IT: Battles between students and police intensify, and... šŸ’» Should we regulate AI access to our private data?

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  • 11
    Emma Z.

    By following these simple steps on this website, you can bring from $2000-$4000 of extra income every month... All you need is a computer and an internet connection and you are ready to start. Learn how to make a steady income for yourself on following web addressĀ 

  • 53.7k

    @causes, not only are you not posting enough current issues to keep us engaged, but I am once again seeing Islamophobic ads from AIPAC on my site.Ā 

    Please remove this type of partisan lobbyist ads from your site.

  • 53.7k

    I fully expect that all university will spend the summer examining their policies on protests, free speech, and use of space.Ā 

    It's clear a lot of these institutions do not know how to protect both the safety of students and the free speech rights of students at the same time, and that's a shame. I hope those students who remained peaceful are not harmed by the actions of others, but it's partly up to the leadership and the law enforcement agencies.

  • 1,358

    We should have privacy legislation that prevents all companies from accessing our data without express written permission. Separately they should've required to get signed permission to share or sell out data. No member of government should have more privacy protections than the general publicĀ 

  • 398

    AI must have regulated safe guards such as imbedded code (via the programming) that can be used to identify that what is distributed was created by AI.Ā 
    Already videos, etc. are difficult detect from actual ones or AI generated ones.Ā