The Will of the People: A Response to the Supreme Court

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  • 1,304

    SCOTUS' decision to overturn Wade and Casey is a great victory for life in this country. The so called "right to abortion" should have never been taken up by the Supreme Court in 1973. Now it's in the hands of elected legislatures. 



  • 338

    We need to EXPAND THE COURT! If this anti-American Supreme Court is not controlled, the America we love will be gone. Expanding the Court and limiting justice terms to two years seems to be the most reasonable thing we could do now.

  • 338

    We need to eliminate this illegitimate Supreme Court, which is a bunch of unelected, unaccountable, out-of-touch, selfish bureaucrats. Impose a two-year term limit retroactively, so that any justice who has already served two years is replaced. If such measures do not work, then we will simply ignore the wishes and stupid opinions of the Supreme Court.

  • 5,397

    Facts re: abortion in the U.S.

  • 70

    Abortion is a medical procedure and should be the woman's choice in consultation with a doctor. We need to have free medical care available for those in need.  The risk of tubal pregna, or incomplete abortion necessitates medical evaluation to save lives but other than that there should be no restrictions. 

  • 169

    Parents treat your tv and you child's access to the internet as a weapon if you don't we gonna see more teenagers needing abortions it society we must shield from the child that means being a asshole parent not the cool mom but the asshole stern but fair parents children always turn out better then the cool mom an dads kids I see it all the time 

  • 169

    parents need to educate there children about sex an having children and responsibilities that follow and remove those stupid teen mom shows that promote un responsible pregnancy to young teenagers that's a disgrace those shows need to go stop teaching young teens that you can get on tv if u have a kid at 10 there getting younger an younger on those shows at what point do we say wait a min this kid is 10 yrs old having a show around it it absolutely promoting craddle  robbing it's disgusting and very disturbing 

  • 169

    I wanna add to the stereotype of " you can't tell a women what to do with her body" that's true but not just for women govt can't tell anybody what to do with there body but the govt is not telling you what u can do wit your body the govt is removing tools you use on your body there's a big difference use a condom birth control no sex it's easy I'm 39 yrs old never got a girl pregnant my whole life till I planned to do it then I did be more responsible abortion should be rarely used unlike the birth control it currently is way to many ppl getting 3-4-5 abortions at some point you have to put something in place it's not birth control like it is used 

  • 169

    This is a tough issue I can see strong points on both sides to totally ban abortion is only gonna generate more kids in foster care being abused is that quality of life idk it's not for me or the Supreme Court to say this court is flawed to start with justices should be elected not appointed like every low level judge. These justices are clearly bias to the right and pandering to there wants i question the validity of any ruling this bias court rules on. But on the other side we don't allow people women or men to kill each other it's illegal so at some point the embryo has to be recognized as living and breathing human and it's abortion should be murder I believe they had a cut off time of 6 weeks I think I'm not sure I think that's fair 6 weeks again I'm not a women so idk this is my opinion. This super bias gay bashing court is my real concern thanks trump you f-douchebag now we got this black justices who is clearly racist especially to gays an minorities talking about taking his bias out on those people. I'm curious when the Supreme Court got in the business of seeking out laws the justices don't like and overturning them wasn't like this till these justices of bias and doing the rights bidding got into power they all need to be removed if some rules gotta be bent to do it so be it just get they out the people don't want this clown show we're fucking tired of this bullshit 

  • 255

    Very nice post. The following will sound cynical. We no longer have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Replace people with power hungry politicians, big business, and multi billionaires. I realize not every business or multi billionaire deserves to be there. The government no longer represents the people The power hungry politicians manipulate and play on people's emtions moving us from square to square like pawns. Keeping us off balance so we can't unite and vote them out of office. The electoral college has never allowed the people's will to be done. It was a fine compromise over two hundred years ago, but is antiquated. The same can be set for lifetime appointments of the Supreme Court. There needs to be term limits for the justices as well as all other elected officials. The two parties have ingrained themselves so deeply into the process that real change is nearly impossible. I told you this was cynical, but think about what was going on in Nazi Germany in the 1930's. 

  • 25.8k

    This little scene hits the nail right on the head:

    The needed criticism of the Dems–while we vote for you, you've been useless! 

  • 25.8k

    Dear Representatives & Senators,

    A matter of extreme urgency!

    Repeal The Hyde Amendment! 

    Given the recent SCOTUS Ruling,  my family, many of my friends and I from your district and around the country support repealing the Hyde Amendment. This will allow the Federal Government to do more & financially support reproductive care infrastructure.

    Repeal The Hyde Amendment! 


  • 25.8k

    File Under:  Civil Disobedience, Doing what needs to be done, Resistance Movements
    About A Certain Fanaticism–A Lesson From America's Not Too Distant Past: 
    “Roe Is the New Prohibition”- The Atlantic

    There will be many similarities to Prohibition (better rewatch Boardwalk Empire and show and documentaries about the era).
    There will be Abortion Railways and Underground “Dispensaries" and "Clinics, " Supportive Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement that looks the other way for a price and DAs that will find reasons not to prosecute. 
    But who knows, with fanatics from The Christian Ultra Right, maybe even the old war on evil drink is only on pause.

  • 1,017

    Leave women bodies alone. If you don't want to have an abortion or any other type of health care  that is your choice. But your choice should not dictate other peoples choices 

  • 8,878

    From aoc via insta
    Here’s an actual plan for what we as Democrats can do beyond “give me $5 and go vote” 🗳 
    If you disagree, share your plan. We must engage right now. But voting alone is not a plan. Press your elected officials for specifics. Don’t accept shoulder shrugging for an answer. Call them. Call your Rep. Ask them if they support repealing the Hyde Amendment (which will allow the Federal government to do more & financially support reproductive care infrastructure).
    Again, here is one PLAN 📝 if they don’t like this one, ask them for theirs. If they don’t have one beyond vote, them tell them that’s not good enough. They need to hear it directly. Most of them have no idea what Instagram is. Their offices do however record call volumes from constituents and it DOES influence them even if they pretend it doesn’t. I have seen them start to get scared and buckle when their own voters and communities are pissed off. Yes this applies even in red seats that pretend they don’t care. What matters is that you are an actual resident of their district. Let’s move!!

  • 380

    The Supreme Court's ruling in Roe vs Wade was way overdue. Now the power to decide the abortion issue is left to the states. The more liberal states will continue to have permissive laws and would not be affected, so frankly, I don't understand the whoopla. Funny how hollow my body my right sounds when it applies to abortion but not to vaccines. 

    I have never been able to understand the claim that it is my body and so I have the right to decide whether to continue with or terminate a pregnancy. You lost that right when you conceived a life other than your own. Practice birth control, be responsible why should an unborn child pay for your stupidity? It is morally wrong to terminate a life and yes it is a life whether you acknowledge it or not. Educate yourselves as to what happens from conception to birth and you cannot help but see the immorality of abortion. 

  • 41.9k

    Most if not all of the conservative activist Supreme Court Justices are card carrying members of the Federslist Society as are most of the Senior Republican Cartel's membership. They all know what the Federalist Society is and how it hides its actions through mob-like shell organizations because they know just how unethical thier operations are.

    If any one of them had any sense of honor or any ethical standards at all, they would all summarily resign for selling their souls to the wealthy conservative elite who 'invests' donations in the Federslist Society to quietly shape and manipulate the federal juduciary to meet their particular needs..

    The Federakist Society's view is that the wealthy conservative elite from whence they spawned is entitled by birth-right to dominate the 'lessors' of society because the 'lessors' are just too stupid to decide things for themselves.

    There is nothing worse than the arrogance of a wealthy self-declared birth-right entitlement. Their parents may have earned their wealth but their children did not, although they carry the strappings of someone who was smart enough and made enough good decisions to earn the strappings of wealth. There certainly are some children of wealth that do not follow this path but there are also many that do, and many carry degrees from very expensive Ivy League schools, such as the conservative activists Supreme Court Justices. 

    It is also important to note that a Senator considered to be a moderate or centrist is already leaning pretty far to the right when compared to the buik of the electorate.

    I retreate:

    Get fu¢king big money out of our fu¢king government, out of our fu¢king legislative branch, out of our fu¢king executive branch and out of our fu¢king judicial branch.

    Let the best, the brightest, the most honorable, the most ethical and most honest earn the right to lead us and not those with the most entitled existence, the most funds, the loudest microphones, the best 'connections', or best media presence.

    Governing to meet the needs and desires of a democratic populace is unrelated to the size of dark money donations or personal wealth, poll-mongering strategies, marketing campaigns, willful political lies to decieve voters or just a great media recognition.

    Yet, these things are emphasized in election tactics; just look at boom-boom Bobert, QAnon crazy pants Greene, Gozar, Goetz, Cruz, Johnson and an almost innumerable circus of Republican Clowns, RNC supported clowns and Federalist Society radical right clowns determining our country's future!

    God help our country! An honorable Republican Party would admit it’s transgressions and take their lumps before regrouping as the principled Conservative party that it once was - instead of corrupting our democracy by attempting to politically ‘win’ by any and all means possible. The Federalist Society would have to end it’s interference with the federal judiciary if we prevented big dark money investors from buying their services.. 

    This, the tyranny of the minority will end this country as we know it, if we let them succeed.

  • 25.8k

    Louisiana judge blocks abortion ban amid uproar after Roe v Wade ruling


  • 215

    I thank the court for taking abortion out of the Federal government's hands. Abortion isn't covered by the Constitution; hence, should be left to the states. I am ashamed to be part of a species who indiscriminately kill their young.

  • 29

    We know this isn't about right-to-life. It's about keeping poor people poor. Someone who can't afford to have another child (because most of the people who have abortions are already parents), creating another generation of poor people.

    Poor people won't be able to get higher education, follow current events, understand what local reps do. They'll watch Fox news and be pablum fed conspiracy theories, then led by theirs noses to vote for things that make their lives worse.

    The United States just became a Third World theocracy.