IT: Congress passes stopgap spending bill, and... Do you want Roe v. Wade overturned?

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  • 240

    Stopping Roe will make women slaves. Old white men need to butt out of any woman’s decision. Dump the filibuster and pass voting rights and womens health.

  • 427

    Roe vs Wade should be upheld. At a time where you vote in favor of people to have freedom to spread a virus, refuse a vaccination which kills others and destroys economies- how dare you take a very personal choice away from a woman.

  • 431

    I surely hope that the SC will not overrule Roe v Wade, as the consequences will be dire, for the women affected and for our country which will be mired in hyper partisan intensive conflict for years to come.

  • 33

    I strongly believe that if Roe v Wade is overturned it will deepen the divide in the country creating irreparable separations. This country cannot keep imposing one group's beliefs on others. If one doesn't believe in abortion don't get one but you cannot make judgments on those that don't agree with that belief or create more laws to take away others freedom to chose. An unwanted pregnancy is a situation requiring compassion and understanding not condemnation. A patriarchy of old, out of touch men are making the decision for all women. Stop this fight for male domination and control over women's bodies.

  • 190

    Killing Roe vs Wade will murder -= murder to woman’s rights all over again

  • 23.6k

    @ Leslie-you are so right on with your comment "Contradiction of position - opposing a government budget because of vaccine mandates not respecting personal autonomy yet imposing restrictions on abortion that disregards a Women’s autonomy involving her body???"

  • 115

    Why does a case precedent hold some mystical status equivalent to a constitutional amendment? If it’s that important, pass a law, or a new amendment. A court decision should never be the source of anything…. If you can’t pass a law or amendment then maybe it shouldn’t be.

  • 947

    We the people are fed up with Congress’s lack of an approved budget. Do your job, this is directed to all elected officials.

  • 430

    My body, my choice. PERIOD!

  • 246

    No I do not want roe over turned. I want it codified

  • 77

    Government is run primarily by men , there is no basis for the war on women the Republicans have and continue to wage. They are busy trying to take rights away that should never involve by one but the woman and her doctor .Instead they should be fixing healthcare , lowering the cost of medicine and addressing the myriad of problem they were elected to address .

  • 872

    Congress hasn’t passed a budget for so long that they don’t even know what one is. If the house would have worked on one instead of going on vacation every other week and trying to figure out ways to pay back their big donors and special interest groups. Raise taxes and lie about just who it will effect, there might have been a budget. Instead we have once again a continuing resolution “kick the can down the road” and the stupid American public will not notice.

  • 53

    Hopefully Congress will stop acting like spoiled children and do their jobs.

  • 178

    Congress should listen to their constituents. The majority of people want abortions to be legal. I wish those in Congress would sit in a Court and listen to what happens to the children. Rape and incest are common. To not allow a 10 year old girl raped by her father to carry a child to term is absolutely terrible. Most of the men in Congress haven’t a clue and they disgust me. Of course then we have the nuts like Marjorie Green!

  • 246

    Why can’t our law makers het their heads out. No of their asses and pass a two or a four year budget

  • 52

    Agree with the above. Instead of these power grabs and voting party lines. How about something constructive. How about we get rid of the “use it or loose it?” Instead of penalizing people for not spending enough how about we reward them? Basic math equation. Cut unnecessary spending + pay more toward debt and not add more credit lines.

  • 423

    The 2022 budget was due September 30, 2021. Congress should have approved this budget on time. This blatant failure to do their job must be shown by voters not re-electing incumbents. So many playing political party games instead of representing their constituents. If your elected official is not helping you and your state, do not vote for even if you must vote outside your party preference. It’s time to hold elected officials accountable for their poor representation.

  • 557

    Do you want Roe vs Wade overturned is the wrong question - it is more involved -