Economy Added 210K Jobs in November, Falling Short of Expectations

How do you feel about the state of the job market?

  • 44

    While there are a lot of areas where employers still need employees, the pandemic has given people with woefully inadequate wages the courage to say that enough is enough and to seek out other jobs where they can make a livelihood. All CEOs should have a wage cap so that their workers can have a wage that they can live off of and mandate businesses to provide insurance for all workers. If CEOs wages were not so extraordinarily high then the cost of products would not have to increase. No CEO should be earning thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars an hour.

  • 81

    When Trump produced 200,000 jobs, the media said it was a great job. Now, Biden does the same during a pandemic and the press is negative,

  • 741

    Off-topic that must to be mentioned, Mark Meadows is nothing short of an American Nazi trying to undermine this country under the sick grifter thumb of Donald Trump.

  • 12.0k

    I find all the whining from the right about hand outs interesting when some red states are giving unemployment insurance to anti-vaxxers who have lost their jobs. Hypocrites?

  • 13.3k

    pay living wages, allow workers to unionize, and democratize the work place. Tax corporate earnings at 90%, like we did up until the 70s.

  • 2,937

    This whole situation is one big mess. Corporations and large businesses don't want to lose their profit margin, yet the average employee can't afford to live off what wages those businesses are willing to pay. It all boils down to GREED. This is going to make a few people angry, but----the time has come for regulating capitalism and breaking up monopolies in the corporate arena. No matter what is done, there will always be an increase in the cost of living whether it be food cost, housing, utilities, medical, and whatever else. The basics are food, shelter, and clothing. These need to be regulated and of good quality at reasonable prices. Throw in above average public education and medical and things would greatly improve. When it comes to Congress, there are "too many cooks in the kitchen" stirring the pot and adding ingredients which result in ruining the end product. Changes need to be made and NOT by Fascist or Socialistic means. We need common sense back into play ASAP.

  • 354

    The Biden administration has done more to help our economy recover & our unemployment is lower than before the Pandemic. The economy under the Frump Presidency did not do as well. Republican's only helped the Top 1% & Corporate America, as well as themselves with a Huge Tax Cut in 2017. Biden has not even been President for a year yet & he has done more for our Country than the Do Nothing Republican, who under the leadership of Moscow Mitch did noting for Americans, than stand behind the Lying Frump & allowing the Jan. 6th attack on our Capital to overthrow our Democracy. As a Voter, I will do everything I can to Vote Out every Corrupt Republican I can, alon with millions of others who know the Truth. Frump & the Republicans are responsible for thousands of people dying from Covid by LYING about the deadly Virus!

  • 1,927

    Sorry, folks, working people have to be able and willing. Having a government safety net is good, but there comes a point where "I just don't want to" doesn't cut it anymore. And we're there.

  • 373

    I refuse to give into all the fear mongering. Fact, job rates fluctuate especially within the confines of a global pandemic and the instabilities of anti democratic forces. We are in a transitional process, if we continue to build our systems on democratic principles and transparency to sustain these transitional changes I am sure that these temporary fluctuations will correct themselves and/or catch up to positive projected outcomes. Change is inevitable you got to go with the flow, keep the faith and know that this to shall pass. The focus should always be on the bigger picture and building back better.

  • 5,174

    Any chance we can pass a law that anyone who complains in public about "socialism" is no longer eligible for Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid? We can call it the "End Hypocrisy Now" movement.

  • 5,174

    If you want your workers to come back, offer them a reason to do so. A potential increase in prices from offering higher wages will be offset by an increase in buying power from those same higher wages. When lower-wage workers can still afford to buy things, everyone wins.

  • 1,051

    I am ok with job growth as it is occurring!! There is going to be growth on an uneven basis as things improve and we still deal the dynamics of the COVID pandemic. Job growth is occurring and the economic recovery is progressing forward!! I am good as long as we are moving forward!!

  • 1,874

    There are jobs available, but nobody wants to return to slave wages & mistreatment.

  • 194

    Ooooh noooooo!!! Not the scary and consistently inaccurate jobs report! We've been through this drill so many times it's become a joke. When they adjust the numbers up in another month or two, will all the GQP faction cultists acknowledge the error??? Nope, then it becomes fake news but it's a fact right now so let's all clutch those pearls and reach for the fainting couch...

  • 289

    Well, at least this can't be blamed on unemployment benefits. If women had affordable and reliable childcare, they could get back to work. For once in my lifetime, employers don't have the upper hand. Worked all my life without gender equality with regard to respect and pay. Never so glad to be retired!

  • 100

    In the middle of a global pandemic, we're down to well under 5% unemployment, almost all sectors of industry need more workers, and the economy already exceeds pre-pandemic levels. What's not to like?

  • 3,405

    Gosh, that is not at all what I heard. Are you sure that you have the correct numbers? You just can not believe anything anymore.

  • 351

    In this time of Covid I think the labor market is going as well as it can.

  • 1,299

    Seeking and obtaining employment depends on the company. Most companies do not know how to properly announce job openings. When they do they ask for experience but want to pay people starting salaries. When people apply for a job a system is used to look for specific words on the resume. If the words are not there no one will contact the person for an interview. Companies will ghost a person before or after an interview. This really falls on the companies not on government. There are so many numerous issues affecting why people are not receiving employment.

  • 890

    We need good paying jobs with a living wage now!!