IT: Republicans won’t help Democrats raise the debt limit 💰, and... Time to ditch Columbus Day for Indigenous Peoples' Day?

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  • 85

    Sen Toomey - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!? I would have never thought that you would put up America’s financial security up for a ransom, but here we are. Didn’t you run a S & L? Would you gamble with the viability of that S & L to score political points? The board would have thrown you out on your ear for pulling such a stunt! So why are you doing it to the nation’s economy. These are acts of men who no longer hold sway with the majority of the voting public, but like spoiled babies, they want to break everything on their way out. Isn’t that right, Senator Toomey?

  • 252

    Democrats need to wake up from their frightening state of denial and take whatever measures they can in the scant remaining months of their congressional majority to try to salvage democracy from single-party authoritarian rule. Seemingly drastic measures like making D.C. a state and adding two senators, as well as tinkering with the filibuster in order to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and to enact legislation to fix the Electoral Count Act (a vital step that has yet to even been introduced in Congress) should be front-and-center of President Biden’s agenda as the head of the Democratic Party.

  • 7,962

    Either use reconciliation to End the debt ceiling altogether, so that it NEVER can be used as a political pawn again…. OR…. Call Republican’s bluff! I don’t think the party beholden to special interests, corporate America & the ultra-wealthy are going to take that gamble…just think of the damage on Wall Street! And, if they’re stupid enough to take that gamble & crash our economy, MAKE DAMN SURE EVERYONE KNOWS IT’S THE REPUBLICAN’S FAULT!!!

  • 2,427

    With you all the way, Larubia! 😊❤️😊❤️. Call their bluff! None of this bull crap anymore. Dealing with this right before Xmas will, certainly, make them think about their vote. No more filibuster crap, either! Every single Senator MUST show their vote. We need to see who continues to suck you know Who’s, you know what! Off topic - I think we should take away statehood from Texas and Florida - for starters! When a State seizes to be a proactive part of America. When their beliefs are contrary to our Constitution. Then, they should be ousted from being a part of America! Other RED States should follow, should they continue to believe the BIG LIE and support the BIG LIE-er! Worthless pieces of crap, the red State people, for the most part. Uneducated and gullible, the lot of them! I live in one of them myself. I am leaving it as soon as Covid is over...

  • 7,846

    What I find interesting is the black, brown, independent and others complain that the democrats can get thing done, well you didn’t really make it so they could. A simple majority will never get anything done, you need to vote out more Republican! You got a little less than haft the country buying in to Trump’s big lie, do I did to say more?

  • 2,427

    Carina, you and PattiZ are damn fools! Of course, there are many men out here that are damn fools, too, but you two are exceptional in your ignorance.

  • 129

    So, we honor a man who was lost and brought disease that killed millions of indigenous people and Retuned with slaves to Europe. Why don’t we have statues to Confederates , oh yeh we do..

  • 169

    TDJCatholicblogger columbus day will stay even if you dont like it o yes bite urself

  • 2,427

    Leslie, wonderful work! ❤️😊❤️😊 Your comments are, always, so informative. Keep up the fantastic work! I, always, look forward to your comments.

  • 318

    Cancel Columbus? Bite me.

  • 7,846

    Trump is using Hitler approach, lie about everything and repeat it over and over and over. People will start to believe the big lie. The more you can get people to repeat the lie, it reinforces the big lie and people start to believe it in their echo chamber. It’s like a cancer in spreading. That’s how dictator come to power by controlling the narrative. It work for Hitler. Democrats should let the debt limit failed, because the Republican cause it under Trump and cause by the tax cuts for wealthy and corporations, which is every year. Let them explain the disaster they created! Let the infrastructure fail the republicans don’t want it and the social entitlement, like social security, day care, Medicare and other programs. This way the wealthy and the corporations can keep their $800 billion a year entitlement tax cuts and pay no taxes. They don’t want to support social infrastructure, let the homeless people live in the wealthy and corporations neighborhood, camp out at the doors steps of corporations, businesses and the wealthy !!!!!!!! It called entitlement. They are entitled to live where ever they want and panhandle at there gate. As far as Munchin, he is not mainstream, he is beholden to corporations and wealthy tax cut. Joe Manchin net worth is about $8 million dollars, he just good at saving, plus is talking about switching party’s, now that he got his millions. His wealth is in the fossil fuel industry. Do I need to say more that is why republicans love him. He goes to Texassssss GOP oil fundraiser. He gives the same lip service as Republicans Joe Manchin question do what is right for the American people or his pocket book? I guess Joe Manchin is correct, absolute power corrupts absolutely, he should know.

  • 2,797

    GLOWURM I have said the same thing about all of Calimexico the western half’s of Oregon and Washington state what we call the far left coast. The border should run from Brownwood Tx to the west side of the border and along the east side of California up to the Canadian Border. The three states would then be kicked out of the United States for the reason you mentioned. Actually Texas had toyed with the idea of succession but it actually had been ruled illegal. They succeeded during the Civil war but was put back in the Union following the end of the war. I saw on TV where a group of economists had decided that the United States Government would be able to pay off the National Debt in one day and have Trillions of dollars for a.o.c’s New Green deal to be fully funded and Comrade Nancy could write as many Trillion dollars bills as she wanted. The idea is simple and not one dollar in taxes is necessary in fact we could all stop paying taxes. The Federal Reserve would make Platinum Coins at the Trillion Dollar value. Then we go to China and say how much do we owe you? Ok start counting out trillion dollars coins. Paid in Full All the Federal reserve needs to do is mint 1000 of these new coins and deposit it all in the Federal Reserve Bank. When Comrade Nancy wants free college education for all Americans up to three doctorates levels she writes the bill passes in in both chambers of Congress and the President signs it and sends it to the Federal Reserve Bank to be paid. If we ever run out of them platinum coins we just mint 1000 more. We will never have to fight again about budget deficits again or defaulting the American government. Case solved. I actually had thought of another way each state is allowed to leave the Union one by one. In the meantime we make Washington DC and Puerto Rico states. They would be locked into statehood for 100 years. As 50 states finally leave the last two states would be liable for the National Debt. Problem solved.

  • 2,915

    Enough already. How about we cancel 'cancel culture'.......

  • 204

    Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!!!!!

  • 169

    I live in Missouri our governor is republican our state legislature is republican super majority and the state voters heavily republican so Columbus day will stay here and o yes anyone that calls for ditching Columbus day is a racist

  • 169

    keep columbus day

  • 674

    Enforce the subpoenas today or dismantle the committee. If you’re not going to do it right don’t do it at all. Why don’t we open all the jails and let all the poc out. Our courts just allowed a white man to attend a football game when he should have been in jail/home confinement. Either hold the rich old white men to the same standards as POC or stop all the fake indignation and investigations.

  • 3,959

    How about national holidays with time off with pay for every explorer who came within sight of the New Lands whether the continent or surrounding islands, whether they were Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Scandinavians, Oriental, Portuguese, French, Russian, English. Then let’s makes a National Holiday with paid time off for every established Native American Tribe. Then we can add National Holidays with paid time off for every religious event celebrated within the United States. I am not sure as to how many working days we would have left, but I am sure it be almost sufficient to keep us happy. All these holidays would be added to the now recognized celebrated Recognition Days, Weeks and Months we already have. I believe any good Democrat or Republican would endorse this as a Make America Great Again policy.

  • 246

    Columbus was a butcher. America can definitely do better

  • 246

    Repukes generally only help themselves,so no surprise there