Should Schools Mandate Masks?

Do you support or oppose mask mandates in schools?

  • 2,427

    I know, Larubia! ❤️😊❤️😊. This goes way back, though! If Humpy had been more concerned about the health of the citizens he swore to protect, than his poll numbers, he could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. We could all be vaccinated and mask free by now. He, and all those who have supported, and continue to support, all the mask and vaccine lies, SHOULD HAVE SOME PRICE TO PAY, even if it’s just removal from serving in any government office again!!!

  • 99

    WTF, for! Im am sick of this crap. STOP IT. We got a county to save. And the last time I checked were in an economic pickle. Please stop this nonsense. And dear lawmakers were Texas, were bigger that this cognitive dissonance. Please represent this state accordingly, and not like some of the blatant overt corruptions going in other states. Texas is bigger than that and we are the leaders, of the states of the United States. Jus Sayin.

  • 228

    Kids without other health issues suffer very little from the virus compared to older. Let parents make their own risk assessment. Compare places with and without to see little difference in child cases - like Finland vs Sweden. We're ruling more by fear and control than common sense.

  • 22

    Support mask mandates when the decision is made at the local level based on science-based assessment

  • 35

    Indoors yes 100% agree

  • 592

    Schools, and really all teachers, need to demand whatever they want and need to make the teaching process and in-person attendance as safe for all participants as possible — PERIOD! Anyone outside of the school just needs to shut the fuck up. If it doesn’t affect you, and the teachers and students are safe and learning, then leave it alone. OR, we can all go back to distance learning and self quarantine. I have no dog in the fight: my daughter graduated college a while back, and my Mom retired a number of years ago after 35 years in a classroom as an excellent teacher. But both agreed that in-person teaching & learning is far & away the best method for school through 12th grade. But that cannot fully happen if there is no safety, legitimate or perceived, by & for the teachers & students.

  • 285

    Masks protect ALL student’s lives. As well as the teachers, office staff, custodial staff & various other staff members. And the school bus drivers! The rights of the majority over the rights of the minorities.

  • 158

    Of course, since kids under 12 are not yet vaccinated wearing a mask is the only thing that can keep them save from Covid.

  • 159
    Michael J

    Two of the Texas Three Stooges caught the deadly COVID Virus 🦠. Especially unsmart (made up a word for Louie) Gohmert said he’d wear a mask after he caught it then fought Pelosi about wearing it in chambers -and lost! 😂🤣 How dumb is that? These nitwits representatives need to be voted out of office. Texas is changing. Hopefully Gov. Adolph Abbott will be the first to go.

  • 77

    Children are already disease factories.

  • 37

    Kids are little petri dishes. Schools are notorious breeding grounds for communicable diseases. The parents of these children presumably work, and when they get covid, will be removed from the work force for 2-3 weeks while they recover. Masks support our economic recovery. We wear masks to protect each other. While people should be allowed to choose to wear a mask, that choice should be accompanied by withdrawal from public spaces, especially schools and work places. Mask bans do not make fiscal or scientific sense.

  • 44

    While death/infection rates for school aged children are low, children are not the only ones in school. I am a 71 year o,d educator and interact with students on a regular basis. I do not see the problem with wearing masks. It is the least expensive way of reducing the chance of spreading COVID-19 while allowing children to have face to face instruction (and allowing their parents to return to work). It is NOT a violation of your “rights”. You do not have a right to endanger others. It does not restrict your freedom any more than the laws that require you to wear clothes in public. Let’s work together to end COVID-19 and return to a sense of normalcy.

  • 25.9k

    This article from National Geographic was sent to me: “Another tragic milestone: 1 in 500 Americans has died of COVID-19 “Overall, 670,000 people have lost their lives to the disease in the United States—a toll that is on the brink of surpassing the 675,000 deaths the country recorded during the 1918 influenza pandemic.” The United States 2020 population is estimated at 331,002,651 people at mid-year, according to UN data. The United States population is equivalent to 4.25% of the total world population. 1/500 = 0.002 670,000 / 331,002,651 ≈ 0.002 I guess this means it comes down to "Do you feel lucky, punk?"

  • 741

    They should mandate masks in schools, then they should mandate that all these idiot Republican governors are made to sit in a crowd of 500 people every day of the year for nine months without a mask. These idiots make me sick.

  • 174

    @Dave “Until there is a REQUIRED Covid vaccine for children, it should be up to the schools to protect our children from infection and potential death when their idiotic parents and cavalier governors don’t. Yes I’m talking about you DeSantis.” Please state your sources which provide SCIENTIFIC backing that children are at risk and must be vaccinated with a drug that’s only been approved for use with adults? Since the beginning of this virus, the most vulnerable were the elderly, those with immune issues and the obese / unhealthy. Not children. So. Yah. What’s your data source to support this? Idk what world you live in btw, but if I had children, I 100% would be terrified by the idea that THE SYSTEM could forcefully choose what happens with my child’s health. At 32, I can honestly say, this has made me happy that thus far I’ve chosen NOT to have children - because this is literally terrifying. I fully support all parents who oppose this as well as DeSantis’ decisions thus far to protect parent’s rights with their own children, especially since he’s actually following real science, not the media dictated science.

  • 41

    Because… Science.

  • 83

    Absolutely regardless of what the governor says every school should require kids to wear them.

  • 674

    Anything that helps keep everyone healthy

  • 41.9k

    For schools in places with low vaccination rates or a large number of cases in the local community, to not mandate masking is like willfully sacrificing our children on the alter of willful stupidity. Stupidity coming from the intentional disinformation spewed by right wing entertainment news media, internet ghouls getting off on convincing their minions to sacrifice their kids, and the Republican Faction’s lust to win by discrediting the Biden administration despite the human suffering that they are fostering. … … … I consider the actions of each of these groups tantamount to at least negligence homicide. Republican Governors that are blocking local school districts from imposing masking and even vaccinations are acting with criminal intent and should be charged and sued for damages, along with the right wing commentators and the internet purveyors of crap. … … … I hope enough people who have some form of conscience can see their acts for what they are and just vote them all into political oblivion and sue them for damages to separate them from their ill-gotten gains. … … … The midterm elections are more critical than ever to remove the political cancer that is killing our youth, our people, our country and our future.

  • 36

    This should be controlled by local school districts based on community COVID levels. Citizens that decide not to mask their children should home school or participate in distance learning. This issue is about protecting the community not about individual freedom. Governors need to keep their partisan bigotry out of these decisions and learn to protect the community at large.