What You Can Do to Help in Afghanistan

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  • 26
    Margaret J.

    Google pay 81$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 100 hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 13k for months now and he works about 24 hours a week. I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it out. This is what I do.. click at this go to tech tab for more details… >>>> www.Nifty2.com

  • 8,471

    There are NOT 40 thousand Americans left in Afghanistan. The number is more like 1,500, many with dual citizenship, who do not want to leave! Do some reading, people! Educate yourself! https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/08/25/us-working-to-contact-most-of-the-estimated-1500-americans-left-in-afghanistan.htm

  • 1,234

    These are Washington DC's allies not the American peoples. Americans would not have imported the 9/11 terrorist to begin with.

  • 1,234

    F-U, Stop importing these terrorist to kill Americans

  • 152

    Have my senators and governors reach out to their constituents in the government and have Biden and his regime removed from office that’s the only thing I can do

  • 27.8k

    I despise fundraising based on misery but with no way (or, worse, no intention) to deliver aid. What is the US Government doing or planning to do? What are more traditional groups like the Red Cross doing or planning to do? Given the chaos and brutality of the Taliban we are already seeing, like beating protestors with police batons*, how are these small groups planning to deliver aid? It would seem impossible without a well-equipped and well-trained resistance militia which we aren't seeing. Are people managing to flee the country? We need more information! How will the Taliban provide an atmosphere for commerce to resume while ramping up ruthless cultural repression? * "Afghanistan Live Updates: The Taliban, Ashraf Ghani and Biden" - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/08/18/world/taliban-afghanistan-news Also, "The Taliban Respond with Force" https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/18/world/asia/afghanistan-taliban-protests.html

  • 83

    Obama Biden 2.0 Iraq all over again leaving to soon which destabilized the country and ISIS grew. It was in our security interests to keep Iraq stable as it’s in our security interests too keep Afghanistan stable to keep the Taliban and other terrorist from having a place to plan and launch attacks on us and other countries. It takes years to develop and train a military and to purge bad actors from their ranks. We should be keeping enough troops to help these countries and keep the pressure on Terrorist from Pakistan, Iraq, Iran In check we’ve lost all the gains of the past years now we’re back to square one. Thousands of innocent people are dead and more are going to die because of Biden and his do nothing bullshit. If this isn’t an impeachable thing nothing is.

  • 268

    Thank you Causes for the listing of NGOs for help and assistance and I urge everyone to help where you can; imagine it was you enduring these horrors. I chose CARE as I have been a monthly donor and partner for many years and they have the international reach and logistics in place to effectively help.

  • 753

    Hey Rick Scott you complete dumb ass didn’t but I can do exactly what Donald Trump said he would do in a second term! Oh I see it’s only OK with you if Trump he won’t be does it so you can be on your hands and knees in front of him kowtowing. Really the republican party makes me wanna puke they become such bullshit artists. We went into Afghanistan under a republican president George Bush! A Republican sent us into a war with no end in sight.l Absolutely zero exit strategy! We spent 20 years in Afghanistan before that the Russian spent 20 years in Afghanistan and it always ends up the same the Afghan is fight the Afghanis and they have been for 1000 years. It was a waste of Russian plug it was a waste of American blood and it was a republican Bush that drug is in there. I am so sick of Republican bullshit and that’s exactly what it is lies and bullshit. Oh and by the way Rick idiot Scott it was another great Republican that actually armed the Taliban in case you can’t remember that was Ronald Reagan you stupid ass.

  • 264

    What about the 40,000 American citizens left behind? Criminal negligence.

  • 284

    Vote Blue. Root out domestic terrorism supported by the right.

  • 36

    Dear Sir, I’m writing to continue to plead with you to do all that is necessary to rescue our Afghan partners still stuck in Afghanistan. We have a window of opportunity, PLEASE do not waste it. I beg you to call on whoever and whatever is necessary to enable troops to provide safe transport from these resident’s current location to the airport in Kabul. We DESPERATELY need this to be a “Dunkirk” moment. We have the capacity and ability-we just need our leaders to have the will to push this to the highest priority. Our veterans-especially veterans in congress support this and have been shouting for months to be heard. PLEASE listen to them as to how to make this a successful mission, one that will not result in America having a reputation of not honoring our promises. This could be a heroic moment for our country, or it could go down in infamy, just like the Viet Nam war, and so many other episodes where we have neglected our moral obligations. - Please do not make this a political moment, but a “right and wrong”, “moral and immoral” moment. Remove the red-tape of the visa requirements. Help these people get to the airport-airlift them out of wherever they are. We CAN do this. I’m begging and pleading with you to WANT TODO THIS! Thousands of human lives are at stake-and their fate lies in your hands. If we fail, the repercussions will follow us forever. PLEASE!!! GET THEM OUT!

  • 1,221

    The best thing We can do for Afgans is to push Congress to Impeach Traitor, Fraudulent p biden NOW.

  • 165

    Never vote Democrat and vote out RINOs that want to work to make a bigger government.

  • 1,020

    My other comments not with standing, one thing we should be doing in Afghanistan is protecting the lives of those traitors that we converted to help us while we were there. There is basically no progress on that front. There are 20,000 individuals who need our help and have earned our help by betraying their country. The current timeline for processing those visas is three years, and there’s no political will to shorten that in this exceptional circumstance. So… Because we are willing to accept bureaucratic red tape almost all of these individuals will die.We can add these 20,000 murders on top of the 164,000 we’ve already killed in Afghanistan. We should all be ashamed of our country and we should all be ashamed of ourselves.

  • 1,020

    Over the last 20 years my evil nation states has confiscated roughly $75,000 from me and redirected it to its military aggression in Afghanistan. As far as I can tell that did absolutely no good, and a lot of bad. Spending any more money there in my opinion would be to send good money after bad. The Afghanis are gonna have to figure out their own country on their own. I don’t really want to be involved anymore. By the way the number $75,000 may come as a shock. I estimate it this way. The 2 trillion price tag of Afghanistan, when divide it out per taxpayer is around $15,000. I pay taxes at a rate of roughly 5 times the national average, so my portion is roughly $75,000. Shocking isn’t it? And with the $75,000 our military murdered 164,000 Afghanistan. That’s $2.20 Per murdered individual. A Republican would probably see that as a tremendously great value, I see it as an abomination. A crime against humanity.