The Long Arc: Taking Action in Times of Change

Changes are coming to Causes

  • 13.5k
    Today at 4:01 AM

    Malaria lied about the need of USaid or Trump throw her under the bus!

  • 13.5k
    Today at 3:56 AM

    At what point is using government for revenge an impeachable offense?

  • 2,219
    Today at 1:48 AM

    I could not believe what Tillis said and that I agree.


  • 13.5k
    Today at 3:34 AM

    I am surprised republicans even support Trump on anything, at some point they will be out of a job Trump will fire them!

  • 5,128
    Today at 12:47 AM

    hey Maga you aint seen nuthin yet! bozo n his minions love you because you are 'less than educated', drink their koolaid 

    so what are they gutting ... the very things you need most education health inflation environment 

    they dont give a flip about you! 

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 10:38 PM

    Yes you did sign up! He told all of you, what he was going to do on day one! He could rely that you're to stupid to do any research and only listen to Fox!

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 10:32 PM

    Wall Street just now figuring it out, like daaaaaaa!

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 10:02 PM

    Trump can't handle the truth, that is why his midnight rants!

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 9:51 PM

    Trump cares about your health, that is why reverse Biden initiatives to phase out plastic straw, it only found to block your arteries! Kill the sea food you eat. Now found in pole bears. Don't worry be happy?

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 2:21 AM

    The prayer, I think, the American people are making is that the god takes and send Trump to the place he deserves?

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 3:21 AM

    I understand proud boy are now girly boys!

  • 13.5k
    last Thursday

    Where do you think USaid gets there products from, the farmers!  I guess we will have welfare Farmers and homeless farmers as well!

  • 13.5k
    last Thursday

    Hey some of my best friends know a nothing Republican. The ones I know I do have to agree with you!

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 12:14 AM

    Anti-Christ is the model of the anti-Christian group the love a good crusade and war!

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 12:08 AM

    Vice President Trump report President Musk have the children under control? Heard it directly from the horse ass!

  • 13.5k
    Yesterday at 12:03 AM

    The private Medicare advantage insurance program own by insurance companies are doing what companies do, fleecing the America public, just like Florida, North Carolina, California and united state. Business as usual!

  • 13.5k
    last Thursday

    Trump fuming about CBS doing everything right with out any bias following the operating standards that any real news outlet would follow, Not like Fox News entertainment channel! He assumes it like Fox?

  • 13.5k
    last Thursday

    The little boy needs daddy or mommy? maybe his meds or drugs?

  • 13.5k
    last Thursday

    Musk was trying to again access to stop funding of agencies and payments sent out!

  • 10
    last Wednesday

    l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I'd be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19719 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless....

    This is what I do… https://w­w­w.c­a­s­h­d­a­il­y­