Senate Parliamentarian Rules Against Democrats' Plan to Include Immigration Reform in Reconciliation Spending Bill

How do you feel about the parliamentarian’s ruling?

  • 380

    Immigration issues should be addressed separately. It is a complex issue that deserves discussion and serious consideration, not snuck in as some little appendage.

  • 90

    All of these old white guys need voted out or removed from office. This is AMERICA! Full of every race, colors and religions that need proper and appropriate representation for everyone! This coming from an old white woman.

  • 8,978

    very sad! We need to fix this.

  • 199

    We have enough to deal with in this Society trying to get our Citizens to move forward in the right direction. Adding immigrants to the frying pan only pushes our citizens back by having to provide for them and their families. Why can't we supply the resources they need to flourish in their own economy and live productively. We are squeezing more people into our society and making it hard to move around with our own citizens. Mixture is great, but it's also a problem in some ways don't cheat us out of our benefits to provide for others. Give them the resources they need that they are looking to seek over here. Stop cheating us to provide for others!!

  • 219

    Not at all surprised by this decision, but I am very disappointed. The humanitarian crisis happening at the border with Haitian asylum seekers proves the United States needs to reform the immigration system and provide pathways to citizenship to the many undocumented people in this country.

  • 86

    The Parliamentarian "ruling" is not legally binding. It's an antiquated position that is a roadblock to passing legislation. It's way past time to get rid of the Parliamentarian and the filibuster. Focus on passing legislation that benefits working people, not just the corporations.

  • 409

    Great Call...Tired of Democrats sneaking something ike immigration reform in this bill..Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

  • 289

    The immigration issue is huge. How bad does it have to get before Congress works for comprehensive reforms to fix this broken down and pathetic "system"? Doing nothing is not making things better. The crowds at the border have no homes left to go back to.

  • 152

    Spend. Spend spend that’s all the Democratic Party knows how to do spend American money on foreigners while letting the Americas pay for it all. It’s people have not even been properly knows what kind of people they are letting into our country to become your neighbor or mine . Terrorists murderers rapists drug dealers who knows .no I do not agree with this.

  • 882

    What is wrong with Democrats? Need anyone ask? We are being educated on a daily basis. We will remember and vote according!

  • 61

    Talk, talk, talk…with no meaningful movement on immigration reform. A solution is far overdue. Immigrants are the backbone of the US. Get over it. What is driving the anti-immigrant push is a racist ideology that fears people who are different. Immigrants contribute more than they get. They work at various jobs (is anyone paying attention to the difficulty employers are having hiring?); they pay taxes; they are honest hard working people. We have to get to the core racist ideology that is driving republicans. Immigrants ARE part of our cultural, social, and economic infrastructure. Find a way to pass a permanent and meaningful immigration bill/executive orde, or something. Even previous republican presidents have granted amnesty.

  • 37

    As a lifelong registered Democrat, I will explain my NO vote this way. A trend by the Democratic party to maintain the disenfranchisement politically, economically, and educationally, of Black people in this country, more than any other ethnicity is continually denied full citizenship and excess to capital and justice. The blatant deportation of Pan Afrikans (Haitians)with a history of forcing the French to sell 1/4 of what is now the USA is being deported.

  • 66

    You dumb asses! I’m sick of supporting Democrats that won’t fight fire with fire!!!

  • 41.9k

    Technically, the Senate parliamentarians determination may be correct. That does not mean that it is right. The Senate Republican Faction will not pass immigration reform nor will they let House Bills on immigration reform to even be debated in the Senate. This is the great evil of the filibuster. None of the Republican Faction Senators have to go on the record to face the electorate with their inhumane actions; They can hide behind the one-and-done filibuster as they protect their benefactors to the disadvantage of the people and they continue to argue that the Democrats cannot get anything done. … … … This is not Democracy where people vote for their representatives based upon what they have accomplished, since they have accomplished nothing except to protect their Faction and cover their tracks so their unethical actions cannot be clearly visible; so they never can be clearly held to account for their treachery.

  • 3,697

    We have an obligation to protect our fellow man. The republicaNAZI party has violated the Geneva convention with regard to refugees and defunded immigration to make it almost impossible for them to seek citizenship legally. ALL OF AMERICAN HISTORY has shown that immigration helps the nation, but the NAZI party that used to be republican gets its NAZI followers to treat them as invaders. The reason for their fear-mongering is they are racist and are terrified of other skin colors and religions taking away their majority.

  • 51
    John R

    This person is unelected and should therefore NOT wield such power!

  • 290

    This was a terrible ruling & must be reversed. Civil rights depend on it. Plus it's the right thing to do.

  • 81

    Legal immigration is no problem. But, what is happening on our southern border is beyond acceptable. The Biden administration has willingly destroyed the safety of every citizen of the United States. Truthfully I don't see how anyone in America could vote for a Democrat for any office. Even more, I don't understand how anyone with a decent moral code could vote for a Democrat. VOTE GOP. EVERY TIME. ALL THE TIME.

  • 2,503

    Regardless of the parliamentarian's ruling on immigration/reconciliation, the underlying and more important question is why the Democrats were asking to use that process. The answer of course is that the Republicans refuse to do anything to help the American people, to help DACA recipients, to help refugees, or to do anything whatsoever. The Republicans are content to sit on their fat asses and collect a paycheck while just saying 'no' to anything that might in the teensiest possible way make Biden or the Democrats look good. I am so sick Republicans. We need to be rid of these do-nothings and replace them with representatives who truly want to serve their constituents.

  • 1,827

    the right wing republicans need to stop listening to old white men billionaires and special interests and listen to the majority of americans who we voted for