Attack at Ohio State University, Corps Won’t Remove DAPL Protesters and More You Missed in Politics Today

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  • 817

    Going to get a helliva lot worse thanks to inflation  fuel prices fertilizer cost seed costs. Thank this worthless administration for all of it.

  • 463

    Food insecurities happen in all communities of color and non color as you have been educated, the elite is just confusing you!

  • 1,295

    Food insecurities also affects the disable population. We always seemed to forget about them. Most of the disable population are poor due to policies that expect them not to make a specific amount of money in order to receive aid. This is a tired and non effective policy that needs to discontinue.

    Also, some people need assistance for food shopping and must rely on staff. Some of the groceries they receive are loaded with preservatives or high in sodium which impacts their health. 

  • 463

    Food insecurities is caused by Politicians investing in Food Companies and refusing to regulate the cost and inflation in Food.


    Larry Fink, the owner of BlackRock and a major donor to this Political Action Committee seek to make Food insecurity a racist thing but it is simple a Political Corruption and Donor Profit relationship.