House to Take One-Day Break From Recess to Advance Short-Term Debt Limit Extension

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 3,405

    How long do you honestly think moving the debt limit will take? How long? Are you kidding me?

  • 865

    They’ll need to break their vacation a bit to indict the scofflaws who are avoiding speaking to the Jan 6 commission. Lock them up!

  • 303

    I do not like anything that Nancy Pelosi is proposing, and raising our deficit. Like a few million dollars to give to her park. How does that fall into anything. This is the type of women who will give everything to what she wants. And it’s not to help America don’t be fooled. She doesn’t give a damn about America or the American people and she never has. Do you remember when our country was shut down and the cameras and hurt House and she showed us her gourmet ice cream. The woman is a one-sided Eco testicle maniac. Who only cares about Nancy Pelosi and what she wants. And it’s not for America. She thinks she smells really good. But she stinks like hell. I hope what she wants never gets past

  • 42

    Trying to run the country unilaterally without input from the miority is doomed to failure and fosters more bad will amongst the legislators.

  • 472

    They may as well take a break they don't do anything useful anyway! Hurry up next election!

  • 66

    why are you bothering with the republicans you have a majority stop trying to be bipartisan that time has come and passed. pass everything you can ram it down there throats they way we had to take the BS corporate tax that trump did. STOP BEING BIPARTISAN and do something midterms are a coming and you should be worried you putz

  • 289

    Although it's good to pass the debt limit issue, it's way past time to pass longer term solutions. This is exhausting and not at all proactive.

  • 149

    Get to work. Stop spending!h

  • 3,405

    hahahahahaha. So the Senate is already back on vacation and the House goes next week. Tooooo funny. Just way too funny. We're not in any sort of a crisis are we? Like a budget crisis or anything like that, right? I wonder if they will get their Christmas shopping done now or will they need another vacation before Christmas? Dec. 5th is important right?

  • 87

    Need term limits

  • 303

    My comment is not on the what was posted my comment is on the parents that are fighting for the rights of how their kids are being taught in our public schools. In the new administration who is on the board of our schools, they are in control of everything. And parents have no say. These people are voted in, and should be voted out. But they are teaching our kids in school parents do not like. No parent would like it. Now they want the FBI to step in. What is coming next concentration camps for parents. The American people pay for our schools in our tax dollars. I believe we have a right for parents to be able to speak their grievances, on what the schools are teaching their kids. Why are the schools obsessed, with sexual preference.And they are starting in first grade. That is something that should be left up to the parents. What in the hell is happening to our country.

  • 209

    Again people if you're Representatives don't vote for this when we really need new Bridges new railroad tracks new everything instead of letting them crumble and nickel and diamond so if you're Representatives don't vote right vote them out.

  • 870

    They need to stay in session until they get things done. Enough "punting" things down the road. Enough political posturing. They work for us. There are bills that need to be passed so we can move forward. Just do it.

  • 310

    Taking a break from doing NOTHING! That must be very tiring.

  • 2,934

    At work but get the bills passed and in the process weaken the lobbyists.

  • 1,271

    Just let the government default.. A shutdown will be good for the country. The states will do - just fine

  • 57

    Congress can’t control their spending of OUR money. The Democrats want to up the spend to 3.5 TRILLION$$$ so called infrastructure package that’s not really an infrastructure package.

  • 218

    Anything Pelosi does is evil, I don’t believe she has one good bone in her body that would lead her to act in good faith for American citizens. By far she will go down in history as one of the most selfish evil Speaker of the House. I look at it this way, who in their right mind would be able to meet with the Pope after knowing that many Catholic priests have spoken up about her stance on abortion and have even called to not allow her communion! Pelosi is above the remarks and actually was brass enough to meet with the Pope. She has no humility, no moral compass and if that should be brought to her attention she would dismiss it like a gnat in her face. Any agenda this woman has is for her own good and not the American citizens, her hatred knows no boundaries. Her agendas are not in good faith and therefore do not deserve any accolades. It has to be difficult for the Republican Party in the House to even listen to her misguided agendas, they need to stand strong and continue pushing back to thwart her evil ways.

  • 25.8k

    I still think Causes should have a Table of Contents listing issues. I couldn't find anything recent for Domestic Terrorist Groups. Anyway, File this under "This is Possibly A Domestic Terrorist Group To Watch in Tennessee: Rod of Iron Ministries" An article was sent to me due to the photographs' ludicrous appearance of men in magenta gowns wearing tiaras carrying AK47s, simply as "Gun Tottin' Trannies for Trump," but I'm thinking more like here's "Yet Another Trumping Loving Religious Lunatic Cult with AK47s, and plenty of cash. Oh Boy!" This is not about cross dressing; just weird cultural appropriation. Read on MAGA Gun Church That Worships With AR-15s Has Bought a Giant Mountain Property in Tennessee - VICE

  • 25.8k

    If you have not already read or heard about this — “Pelosi said she hoped that Congress would lift the debt ceiling in a bipartisan way this December because of the stakes involved. But she also floated a bill sponsored by Rep. Brendan Boyle, D-Pa., that would transfer the duty of raising the debt limit away from Congress and vest it with the Treasury secretary, saying, ‘I think it has merit.’” I like the idea as a step towards doing away with the entire Debt Limit Farce. Better the Bureaucrats than the Politicians; although I'd like some checks & balances to guard against abuses. “House returns to stave off default with debt limit vote” WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of the House are scrambling back to Washington on Tuesday to approve a short-term lift of the nation’s debt limit and ensure the federal government can continue fully paying its bills into December.