Congress Passes Stopgap Spending Bill, Punts Shutdown Showdown Until February

How do you feel about Congress passing the short-term funding bill?

  • 706

    When will these dipshits get their act together? Every registered voter, regardless of party, needs to thoughtfully consider their every vote. We have a house in DC overrun by morons - shiny object chasers. Following the 2020 election we heard dim bulbs like AOC asking for lists of those that voted for Trump for "re-education" purposes. Maybe we should be getting the list of those that voted for her and others. If you are simply voting for "the party", then you're part of the problem.

  • 304

    You got elected to the House and Senate then do what you were elected to do! Or is it just the Republicans you want to blame for the unbelievably excessive spending!

  • 685

    Need to get the deficit under control and stop all this spending. Get a Budget done and stick to it and pay down our deficit now.

  • 63

    Democrats and RINO's are out of control.

  • 1,056

    This is very disappointing. When is congress going to put aside partisanship and do what is best for our country!! Continuing resolutions are not the answer!! Congress do your job and pass a budget and debt ceiling relief.

  • 3,405

    Of course they did, now they can toss in a couple of more vacation days, before during, and after, the holidays. They are so far above all the rest of us and they don't even get it. "Let them eat cake". We can replace them.

  • 2,215

    I would rather some of the Republicans would apply some brains and join with the Democrats and Independents in crafting a longer term budget, but if this is the best they can do we will panic again come February.

  • 8,978

    Eliminate the debt ceiling.

  • 109

    Why don’t you folks pass a balanced budget. Your spending money we don’t have for stupid projects. Cut everything that is not necessary.

  • 21

    More kicking the can down the road

  • 41.9k

    EHHHH - it had to be passed to prevent the added costs associated with disrupting government services. If the Congress was at all functional, it would never be needed. … … … Congress will remain broken until the Republican Cartel gets voted out of existence. Right now, we have one political party working hard to fix the broken institutions of government left in the trump’s wake. They are also working hard to produce legislation that addresses many of the key issues affecting our country and have had to deal with a Cartel dedicated to it’s own dominance by obstruction, willful disinformation, outright lies, revisionist history and dirty tricks. … … … To fix Congress and get rid of self-serving Cartels we have to get big money out of Congresspeople’s hands so there is no compelling reason for cartel’s to form and keep themselves in power to secure their benefactor’s funds. In the mean time, it is up to the rest of us to vote the members of the current Republican Cartel into political oblivion so that a responsible Conservative party can emerge from the ashes, a party more interested in promoting ideals and concepts to benefit our country and our people and not willing to just sell their political influence to the highest bidder. … … … We need politicians more interested in governing than satisfying their lust for unearned political power and their benefactor funded gravy trains. If they are all driven by the desire to govern for the country instead of themselves or their regimented political parties - the Congress would fix this continuing resolution annual bull crap all by themselves.

  • 21

    afawfwfg wrw

  • 1,479

    Happy for this, but when oh when we congress get back to a normal annual budget!?

  • 1,221

    "Short -tertm", Stop-gap", "emergency spending bill are not acceptable. Congress knows the timeframe, like most employees at the beginning of the year. Your Failure is not Our "emergency". If You fail to properly budget the only acceptable is the "Government Shutdown". These are political theater, with no real world effects, other than media hysteria. Do You Job, or accept the consequences when You fail. "Government Shutdowns" are always the fault of the House Majority Leader (budgets must begin in Our House, by Our Constitution. Shut it down.

  • 203

    Hey, if you basement is full of poop, do you just keep raising the ceiling, or do you pump out the basement, fix the leak and move on? FIX THE FREAKING LEAK, STOP RAISING THE CEILING!

  • 42

    With how poorly this government is run,and the demented buffoon leading it, the country would be greatly served by completely shutting the government down. With uni-browed clowns like Bobbie Casey making 200k a year and simply rubber stamping the democrat agenda and not actually introducing or passing any legislation. a complete government shutdown is prefered.

  • 21

    Our elected officials on both sides have turned the House and Senate into a sports game as opposed to being on the same team working out what is best for the American people in line with the Constitution. Both sides play the short game of re-election.

  • 2,414

    Glad they at least passed this stop-gap measure, pissed that it always comes to this year after year, after year. It's not like this action is something new, yet they continue to wait until the last minute to address it, while creating uncertainty whether or not the gov. will shut down. These assholes get pd. to do their jobs, yet they continue to shirk their responsibilities over politics, rather than put the good of the country as a primary goal. If you're not going to do your job, then get thee hell out of office.

  • 404

    Fuck everyone in Congress at this point. If they can’t do what’s best for this country and if they continue to cave under politically partisan pressures, they need to go home and never come back. 7 billion for Afghan evacuees? Many of whom haven’t even been vetted? Are you kidding me? And what programs have been extended exactly?? And the Covid mandates are UNCONSTITUTIONAL! They are not lawful and I’m tired of legislators thinking they are somehow above the damn law!

  • 21

    its amazing post admin