IT: Taliban seeks to handle ISIS-K without U.S. help, and... Are you concerned about rising sea levels?

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  • 2,797

    I’m not so concerned about the sea levels. You hear the environmental people talking about 1/3 of the northern ice field are gone in one year. Look at the beach houses are they now that alleged 24 ft under water? I am more concerned about the coronavirus. Since January 20th at noontime to present 269 days here are the figures the media won’t tell you. Cases 20,197,051 new cases yesterday 22,152. Deaths 449,738 new deaths yesterday 182. President Trump had in one full year of the epidemic with no vaccines until the last 38 days the following: Cases 24,717,808 Deaths 274,761. At the present rate Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden will have at the end of his first year the following. Cases 27,404,920 Deaths 610,239. This comes from a man that was so smart he was going to kill the virus. He has had 3 vaccines since day one. Yet he leaves the borders wide open with no quarantine or testing. If you thought the 15,000 Haitians under the bridge in Del Rio Texas was bad the media won’t show you but the are 75,000 more Haitians that have left Brazil and are caravanning to out border. They will be here next month.

  • 132

    Listening to William Shatner’s experience going up in space was chilling! He actually saw a hole in our ozone and how the clarity of the earth is different. I’m in Seattle - 3 days of temps from 102-108. Portland was 115!! And here we are restricting voter rights, can’t pass an infrastructure bill, will silence our phones in a movie theater because it’s good for the group but won’t mask up or get vaxed! Ask a young person what their greatest concerns are- will they have a future?

  • 41.9k

    There was an exceptional NOVA documentary that followed a team of environmental scientists who spent a year on an icebreaker deep within the Arctic Ice trying to understand why the Arctic is warming at twice the average rate of the rest of the planet and how this has and will effect the evolution of the climate crisis. This was the most extensive scientific study of the Arctic’s impact on the Climate. Key new findings are that the sunless Arctic winter accelerates Arctic warming due to the heavy clouds that form. Normally the ice crystals that make up clouds reflect sunlight back into space which helps cool the planet. Cloud cover also blankets land masses and prevents heated surfaces from radiating ground heat into space. So clouds normally both cool the planet by blocking sunlight and warn the planet by preventing radiant heat from escaping the planet. During the sunless Arctic winter all the cloud cover does is to provide a heat trapping blanket. … … … Other findings confirmed that soot from the global wild fires is being deposited on Arctic Ice, causing it the melt quicker than predicted by initial climate models which have been otherwise remarkably accurate during the early evolution of climate change. These soot deposits have also been found to be greatly accelerating the melting miles deep land based ice packs on Greenland, which will cause global oceans to rise by an average of twenty three feet much sooner than was anticipated, further disrupt established ocean currents, destabilize the northern jet streams, increase the severity of storms as well as the severity temperature extremes. … … … Measures of the heat transfer from Arctic waters to the atmosphere appear to explain the increasing instability if the northern jet stream, causing it to substantively distort in months long and annual cycles which directly effects local climates, established water sheds, the severity and frequency of hazardous storms and ‘feedback’ processes that cause the changes to accelerate (displaced jet streams can carry massive amounts of Arctic air south and massive amounts of warm air north). It will of of increased interest to see how these new findings will effect the climate change models. … … … Fossil fuels have taken carbon deposited from millions of years of past life on this planet and deposited most of it into the atmosphere as CO2. The current rate of CO2 increase is greater than ever seen in geologic history including some of the worst global life extinction events. Every gallon of gas used puts 5 pounds of carbon into the atmosphere as over 18 pounds of CO2. Using the processes that nature uses to re-capture CO2 today, it would take over a thousand to extract the man-made CO2 in the atmosphere from the last one hundred years. This is an optimistic estimate because the ocean’s photosynthetic life forms which process at least half of the world-processed CO2, mainly phytoplankton, is being greatly reduced by the increased acidity of the warming ocean waters. … … … The only reason that any arguments exist that deny these effects are fed by the self-serving greed of those who profit from the fossil fuel industry either directly or indirectly through insider investments or those congresspeople being paid to protect their benefactor’s interests. ‘Legalized’ corruption is still corruption and when an industry such as big pharma can afford 1,500 pay-rolled lobbyists in DC, big-oil can afford massive political donations to ensure their profitability, and each can engage in massive media campaigns there must be a lot of short term profits which they are protecting. Just think about how much they have bastardized the ideals of a free market economy and the practice of competitive Capitalism by massively investing in protectionism and political favoritism instead of making better goods and services that meet the needs of the country and the people. … … … Much of our country’s political problems could be eliminated by simply repealing the legalized corruption of Citizen’s United and eliminating other big money influence from OUR political leaders.

  • 41.9k

    Glo- I hope you are doing well, as well. We are doing OK. I am maybe a little bit more of a crotchety old fart than I was before. Still worried about the future that my grandkids will be left with and the greedy uninformed that are leading us there.

  • 2,427

    You go, jimK, my friend! ❤️😊❤️😊❤️😊 Hope you and your family are well. So far, I am holding the line here. 😊🥴

  • 468

    Daniel: It is about the RATE, you ignorant twit. Of course sea levels rise and fall and temperature averages rise and fall over geologic timescales. No scientist ever denied that. However, GEOLOGIC timescale is a radically different thing than HUMAN timescale. The SPEED OF THE CHANGES is what’s important, and the very argument that “this has happened many times in history” is EXACTLY how scientists know that THIS RATE IS UNNATURAL AND DANGEROUS.

  • 284

    Eliminate the filibuster now. Address climate change. Pass the voting rights bill and pass both Infrastructure bills. They are investments in America’s future. Save the earth for your children.

  • 458

    The list of things I am concerned about is enormous: rising seas near the top, the Taliban further down, since there’s not much we can do about them.

  • 373

    Yes of course I am concerned about rising sea levels as should everyone because it will affect all and everything from weather,infrastructure, enviornment, ecosystems, humans and wild life habitats, economy's and more including the pocket books of all the greedy selfish climate denying hoarders who have been funding its denials for their own selfish needs and profits. In the end it wasn't and will not be worth what they've paid and it will be them that lose the most. The their earnings would have been more valuable sustainable and substantial if they would have worked toward not denying along with solutions and transitioning.

  • 119

    Rising sea levels can’t be stopped overnight. Climate change is the driving force caused by man made pollutants. It’s like trying to stop a battleship at a full bell. It’s going to take time so we better get busy.

  • 126

    The melting of the Icebergs are probably due to melt but definitely not to this degree! Also, putting holes in the ozone cannot be helping matters—common sense.

  • 8,471

    @robert-would love to know where you get your misinformation regarding Covid numbers. Especially since you say the press refuses to print the truth. You would be much more credible if you listed sources!

  • 242

    The bizarre, loud, and nonsensical noise of the seditionists with their conspiracy theories seems to have stolen away public attention from the real threats to our existence: climate change, rising sea levels, and fanaticism everywhere from ISIS to QAnon. What we need is more kindness, common sense, education, cooperation, and appreciation of science.

  • 285

    In the twisted minds of progressive liberals, there is a deep-rooted fear of “climate change.” Rational people, on the other hand, simply refer to this phenomenon as seasons, such as spring, summer, fall, and winter. Likewise, the feeble minds of liberals are gripped by fear over rising sea levels. To the rest of us, it is just a matter of tides. I live in an area of the country where tornados are commonplace. I am just waiting to hear how liberals plan to tax them out of existence.

  • 7,880

    The Taliban went to show that they can handle it, we see. They have one thing in their favor, they don’t care about people’s lives. If you lose a Village or two, no problem. The problem is what each town is a tribe and independent of each other. The sort of income is poppies (drugs) to the rest of the world. Their drug treatment program can be a little harsh and May death? We got our drug cartel problem, we like to take a softer approach?

  • 128

    Yes, I am concerned about rising sea levels!!!

  • 169

    Climate change is a lie

  • 1,814

    I’m more concerned with illegal migrants crossing our borders, more concerned with our homeless problem that democrats care nothing about, concerned about crime in our cities, our drug problems and Critical Race Theory which is the most racist topic you can teach.

  • 40

    Until I see hard evidence that climate change…if there is such thing….is caused by man, then I don’t have the least of concern. The Taliban, aided by our joke of a president is rising in power. That is definitely a concern. So is the border crisis and voter fraud.

  • 169

    I blame biden and his administration on the Taliban and no im not concerned about rising sea levels