Senate Votes on S. 2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

How do you feel about your senators’ votes?

  • 1,714
    Voted Apathetic

    Not even close to being enough.  But it's a baby step. 

  • 138
    Voted Sad

    Scott and Rubio, failed again.  Pro mass murders!  Never ever do the right thing for the people, just their contributors.

  • 17.4k
    Voted Happy

    Michigan's Stabenow and Peters have their Citizen’s interest at hand. Thank you 😊!

  • 743

    It is said that Football is a game of inches, and the issue of firearms safety and control has proven itself to be an issue of very small incremental steps, away from total insanity to some semblance of sanity via legislation. And then, along comes the SCOTUS bought and paid for shills (the conservative majority) and willfully expose the American Public to a scale of anticipated collateral damage via firearms that we have not seen since the 1800s when gunfights in the street were commonplace, and now we can expect gunfights in places like subways, busses, and trains that share in common the aspects of many people being confined in a relatively small space with few avenues of escape; and the carnage ensues.

  • 694
    Voted Apathetic

    It doesn't go nearly far enough, ban weapons of war and add background checks for all, plus waiting periods. 

  • 135
    Voted Happy

    It's so had to believe that so many Republicans voted against this simple small measure to save lives. That's in both houses. Does the NRA control the GOP? Serious question. 

  • 110
    Voted Sad

    This is political window dressing. The midterm is upon us, the politicians and parties want to show they did something. 
    The only solution to gun violence is banning the 2nd amendment. The late Chief Justice Warren stated to Mike Wallace that the 2nd amendment is a FRAUD. 
    But I am not naive to hope Congress will do the right thing. 

    The mass shooting massacres will continue; Americans will die while the gun lobby will get richer and more powerful 

  • 78
    Voted Happy

    Anything to help save human lives. Human life is more important than owning a gun especially criminals and people who don't respect human life.

  • 78
    Voted Sad

    This bill will keep prescription medications high. Allowing PBMs to keep the rebates that they force on manufacturers to get on their formulary. 

  • 1,431
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Apathetic

    1 Yes, 1 No. Texas senators vote on our children's safety. Thank you for your leadership and wisdom, Sen. Cornyn.

  • 4,006
    Voted Happy

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "Senate Votes on S. 2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.  How do you feel about your senators’ votes?"  ME:  "The Boys" voted in favor of this small step -- NOW get to work on the REALLY tough stuff: assault weapon ban, magazine limitations, buy back programs, etc., etc.

  • 718
    Voted Happy

    You guys are rock solid. Thanks for not being influenced by political pressure. This IS an infringement of our 2nd Amendment rights! PERIOD. 

  • 788
    Voted Happy

    Have two of the best in Senate. 

  • 70
    Voted Sad

    I see you have voted to take guns from law abiding citizens and give them to criminals. The law will cause more muder not less. This is from experience. Not all mass killing are by guns!

  • 1,092
    Voted Apathetic

    still more needs to be passed and semi auto amatics andmilitary high capacity need baned and ghost gund need to be registerred

  • 174
    Voted Apathetic

    It's a start but it's very weak. And you noticed that the politicians from FL voted against it. The NRA has been good ($$$$) to them.

  • 208
    Voted Apathetic

    Glad that there was progress, but still does not go far enough.

  • 224
    Voted Apathetic

    Kudos to Todd Young for doing the right thing, and shame on Mike Braun for embarrassing Indiana once again with his ultra-partisanism. 

  • 809
    Voted Sad

    As usual, bi-partisanship means Republicans side with Democrats (to their own demise).  You NEVER catch Democrats voting with Republicans against their own or their party's interests.  You would have thought they'd learned that by now.  Much of this will be challenged in court and, just like the New York decision, much of it will be overturned.  Something to think about.  The same Democrats hand-wringing over safe communities are the same Democrats who let cities burn, criminals run roughshod, and encourage domestic terror to advance their agenda.  Don't for a minute believe they really give a damn about mass shootings.  Like Joseph Stalin, they believe these are just necessary statistics in the "long march."

  • 1,094
    Voted Happy

    The root cause of gun issues is not the control but the state of mind of the individual.  More gun control will do nothing.  You can ban guns and crazed individuals will find a way that's why it's important the money in that bill is going to mental health issues and red flags.  That will do more good than banning guns altogether.