IT: SUV kills five after plowing through Christmas parade, and... Should the conservatorship system be reformed?

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  • 142

    No but we should find out who sprung his bail so he could do this heinous crime, and then we should string him up. Rittenhouse was acting in complete self-defence and the fact that that paid shill Jim K mentions him in comparison to this cretin exposes his lack of even basic understanding.

  • 41.9k

    Rittenhouse had a private room assigned to him in the courthouse for him to prep and confer with Tucker Carlson’s film crew during the trial. Dark money benefactors paid $20 Million for his defense, hiring very experienced defense lawyers, a top jury consultant to help them shape the members on the jury, ran mock trials to rehearse testimony along with the jury consultant’s psychological profiles of the jury to test the best approaches to appeal to those specific jurors who could sway the verdict, and appear to have at least intimidated the judge whose bias was clear to anyone who watched the proceedings. Big money wants to sponsor vigilantism, as it helps then intimidate the masses and aids in their attempt to keep our government of, by, and for the big money PACs. Our very democracy is being threatened by big money interests and yet some still cheer the verdict. The lead defense attorney said, ‘they want to pimp this kid out to support their political goals’.

  • 1,582

    Yes, the entire justice system needs a review! We have far to many people charged with violent crime that are released far to easily with no supervision! Then we also have people being held for crimes that are minor and sent to prison! We also need to deal with mental illness! We have many that with help can lead normal and productive lives! We also have a percentage the need extreme help or hospitalization as they are a danger to them selves and others! Then we have judges that need review and continuing education! Clearly the judge in the Rittenhouse trial is a loose cannon!

  • 276

    A little to late but the DA’s in city’s need to stop letting criminals out before they should be.

  • 674

    When is McCarthy going to be hit with criminal charges for ignoring a subpoena? Getting tired of this crap. Do it now or disband the toothless committee.

  • 25.9k

    I basically agree with @Leslie that the entire court system needs reform, but I think that besides lack of resources, there are other deeper, serious systemic problems that must be addressed. Like what kind of judicial sytem allows both the clownish behavior that attempted to cover up the clear bias of Judge Bruce Schroeder and the bias itself. Like that decades later we see the exoneration of men accused of assination based on the fact that substantial evidence was knowingly and intentionally withheld in the Malcolm X Trial. @Leslie wrote: "Court Reform is needed as illustrated by these recent events (Spears conservatorship, Brooks parade injuries, Rittenhouse judge bias)...."

  • 25.9k

    More Importantly... ... You're Definitely NOT Imagining It "US, Poland, Hungary land on 'backsliding democracies' list "A Sweden-based think tank has warned that the US and some eastern EU members are facing declines in civil liberties and other freedoms. In Asia, authoritarianism in China is casting an ever-larger shadow.

  • 140

    Bias in Rittenhouse trial? Clearly you didn’t watch the trial. Tell me why his bail was over $1,000,000 and the person that mass murdered with their SUV had a $1,000 bail? Just goes to show most left leaning here are communists

  • 321

    Rittenhouse case showed the prosecutor lied and tried to twisted his constitutional rights.. Lucky had a Judge that called them our on it. The FBI had video of what happened but tried to hide it and the prosecution gave the defense lower Quality video on purpose.. He openly broke a few federal laws.. Should be fired

  • 318

    We must now ban SUV’s…🙄

  • 36

    The judicial system does not need changing, speaking directly of the judicial branch itself. Having said that, I can't sit here and say a black person is treated the same as a white person by police, the judicial system, etc.; and that IS what needs to change. There also needs to be a change back to Civics/Government education in schools where all students learn how the judicial system really works and then politicians need to STOP using the judicial branches of governments as pawns in to avoid changing laws which they are afraid to touch out of fear they may not be reelected if they try to address the laws. Further exacerbating the problem is you have lawmakers who are completely ignorant of how the judicial system works, or just don't give a crap so long as their agenda is served, and the lack of clear and unbiased media reporting has been a complete disservice to this country as well and created an environment where it is all but impossible for any meaningful conversations of change to occur. I commented before, and I will repeat myself here, with regard to the recent Rittenhouse decision, looking in from the outside (that is NOT being privy to evidence presented, etc.) the case appeared like it should be fairly simple to prosecute, yet something twisted happened. The prosecution doctored evidence, withheld evidence, tampered with evidence, lied, misled the public, etc. and the Judge called them out on it as is his DUTY! The prosecution team destroyed their own case by breaking the rules they created more than enough doubt in the minds of the jurors I don't think it would have mattered what happened, who testified, what other evidence was produced, or whatever, the prosecution violated the trust of the jurors and gave them more than enough reason to doubt all of the evidence presented. At the same time the prosecution did something else, and perhaps this was their intent all along, they further undermined a Nation's already fragile confidence in its judicial system by perverting the constitutional rights of the defendant, the same rights which are supposed to be afforded to ALL defendants, yet if not given to a white boy of the tender age of 17, lord knows what they would have done had this been a person of color, or is that what they want everyone to believe? I don't have the answer, but I know the damage was done and any member of the prosecution team who knowingly presented the tainted evidence, testimony, whatever should themselves be disbarred and NEVER allowed to practice law again, outed in the National Media so the whole Nation knows exactly who they are just as everyone knows exactly who Kyle Rittenhouse is, and themeselves be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, in proceedings broadcast nationally, with commentary by those who actually understand and respect the judicial system and can speak truthfully as to what is occurring and why and what the ramifications are for what offense; so I don't mean someone from Fox News or CNN, tap some law schools for professors known to be moderate and true scholars rather than political hacks and operatives. As for Kyle Rittenhouse, he will have to live his life with the guilt of knowing what he did. As I am a Christian, Catholic at that, sure he can pray for forgiveness and I do believe God will forgive him as long as he spends the rest of his days in penance of his sins, that is trying to do good. He will never be able to go back in time and undo his actions, and I am not going to speculate on whether he was guilty or innocent under the law, I am talking about under the weight of his own guilt, his own soul, and if the tears he was shedding were real, which I believe they were, I believe he is already haunted by his actions and likely will never sleep a good night sleep again. He will also spend at least the next several years unable to go into public without being recognized, which will be a source of constant anxiety and pain aswell as a constant reminder of what he has done. So unless he is a psychopath who feels no emotion, no remorse, he will spend his life in punishment for his actions and ultimately will be judged by the Lord. I know this is likely of little solace to those wishing for a harsh sentence and rightly concerned about others becoming emboldened to act with impunity in the name of some cause, but remember this also serves for ALL people as well and I do believe the Lord, whose son Jesus would have looked like any man of decent from the area of Ctesiphon, which was an ancient city about 35 km South of present day Baghdad, so he would not have looked white or black rather he would have looked Middle Eastern, which you could say is almost like a blending of white and black... Maybe there is a lesson in that as well.

  • 118

    Subtle correction, man driving SUV kills...