Southern Border Crossings Reached Record Levels for Second Straight Month as Over 234K Apprehended in April

Are you concerned about the rate at which people are attempting to enter the country illegally?

  • 20.1k
    Voted No

    Nope. Not worried at all. Give us your tired, your poor...

    I would add to that, Come to America and flee the oppression, fear, poverty and violence wrought by shitty geopolitical decisions that exploit for monetary gain.

    Right-wingers are desperate to change the subject so they don't have to explain why they support fascism, liars and hate, and why their crummy representation ignores the overwhelming will of the People.  Good luck changing the subject, idiots. You're gonna need it. 😆


  • 93.9k

    Waiting to see the impact of the Final Asylum Rule (3-24-22) now in a required 60 day comment period for implementation end of May 2022 which will change immigration by deciding at the border within 90 days who qualifies for asylum instead of housing 1M+ people in public facilities for years until they appear before an immigration court.  Until then illegal immigrant management is based on current regulations (1997, 2008) that results in all the reported  ghost flights shipping detainees around the country to house them in public facilities until their case is heard in court.

    US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) moves adults among facilities to maintain a 75% capacity in facilities while waiting immigration proceedings.

  • 2,215
    Voted Yes

    We dropped the ball terribly on supporting democracy and fighting authoritarianism and corruption in Central and South America over the last 50 years, so in part this is all our fault. We need immigration reform, better infrastructure for supporting asylum seekers, and far more effective outreach to support governments and democracies so that so many people are not NEEDING to come here!  

  • 921
    Robert J.
    Voted Maybe

    Well, let's see. We have 11 million plus unfilled jobs according to last report and unemployment rate is 3.6% suggesting not enough workers to resove the problem. Domestic birth rate continues to fall, now below 1.7/per female 15-44.  What to do?

    Trump administration reduced legal immigration (work visas, green cards) to 10% of prior years. So this a) increased illegal entry by asylum seekers, b) decreased availabe skilled worker emigres (think doctors, nurses, engineers, etc) Steven Miller ran this policy from White House.

    Now we get to reap the whirlwind with insufficient facilities at the border and a continued mess on visa entry. Refugees from our wars in Asia are waiting 18 months or more for pre-approved entry as "allied translators."

    So climate change dries up their farms, drug gangs terroize their kids, Afghani translators are chased by Taliban, etc.

    Steven Miller? He's sitting on a beach somewhere, proud of his patriotic efforts, disrupting our economic system of immigrant labor to retool the labor market.

    Just another victorius plan of the Trump era.

  • 41.9k

    Please see Annes' summary of the facts behind the numbers that get bandied loosely about for political opportunism.

    In this case the answer to the devil's threats lies within the details..

  • 8,471
    Voted No

    Trump's use of Title 42 has exasterbated immigration according to DHS officials.

    Title 42 has increased border crossings in large part by creating a situation where many people expelled back to Mexico make at least one additional attempt to cross the border.

    Under Title 42, the overwhelming majority of single adults are rapidly processed at the border and sent right back to Mexico without a deportation order. This arrangement has incentivized repeated attempted crossings for multiple reasons, including that:

    Many individuals become more desperate following an expulsion, as they lose stability, resources, and often their personal belongings following expulsions. Because the border region remains highly dangerous for asylum seekers expelled back to Mexico, and because the Biden administration has not resumed normal processing of asylum seekers at ports of entry along the border, many people feel as if they have no choice but to make a renewed attempt to seek safety in the United States.
    Due to post-COVID changes made at the Department of Justice in spring 2020, individuals who cross the border for the first time under Title 42 are largely exempt from federal prosecution for misdemeanor “improper entry.” They are also not issued a deportation order. For individuals crossing the border who are not planning on turning themselves in and asking for asylum, this policy eliminates two possible negative consequences of being apprehended by the Border Patrol. As a result, following a failed attempt to cross the border, some individuals are more willing to try again.
    The link between Title 42 and an increased rate of repeat crossings has been repeatedly acknowledged by DHS officials. In total, the rate at which people crossed the border multiple times rose from 7% in March 2020 to 40% by October 2020, before falling to an annual rate of 27% throughout 2021 as an increasing number of asylum seekers couldn’t be expelled and made it in on their first attempt.

    The phenomenon of increased repeat crossings under Title 42 also created a distorted picture of the total number of people crossing the border. For example, through the first nine months of FY 2021, when CBP recorded a total of 1,119,204 border encounters, the number of “unique encounters” (people who have not been taken into custody in the previous 12 months) was 690,718. By comparison, over the same period in FY 2019, CBP recorded 780,479 border encounters, of which 721,328 were unique encounters—over 30,000 morethan in FY 2021.




  • 7,931
    Voted Yes

    Yes, I'm concerned. I want to know what's the plan???

  • 8,978
    Voted Maybe

    May be we need to speed up the process accepting people who are fleeing violence or poverty. The wait time  could be shortened if we added more judges and social workers.

  • 1,845
    Voted Maybe

    I'm not sure what the answer is.  The authoritarian countries need to be addressed, but I'm not sure how to do that.  Sanction them?  Create new businesses in that country, but with a very careful oversight (to prevent thefts by gov't itself) and allow residents of the countries to have jobs?   Maybe billionaire companies (the USA and other countries) should be required to help form businesses in these countries?  Or more in line with the extreme Right, bomb them?  

    That said, deporting them back to their countries is not the humane thing to do.  

    You, lawmakers, are supposed to come up with solutions and so far I ain't seen anything.   By the way, Trump's solutions were terrible, in fact, are the reason why we're in this dilemma. 

  • 674
    Voted No

    It's been going on since the world has had borders


    Apprehended-this means they didn't cross the border   It means our border security is working  


    I know they don't teach big words like apprehended in schools any longer because they're busy holding active shooter drills.   


  • 795
    Voted Yes

    Our country is unsafe due to the Southern Border not being enforced. 

  • 3,697
    Voted No

    I am much more concerned about the climate crisis and the United States not doing enough for the climate crisis refugee victims. We need to throw billionaire big polluters in cages, not their innocent victims. PUNISH THE POLLUTERS!!! SMASH their corporations.

  • 718
    Voted Yes

    Absolutely! This is an invasion, with a welcome mat by this administration. It's absolutely pathetic that we just gave Ukraine a 40 billion dollar check and Washington has turned a blind eye to the atrocity at our southern border. IT MAKES NO SENSE. I wish someone would provide me just ONE thing this administration has done for the betterment of our nation! Please. I see nothing and could use some hope.

  • 2,937

    Just more obstruction from the "far right" to create more chaos.  There is only one solutoion I can see regarding this problem and it won't happen over night.  I've mentioned this before so will reiterate now.  Canada and the United States need to join forces and unite Central and South American countries under a common democracy ruled by the people in each country.  The corruption of most of these governments has created the need for it's people to flee for a better existance.  I for one, cannot blame them.  Every human being on this planet NEEDS clothing, education, food, healthcare, and shelter.  Most people are willing to work and earn money for their survival and should not be turned away if they are decent people.  A person has to do whatever they must to ensure for themselves their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as long as they bring no harm to others.  It is my firm belief that any politician who answers to any given political party should be removed from office.  When I go to vote, I can guarantee I will NOT be voting for an incumbant who kisses the arse of any given party.  Instead, what they stand for is more important than the color of their skin, ethnic background, religion, or life philosophy.  In some cases, the "town drunk" would be the better chioce.  

  • 3,959
    Voted No

    CAUSES ASKS: Are you concerned about the rate at which people are attempting to enter the country illegally?"  ME: Not particularly.  That said, if Congress ever does get serious about immigration it will adequately fund the resources necessary to address it: more immigration judges, facilitators, adequate facilities, etc., etc.  However, given that border bruhaha is meat and drink to GOP screaming racist scare tactic politics: "Take our jobs!"  "Replace us!" "Illegal voters!" (there's a long litany) -- oh; and, lest we forget, Trump's "Drug dealers!" "Criminals!"  "Rapists!" (oh, my!) -- I doubt Congress can, or ever will have the (supply your word here) to do what it takes.

  • 1,161
    Voted Yes

    These people coming from Central America are coming here because they do not feel safe in the Country they're leaving! The U.S. used to help these countries maintain peaceful living that the drug lords & others have removed, while we have done nothing to help stop it! The result is their looking to find a place where they can raise their families without fear of being killed! If we truly want less people illegally trying to get into the USA, then we need to do something with these Countries to reduse the people's fear, and ability to stay where they are!!! UNtil all the violence is removed from these Countries, or at least greatly lessened, we will have this many people trying to enter our Country! So the U.S. has a choice to make because sending these people back to the countries they came from, will mean they may well be killed.

  • 3,320
    Voted No

    some of these are simply decent people whom are fleeing areas controlled by the Drug Cartels, and others from gangs, etc.


    Who wouldn't want to flee for their own safety?


    The Racisim and Bigotry of the right wing never ceases to amaze me!


    The Statue of Liberty is weeping tears of shame

  • 268
    Voted Maybe

    Frankly, the number of illegal immigrants caught only means that the system is working.  Rising numbers caught doesn't mean that the number of illegals has neccissarily increased or decreased compared to the year before.  Despite what some would prefer us to believe, we have virtually never had open boarders except maybe in the earliest years of our country.  Illegal immigration essentually stays the same no matter who is in charge at the time.  Not all of them are trying to break the law by coming here either.  Many are seeking asylum and, by law, entering the country and surrendering to the authorities is how they are supposed to do it.

  • 694
    Voted Yes

    We are being invaded by people who have no respect for our laws of country.  It is wrong to let anybody in who violates our laws and expects a welcome.

  • 2,597
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Yes

    When will congress address this challenging issue. We are overtaxing our border security and resources. Close the gates, close the border, finish the wall

  • 182
    Voted Yes

    In my opinion, nothing is going to change at our sourthern border unless and until Republicans will work with Democrats to fix our immigration policies.  Republicans are so fixated on fetuses they seem to be unaware of the deaths and suffering at the border.  They fight for right to life for a fetus, but not immigrant rights, no right to health care, no gun control legislation, no women's right to choose, no voting rights, and climate change denials.  Indiana legislators do continue to support a mentally ill crimiinal.  That is all they seem to have time to do.

  • 1,221
    Voted Yes

    Congress MUST impeah Biden for failure to enforce Our Laws.  Take this Traitor Our of office NOW.

  • 380
    Voted Yes

    It should never have happened. President Trump accomplished so much towards securing our borders. Biden comes in, halts all work on the wall and generally opened the doors to let anyone and everyone poor through. How irresponsible can you be! It must be intentional to secure future Democrat voters and to turn Republican states into Democrat ones. What other explanation could there be?! Total politics with complete disregard for the American people. 
    One more area that proves what Democrats touch they destroy. 

  • 102
    Voted Yes

    Are we going to fix our own problems here or keep sending billions to corrupt Ukraine??

  • 463
    Voted Yes

    The Democrats are flooding our country and will slam citizenship status down our throats for them in hopes that 70 percent of them will vote Democrats. 


    This will cause a civil war because tax rates with hit 60 percent for lower and Middle class to pay for the welfare programs.


    The Democrats wants a civil war so they can inact Marshall law and make sweeping unconstitutional changes with no opposition because the Democratic Cabal is a very dangerous organization. 


    They lied about Russian and Trump and paid for a fake Russian dossier which the Clinton and DNC were fined by the FEC for funding it.


    As many Americans forget about their Constitutional Rights and 3rd world people are stuffed in the USA it will be easy for politicians with political  science to make America Suck even more then they are doing now with this fraud election and Biden Administration 


    Watch 2000 mules on Rumble 

  • 163
    Voted Yes

    Please build the wall. Give border control more personnel. Protect our border from illegal immigration and drugs. It's you constitutional duty to protect us.