Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Mississippi Abortion Case

Do you support or oppose the Mississippi abortion law?

  • 182

    I believe it is immoral to force women to birth babies they do not want for what ever reason including rape, financial situation, health of the mother, health of the fetus, or number of children. Forced birth is violence against women.

  • 3,405

    Not their beeswax! It is private family business.

  • 114

    The Roberts court is simply an extension of the Republican Party, the party of DT! Most of these justice’s lied during their conformation hearings about not overturning Roe v Wade. Finally, the last appointed jurist has a direct conflict; her religion prevents her from voting to keep Roe v Wade, whereas the law supports R v W under "a doctrine of stare decisis.” She must vote against R v W, a clear conflict of interest. This makes her a member of the group who make the policy as an extension of the Congress.

  • 178

    Establishing laws based on religion is constitutionally prohibited in this country.

  • 63

    Abortion is murder.

  • 22

    Leave this alone! Who are the minority of leaders that need to waste our tax dollars and time trying to overturn something that clearly the majority does not favor?

  • 3,405

    You already know how I see this..............move to China if you want abortion to be government business. Just remember that their government only aborts FEMALE BABIES. Yes, that is correct, only the girls.

  • 101

    How could abortion still be an issue when the morning after pill is available? Support our 15 week abortion ban because everyone deserves life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  • 24

    I support this Mississippi law

  • 8,978

    If all these "supposed " "PRO LIFERS" TRULY ARE THEN They would all get vaccinate, support the repeal of the death penalty, support all aspects of child rearing ,including going after dead beat fathers!

  • 1,703

    Totally support

  • 458

    It's pretty tough to support virtually anything that comes out of Mississippi. How many lynchings did they attend? How many civil rights workers did they murder? When was the last Klan meeting they attended? UGH! No redemption for that place! Terrible people attempting to write addition terrible history!

  • 41

    Republicans are trying to take everyone’s rights. Especially women. They gerrymander to keep anyone from winning but them. They have put restrictive voting laws in place to control the outcome of elections by selecting who gets to vote. They have even put in place the ability to overturn elections they don’t agree with the outcome. The Heritage Foundation is deeply in the pockets of politicians.

  • 130

    I oppose all abortion bans and restrictions on abortion etc except for abortion survivors protection laws and I support state health insurance funds for abortion coverage and rights etc

  • 1,212

    I oppose it only on the basis of its political implications. If this is put to a vote and wins the support of the people of Miss. then let them have it.

  • 404

    Ultimately this boils down to viability. 15 weeks should not be conflated with viability. Viability is defined as working successfully; the capability to live. The law pertains to individual persons. It does not pertain to a fetus that is not viable of it’s own accord and workings. A fetus in an incubator is not a viable individual. We cannot conflate artificial intelligence and technology that mimics that of a womb, with an individual person who is claimed to be autonomous under the law. Artificially alive through technological advances as a direct result of forced or compelled labor or delivery, duress, without prior consent does not equate to individual person under the law. That is not the intent of the law.

  • 41.9k

    The Church is separate from the State. Religion is separate from Politics. Republicans continuously talk about individual freedom yet are willing to take away freedoms that have existed for fifty years from women. Republicans feel that it is personal freedom to choose not to be vaccinated despite the fact that unvaccinated people can and do kill each other and immunocompromised people by presuming that they are free to do so. Republicans repeal gun restrictions whenever they are legislated because they feel people are free to risk the lives of others from those who would use those freedoms irresponsibly. Republicans are willing to take away the rights of the electorate to freely vote and have their votes fairly counted by poll restrictions, intimidating poll watchers, inserting political operatives into the processes, gerrymandering and all the rest. I am sick of their self-serving hypocrisy whenever they can exploit the situation and their talking out of both sides of their faces. … … … The Supreme Court Justices are playing with fire if they overturn Roe - I don’t care what bull crap arguments that they may come up with. They cannot overturn an established fifty year precedent because the Federalist Society does not like it. Make no mistake, religion is only an excuse for a policy that keeps the poorest amongst us from getting legal abortions in order to keep the working class procreating which keeps them living pay-check to pay-check and struggling - unable to get out from under employer dominance. This assures that there will be enough workers that they can continue to dominate - a modern day serfdom. The wealthy will still be able to find abortion medical care because, by Republican standards, they are above the laws enacted for everyone else. … … … In one sense, I hope the Senate does eliminate Roe, because the Democrats will sweep the midterms and beyond - and with a dominate Democratic Party we can began to fix the people’s lack of representation on the Supreme Court and nullify the Republican Cartel’s grip on unearned political power. I want the Republican Cartel voted into extinction so that an honorable conservative political party can rise from the ashes - one that has a political platform, that governs for the people of this country and not just their benefactors nor just for their rabid base, that deals with facts and not willful disinformation, that has ethics and morals and acts honorably for the people instead of themselves. … … …

  • 41

    One more way to keep women from being empowered and to keep them marginalized.

  • 881

    The Mississippi law is obviously unconstitutional and does not follow established legal precedent. It must be struck down!

  • 184

    The Supreme Court shall not try to change a waiver and Roe be Wade never shall we ever seek such and make lawlessness become the norm as we seen throughout our nation and the following should be taken up as well and should be the topic of our Congress state representatives along side with the highest court of the land and lower chords this should be the biggest con Barry condemning laws to take place. The nations Laws can’t be for lawlessness as all whom feel others don’t do equally to the laws all Fedral laws States Laws shall be universal in unity never to be corruptible it shall of true balance equal must be enforced at all levels the same never ever wavering!!! !!! Our Highest to lowest Courts shall be in step sakes as All DA’s must enforce as all same constitutionally sought not being of favor of Lenientcy of any type or wavering towards weakness ever again the full extent of organized crimes health be dispended condemned and further action nationally and internationally strengthen the laws that should be!!!