Civic Register
| 2.28.22

Democrats' Abortion Rights Bill Fails to Advance in the Senate
Do you support or oppose Democrats’ abortion rights bill?
What’s the story?
- The Senate voted Monday to reject a bill offered by Democrats to enshrine abortion rights and prevent states from enacting restrictions on abortion.
- The vote failed 46-48, well short of the 60 vote threshold needed to overcome the legislative filibuster. All Republican senators who were present voted against advancing the bill and they were joined by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).
What’s the bill?
- Democrats’ bill ― known as the Women’s Health Protection Act ― would create a federal right to abortion and preempt state laws on the subject. It would define fetal viability for legal purposes based on healthcare providers’ good-faith medical judgment about whether there’s a likelihood of sustained fetal survival outside the womb or without artificial support.
- The bill would block requirements that a healthcare provider performs tests or medical procedures unless generally necessary; that specified tests be performed prior to or subsequent to the abortion; or that impose limits on a healthcare provider’s ability to provide abortion services via telemedicine. It would also prohibit regulations concerning the abortion facility’s physical plant, equipment, staffing, or hospital transfer arrangements; and requirements that a patient make one or more in-person visits to the abortion provider or another entity.
- Additionally, the bill would block a prohibition on abortion prior to fetal viability, including restrictions on particular abortion procedures; ban abortion after viability when the healthcare provider determines a continued pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant woman’s life or health; or to provide abortion services immediately if the provider determines a delay would pose a risk to the woman’s health.
- The bill passed the House on September 24, 2021, on a 218-211 vote that went mostly along party-lines as all Republicans were opposed and they were joined by one Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX).
— Eric Revell
(Photo Credit: kelliwhitman via Flickr / Creative Commons )
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Killing babies is never right. Prevention is the solution.
Government should stay out of individuals affairs.
PLEASE oppose this bill. Children are our greatest resource! ThanQ
This bill shouldn't be necessary, it shouldn't even be an issue; abortion rights are federal law.
Having an abortion is not just about killing babies as some think. It can be about saving an unborn very sick or deformed fetus from birth, target hospitalization and ultimate death. It can be about the psychological damage of rape and incest. Abortion clinics include family planning and can also include helping couples who cannot conceive on their own have wanted children. Forcing women to carry and birth children that they cannot care for or do not want doesn’t make the world a better place for the child. And, states that are forcing this don’t then provide for the care of these children. These old gray haired men in statehouses making these decisions are the same men who flaunt their maleness and use women. And those that think they are following the Bible by being against abortion but then don’t support caring for these children through childcare, free education for these children and help for the mothers -haven’t really read the Bible, as they then should be their neighbors keepers. This is contrary to what states like Texas are doing with paying people for tattling on their neighbor for cash. That is what is sinful.
My body my choice. Get your bans off my body. That's the theme I keep seeing in the comments over and over for the supporters of this bill. I understand. I used to be on the fence about abortion. Womens rights are equally as important as men's rights. Human rights is a better term. We should treat each other as humans instead of others. Eventually though I decided the unborn have the same rights as adults. But they do not have a voice. If independent viability is the standard cutoff the human race will go extinct in one generation. How many 2 or even 10 year olds do you know that can survive on their own? Do we abort/kill them too if they become a burden on society or their parents? For the supporters of this bill I will make you a deal. I'll provide and sharpen the knife whenever you're ready to abort that 23rd trimester person that's a burden to her parents. Who's ready to do the cutting? No doctors or clinics. Just you, a sharp knife, and a child. Well get after it. There are tens of thousands of homeless children that were born during the age of abortion. They somehow slipped through the cracks of this enlightened society that allows its unborn to be killed and then celebrates it as an accomplishment showcasing women's rights and reproductive health. Time to take up the slack and take care of them now before they start having unwanted children of their own. People who don't want to be vaccinated or vaccinate their children because it causes autism, and pro-choice/elective abortion supporters will eventually virtue their way out of existence. How many unborn will die along the way I wonder. We're already well past 60 million since 1973. That's roughly the population in the US states west of the Rocky Mountains.
Abortion is healthcare. Healthcare is a human right.
You republicans are not pro-life, you are pro-birth. You would see a child born but do not want to pay to feed, house, or educate that child. Nor do you care about the health services of any mother, the wage-gap or that mother’s education or well being. Pro-choice comes from a place of unconditional love for the right of our sisters to determine what is best for them in a number of given circumstances. Pro-life breeds judgment, hate, and fear.
I bet it was better than the other guys plan. One that women would agree with.
Stop the Killing of our Children!
Sick of the argument- you never have the right to control the bodies of other people. Period.
This has been a women's health right since Roe v Wade! Do not take away our rights. Use birth control or grow the science for men's birth control!
There are as many reasons for needing abortion as there are women who seek this personal right! You have no right to judge them or to deny them that right. Any legislation that protects access to safe, legal abortion has my unequivocal support. And if you have any humanity in you it should have your support as well.
Totally support. It's a sad state of affairs when bills like this has to be introduced to protect rights that have been legalized through laws or through SC actions. I really don't understand why this is an ongoing issue when the SC decision does not mandate that a woman have an abortion, So for those who are against abortion then fine don't have one, but leave the rest of those who do alone. In other words stay the hell out of their business and quit trying to micro manage everybody's life according to your own restrictive personal views. Start respecing a person's individual right to chose. The Roe v. Wade decision safeguards the unborn once they reach vivability status, so the unborn do have protections that are appropriate, so give it a rest you religious zealots.
Anti-Choice hypocrites don't get to tell women whether they can have an abortion or not. If the pandemic showed us anything, it's that most of them are not pro-life at all, just anti-choice in this one particular thing.
I believe abortion should be left up to the state. Not by the Democratic Party. Abortion is a personal thing between a woman and her doctor. Unfortunately a lot of women use abortion for birth control. Government encouraging abortion leads me to wonder why. What do they do with all the aborted babies. Why would anyone carry a baby for nine months and then decide to have an abortion.? Why does America like paying for abortions around the world. Why does America let people come to America for an abortion? There’s way too many questions Not answered. I have a dozen more questions.
These people screaming about freedom and legitimate political discourse want to dominate women and tell them what they can and cannot do with their bodies….what a bunch of hypocrites.
No way you can condone murder and have a conscience.....Life of the mother, rape and incest are all subjective....
Time to get government out of women’s healthcare. Young people are abandoning religion in great numbers. Within a couple generations religious people will be a minority and we can tax the shit out of all religions
Once again, no government, federal or state, has the right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body. It is my emotional, mental, and physical health at stake here, NOT THEIRS. It is my body that has gained a parasite which will transform into a human body much like a caterpillar in a chrysalis turning into a butterfly. And once the fetus has fully formed it isn't a living thing until it takes its first breath. The fact still remains that I have the right to decide if I want to be a mother. If they really wish to prevent abortion, then they had best address the CAUSE of the problem namely the horney male of the species who can't keep his pants zipped up and his libido in check. When the courts and the law refuse to accept such behavior from men and start STRONG punishment for this behavior, then there wouldn't be a need for such legislation. Too many get away with rape, incest, and forcing their wives and others to have sex and it is uncalled for just because they are men and think they have the right to do so. I'm beginning to think politicians, judges, and law enforcement are perverts. Not all but a good portion of them to allow this to happen.