very reasonable and will pass the House I don't think it will pass in the Senate based on what happened with Bipsrtisan Gun Safety Legislation which gives grants to states to determine how to implement Red Flag Laws which is what it took to get a filibuster proof majority. 

    Moderate Republicans like Collins and Murkowski want to leave states with some measure of control and have proposed legislation to do this. So to get their support in the Senate it will take changes to gain a filibuster proof majority in the current Senate.

  • 20.1k
    Voted Yea

    "If you ever wanted to know what it would feel like to live under a fascist government, Republicanism has had you covered these past few years. Rank dishonesty, buffoonish gaslighting, rewriting of history, rewriting of language, all wrapped under a thin religious veneer to assert the moral superiority of a movement with no morals at all. Even an attempted coup can be papered over if that's what it takes to maintain and increase power, and the Republican voters in America are now all about naming new enemies, targeting them, and hurting them. It's become a local sport all across America."


  • 2,797
    Voted Nay

    Again the Democrats have gone to far with this bill. 

    What part of the CONSITUTION and the Tenth Amendment do they not understand?



  • 43
    Voted Nay

    This is a state matter. I might support a federal bill if it had more limitations, however, designed to protect the developing human as well as the mother. 

  • 71
    Voted Yea

    Women must have access to potentially life saving procedures.  Please do not force your religious beliefs upon others.  

  • 871
    Voted Yea

    All medical decisions should be between a person and their medical provider--when the government gets involved it is dangerous. 

  • 139
    Voted Yea

    Yes. A women's body does not belong to politicians.

  • 76
    Voted Yea

    Woman should have the bodily atonamy to decide for themselves what should best be done with their bodies. Taking away this fundamental healthcare procedure leaves women in danger. Codifying this into law will help protect women. 

  • 1,085
    Voted Yea

    The Republican Party wants to force all victims of incest and assault to bear their assaulters' babies, while the Democratic Party wants to ensure all victims have a choice and access to safe abortions. The two parties are NOT the same. Quit listening to the Doomers of social media and vote accordingly.

  • 34
    Voted Nay

    I am pro choice, but I feel this bill goes too far. 

  • 58
    Voted Yea

    States have no business involving themselves in women's right, including the freedom of choice over her body. Federal guarantee is needed so that every American, regardless of where they live, can exercise freedom of choice about abortion and other reproductive health care. Each woman should be able to make her own decision, based on her own personal values and beliefs. Not everyone believe that the fetus is a "person".

  • 128
    Voted Yea

    The Supreme Court was wrong to strike down Roe v Wade but this legislation also should have been passed a long time ago. The state level restrictions that have been attempted and passed over the years on this type of health care are abominable and the fact that they have even been considered is a sign of extremely poor quality in leadership. This must be passed and anyone who votes against it should be forced to personally listen to every person who is negatively affected by the restrictions that they don't want removed. I am so tired of this even being up for debate. The "pro-life" (IE forced-birth because nobody who supports it cares AT ALL about life beyond pregancy) argument isn't even Christian and directly violates several other major religions. There is no excuse for this.

  • 33
    Voted Yea

    It's a woman's right to do what she wants with her body.  And there is a chilling effect because this could turn this country into a theocracy--and that's not what we're founded on.

  • 35
    Voted Yea

    Women are entitled to have choices on their bodies just like men

  • 9,293

    The ability to choose matters!!!!

  • 47
    Voted Yea

    Leaving this to medical experts is the responsible choice.   Those of us not aware of all details should not be making decisions for others.  

  • 35
    Voted Yea

    I'm so proud of the lawmakers throwing their support behind this bill! Thank you to my Illinois lawmakers for backing this bill!

  • 33
    Voted Yea

    Every woman has the fundamental right to make the optimal decision about her body. This should not be decided by the state or Supreme Court. 

  • 2,257
    Voted Yea

    I support all women's right to all healthcare (including abortion) without interference from any leverl of government. Anyone who votes AGAINST the women in my life loses my vote regardless of any other issues.

  • 36
    Voted Nay

    It would be nice if the federal government would let the states decide, just like the Supreme Court found was in the constitution. 

    Abortion is not a right. It's a choice. You chose to have unprotected sex and the repercussion is a pregnancy. 

    And before you bring up rape, please know that only 1% of abortions are for rape victims. 

    Senator Cruz- want to re-think your secession stance now?


    the federal government will never stop overstepping their power. 

  • 48
    Voted Yea

    After 50 years of judicial development, the culture of this country has been changed and shaped by the freedoms women have over their lives and reproduction. We must codify these freedoms so that a better balance of powers can be achieved between the states and the rights of the people.


    Please vote in favor.

  • 731
    Voted Yea

    PLEASE SUPPORT and vote to PASS 

    H.R. 8296 ‼️

     — known as the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022 

  • 1,030
    Voted Yea

    May this desperately needed bill pass in both the House and the Senate. So very tired of seeing our rights eroded and erased by a minority of crazies who do not represent the will of the sane majority