BILL: Ban Assault Weapons? - Assault Weapons Ban of 2023 - S.25

Are we doing enough to address gun violence?

  • 104.1k
    Voted No

    Under the 1994 assault weapons ban mass shooting decreased until it expired and then they increased.

  • 55.2k
    Voted Yes

    Didn't know which question to answer.

    No, we're not doing enough.

    Yes, I support an assault weapons ban.


    The only thing all these mass murders have in common is guns. Stop the guns.

  • 11.4k

  • 647
    Voted Maybe

    Let's get to the root of the problem with the AR-15 style weapons, the use a very high powered, very high velocity ammunition ! This ammo causes unbelievable damage to humans! Ask any doctor that has worked on a victim of this type of gun violence! Ok would for starters have a 300% tax on this ammo to help victims from this Ammo! 
    Just remember we have thousands of these guns already in existence! I also know hundreds of thousands of rounds are stock piled in people's closets! But as things do happen it does get used up and people will purchase more! 
    Also keep records of who purchased the round on a national database that all law enforcement can access! 

  • 1,030
    Voted No

    Assault weapons need to be banned, and no one should own one.

  • 536
    Voted Yes

    Okay @Causes. This was tricky. Which question am I answering. Should we ban assault weapons? (Yes!) Or is it Are we doing enough? (No) You can't ask two questions on the same poll that are opposing views. What the hell?

  • 3,959

    After listening to the tragic Uvalde review this morning on NPR. I was totally unaware police officers flack vest can not fend off an AR rifle bullet. The only officers with vest that can help some what was the SWAT Team who was over an hour away. Two officers were shot attempting to get the shooter. That changes my whole opinion of the AR rifle and large magazines. I am just not sure if the Ban on AR style rifles and large magazines would help. Or would it be a run on those rifles and magazines. It amazes me how companies can see the harm their products are doing. But the $$ means more than innocent lives of children and regular folks. Big business is running America. Our politicians are afraid of losing their positions in office, if they speak out. This is very similar to the tobacco industry a few years ago. Only now they make their money off countries other the United States. Sad isn't it, and we have so many frozen into the belief, they need these weapons. 

  • 647
    Voted Maybe

    We need to do something to control the firearms that use supersonic ammunition! This high speed, high energy ammunition causes unbelievable damage to humans! It was developed for urban warfare and has no place for home defense or hunting! 
     I see this ammo on sale next to checkouts and wonder where this ammunition is going and who it's going to hurt severely! 

  • 107
    Voted No

    We are not doing enough to prevent gun violence. No more thought s and prayers. Do 

  • 131
    Voted No

    I support Bill S.25 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2023.

    Thereis no reason for anyone to own such destructive weapons. No one's trying to ban all guns, just the most dangerous.

    We all have to pass tests, be registered and pass regulations in order to own/drive a vehicle. Why would we regulate something even more dangerous like a gun any less?

  • 46
    Voted Yes

    Yes, we should ban assault weapons for a safer future.

  • 74
    Voted No

    I fully support a ban on assault response. These weapons of war have no place in our civil society.  

  • 56
    Voted No

    This bill is a waste of time to even be on the floor. Laws dont stop criminals

  • 125
    Voted No

    "Well-regulated malitia" about WELL-REGULATED CITZENRY?!!!!

    So, you can insure 'gun safety' for us all. Don't be cowardly anymore.

  • 1,358
    Voted No

    There is absolutely no reason for anyone to own an assault weapon 

  • 46
    Voted No

    The constitution is clear: if you want to play with guns you can join a well regulated militia, i.e. the armed forces. Other than that, firearms for hunting and other uses should be limited to muskets, and muskets should be licensed and insured. 

  • 178
    Voted Yes

    If you want to have assault weapons, join the National Guard. 
    that way the mentally I'll have a better chance of being weeded out. 

  • 67
    Voted No

    Army Vet, '61-'64.

    80yo, never met/saw/Heard of, any Animal, Requiring More Power than a Semi-Auto provides, to Stop Dead, any animal, except HUMANS!

    Truth be Me!

  • 35
    Voted No

    Sale of guns, rifles, etc., is not the problem. The fact that databases are nation/world wide is. We should be passing bills that let law advising citizens open/conceal carry nation wide. 

  • 42
    Voted No

    Common sense tells us no American needs an assault weapon. Only a crazy person would think they need one. And I think we can all agree crazy people are the ones that really really shouldn't have them. Let's stop confusing rights with perpetuating violence. 

  • 80
    Voted No

    Gun violence is a terrible problem that has affected countless communities across the U.S. Evidence is clear that countries with tighter gun laws don't have near as many gun related tragedies. The more gun restrictions, the safer America is. 

  • 812
    Voted No

    What about mental 

  • 479

    Funny, if you read the Second Amendment, they don't seem to have even considered that there was any need to mention hunting, sporting, or self-defense. In 1791 it would have been absurd to suggest taking away people's ability to hunt or protect their farm.

    Then what were they so concerned about that they addressed it even before amendments mentioning significant legal rights?

    They intended the balance of power to favor the citizens, not the federal government.

  • 73
    Voted No

    You need to do deeper. The misuse of assault weapons speaks to a deeper social illness. We need to understand why we have many mass shootings. It isn't all guns. It isn't all mental illness. There are many causes and there isn't enough being done to address the roots and causes of the violence issue. Think of an iceberg, you only see the top third, what is there beneath the surface? It's not as easy to identify but in addressing it, you will be more helpful to society. 

  • 77
    Voted No

    We need stricker gun laws and to ban assault rifles entirely. There are way too many people with firearms who shouldn't have them under any circumstances. We must regulate handguns and ban these weapons of war within our society. 

  • 479

    Let's look at a recent NBC news article bemoaning weekend shootings:

    "At approximately 12:25 AM police were called.." to "a peaceful "celebration of Juneteenth" that began at 6 p.m."

    "The shooting came hours after two people were killed and three injured near the the Beyond Wonderland electronic dance music festival in Washington State."

    "Another deadly shooting took place just after 1 a.m. in St. Louis, Missouri... at a party being held on the fifth floor of the building, an office space..."

    So, 4 people were killed at 3 different parties between the hours of 8pm and 2am. There is no specific mention of whether alcohol was involved. There is no indication whether any group rivalries were factors in motivating the violence. The type of weapons used was not specified.

    What all three incidents definitely have in common is that they occurred at parties that started in the evening and lasted late into the night.

    Look at the details in these "tragic weekend shootings" articles, and the times and places reveal a factor that nobody is willing to address. Think the NRA has influence? Try telling people they can't party after 10pm.



  • 81
    Voted No

    Our state has had enough