Save Me: Plastic Pollution Is Killing Sea Turtles

Enter to win $50,000 while helping to save sea turtles

  • 92

    Plastic doesn't just kill sea turtles. It kills thousands of sea creatures, birds and mammals. We all know what it does to the environment. We should have begun to use alternate materials years ago. We're all going to have to make "sacrifices" and change our lifestyles if we want to save the planet as we know it for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

  • 101

    We can send a man to the moon, we can prevent plastic in our oceans. Recycle. Reuse.

  • 2,797

    Here you are worried about sea turtles and we have hundreds of thousands of people dying in America from the Coronavirus. Here are the figures since January 20th at noontime to present 156 days. Cases 9,009,315 Deaths 334,550. Just in the United States. Yet Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden has our border wide open to let 178,000 illegal aliens cross over the border. No quarantine and no testing and realer immediately.

  • 32

    why do we have plastic, plastic and people do not mix well.. it’s so bad for the society not only do the animals get hurt.. we consume micro plastic all the time.

  • 71

    Once the sea turtles are extinct, what’s next?

  • 35

    Protect all turtles and creatures.holy heavens.

  • 44.7k

    A bit off topic, but still concerning helping those animals that have no defense against being threatened, abused and even killed. ... Once again, TX. Gov. abbott shows how the Repugnant Republican party is NOT PRO-LIFE, JUST PRO-BIRTH. From KHOU news here in Houston .... "You can still chain up dogs with no water or shade in Texas after Governor Abbott vetoes bill to ban it" "Gov. Greg Abbott is taking heat from animal-loving Texans who created the hashtag #AbbottHatesDogs on Twitter to express their disgust with the veto." .... Full story ....

  • 1,582

    True reform in plastic products will only happen when we require that all plastic items contain 50% recycled materials! Anything less is just kicking the ball down the street!

  • 41.9k

    REPOST: The US has for years, shipped plastic refuse to foreign countries willing to take it including China and some of the less developed countries. China no longer accepts our plastic waste and other countries are beginning to follow suit. The source, of course, is the use of plastics for so many things because it’s cheap and can be used for throw-away items, like package wrapping and as containers for a wide variety of food items. One solution would be to use bio-degradable plastics for anything that is used as a simple wrapper, bottle or food container - with a design life of something like 150% of the annotated ‘use-by’ date. If only those things that are designed to be more or less permanent like building materials would be made with non-biodegradable materials, the used plastics that needed special handling would be greatly reduced. … … … For plastic bottles specifically designed to be recycled, authorize or legislate return fees similar to the way glass drink bottles used to be handled. Incentivize the return of plastic grocery bags which can be recycled for something like 50¢ a pound - paid for by 2¢ charge for each plastic bag used at checkout. The costs of incentivized collected items can be paid for by ‘usage charges’ for items purchased. Sure, there is not a lot of incentives for moderately well off people but would be great ways for the most desperate of us to generate some income, and would be a great way for kids to gain spending money and gain some work ethic as well. … … … I think the biggest problem is to control the source of plastic pollution first and see if there are not ways to share the costs to help clean up the oceans - like other ocean traversing craft used for shipping, for example, which could be incentivized to ‘barge-drag’ select polluted ocean surfaces as they travel. Getting rid of plastic waste under water and at depth is a more difficult and costly problem. … … … My grandmother had a saying that ‘When the old man peed in the Ocean he said, every little bit helps’. Solutions for cleaning up and limiting plastic pollution are kind of like that. I think this can best be accomplished with everyone doing just their little part. Plastic pollution starts everyplace where there are people. If these people collectively do their part, we can reduce and manage this global problem. … … … Now I have to get some dinner and ingest my daily dose of micro plastic residue that is showing up in many food sources. We all ingest about a credit card’s plastic content WEEKLY (thanks larubia for catching my error when I previously stated ‘annually’) - it is everywhere and it is increasing.

  • 325
    Robert (Steve)

    Remember when they sold the public on using plastic containers and they said it would be better for the environment because they would just use the plastic over and over again. This outcome was predicted years ago when we first started using plastics for single use containers.

  • 162

    Hemp can do sooooo much of what plastic does - we need to understand how critical this is for everyone - yes GOP - even you are affected by plastic pollution. Let’s support industry to move away from plastic and into biodegradable products that will help reduce pollution. The ecology of our planet is EVERYBODY’S problem

  • 276

    Save the Turtle plz. I saved two last week.

  • 349

    The world was originally designed to be self sustaining. When trees fell, decomposers came along and eventually cleaned up the mess. And there are billions of ways that the cycle of life happens naturally. What is not natural is plastic in the ocean. It kills off not only turtles but it also makes fish dangerous for human consumption. So if we are going to use the oceans as major garbage dumps, then we'd better find a way to preserve seafood and other salt water species. Better yet, let's raise fines for littering so high that people doing it will stop!

  • 42
    Doris J.

    my neighbor's sister makes $88/hr on the computer. She has been laid off for 7 months but last month her paycheck was $15820 just working on the computer for a few hours. look at this website >>>

  • 666

    It’s so easy for us to come up with all these “snappy” ideas and thoughts about this, while Covid continues to ravage the poor countries of the world, many of which have become dumping grounds for our trash.

  • 78

    No company should be allowed to manufacture any plastic that is not recyclable. No plastic including packaging should be allowed to be imported into this country.