House Votes on S. 2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

How do you feel about your representative’s vote?

  • 17.4k
    Voted Sad

    Guess the Guns Over People party still prevails with my rep. How many? How many more must be slaughtered in order to get rid of weapons of mass destruction in the public's hands? Hunt game if that's your choice. Target 🎯 practice too. Weapons of war aren't needed.

  • 2,959

    My state's Representative just lost my vote come November.  Any responsible and respectable gun owner would have voted for this legislation for the simple common sense of it.  It seems as if these idiots are promoting mass genocide.  They don't give a damn who dies as long as it isn't themselves or their "nearest and dearest".

  • 135
    Voted Happy

    It wasn't enough but it's a start. Our country is one of the most dangerous countries in the world. 

  • 649
    Anne Marie
    Voted Sad

    I am extremely disappointed that my House representative did not support this bill, even though I think that it does not go far enough.  So he probably would not support other things that are needed, in my opinion, such as universal background checks.

  • 1,431
    The Rev Dr Edward
    Voted Happy

    Thank you Rep. Castro for your leadership and wisdom in protecting our children.

  • 32

    Our Congress person is Lauren Boebert.  Need I say more?

  • 47
    Voted Sad

    Very disappointed in Representative Burgess' vote but I am glad to know where he stands. 

  • 72
    Voted Sad

    It is good to know Rodney never disappoints to vote the exact OPPOSITE of the way I would like for him too.  Just voted for Mary Miller last week in the effort to FINALLY get rid of him.

  • 208
    Voted Sad

    Why would I expect Ted Cruz and Chip Roy to vote for some positive ways to deal with gun violence in our society?  Oh, of course!  They were bought off by the gun lobby long ago and only care about the most radical wing of the party.  While I don't expect either of them to care about safety and civility on our society, I do care if they are reelected to be free to wreck havoc on democracy. 


    Btw, Chip Roy has blocked his sites from receiving any critical responses from his constituents.  So much for the First Amendment, eh, Chip?

  • 412
    Voted Sad

    John Moolenaar is a tRumpulican!  He follows his leader without regard to any thought of what's best for his constituents or the country.  My senators are strong for their constituents and think of the Country first and the rule of laws passed by Congress and written in the Constitutition to preserve and improve rights of all Americans.

  • 4,006
    Voted Sad

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "House Votes on S. 2938: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.  How do you feel about your representative’s vote?"  ME: But of course my "more guns!  shoot more" Rep. voted against the bill.

  • 881
    Voted Sad

    Mary Miller, IL, blew another vote.  Shame on you!

  • 868
    Voted Sad

    The Minority Party CAVED on this. And the members did absolutely NO work to keep their own members on the side of the U.S Constitution but did not do anything to get Dem members to stand up for the U.S Constitution!!! And Forget the USA Citizens who needs them?!! This issue, the 2A, is a No Brainer!! It the most plain and clear amendment in the Constitution. So, now I want to hear which one of you, Marco and Rick Scott, are going to Challenge this in the Courts!! And when it gets to the SCOTUS I am sure this law, the 2A violations, will be overturned. Money go Mental Health is good, but, not if the State is not spending on it too. Hardening of the Schools and Armed personnel under cover or not also is good. But Every State should be spending money on it too. The Fed Govt must not be the Full Source of funding for these State and Local Responsilities!!! I am sure that some States will take OUR Fed Money and do nothing. And the money will be long gone. That entire Law should have been ONLY these types of things. Gun Confiscation, New Age Restrictions, Gun and Ammo Schemes, Background Checks and all other 2A Violations should have been left out of any Law that is supposed to make School Children safe and to End Mass Shootings. The 2A Violations ONLY Restrict Law Abiding Citizens. Criminals are not going straight because of any Rights you Steal from the USA Citizens. Criminals have their own rules. And they are winning under this Biden Admin.

    And the Mentally Challenged, especially the Criminally Mentally Challenged are not checking the Laws prior to Killing People. So this Legislation misses on every level. But, the Unconstitutional things must be Challenged!! Marco, Rick, who is going to take the Lead on this? And, IF you answer, which I doubt, do it in a one Sentence Response. I don't need a Campaign Speech or a Life History or a Keyboard Based Marketing Flyer.

    I do hope you will have the Courage and Commitment to not only Challenge the 2A Violations in this Bill,but, to let the Nation know you are Fighting these Violations of our Constitutional Rights.

    And that you will fight until these Violations are Overturned!!

  • 138
    Voted Sad

    Can always count on Diaz-Balart to do the wrong thing for the people.  Seditionist, "big lie" proponent and pro mass murderers.

  • 53
    Voted Sad

    Ridiculous that this wasn't supported 100% at this point.

  • 94
    Voted Happy

    It is a good beginning , but far short of my desired ban on assut
