Women Are Shaping This Election — Why Is the Media Missing It?

Is the media biased towards men?

  • 10.5k
    Voted Yes

    I changed my answer to yes. I guess I was just hopeful before the election. There are many reasons why Harris lost (voter apathy, voter suppression, media, the need for change, etc). However,  I believe the majority of voters just didn’t want a woman, particularly one of color. People will argue it was the border or economy, but that’s just BS (if you cared to listen/read). Bottom line is that racism & misogyny won…again.


    You just taught our daughters that they will never be enough and our sons that they can be a criminal, sexual predator, liar & cheat and still hold the highest office in the land. 

    Absolutely disgusting. 

  • 59.1k
    Voted Maybe

    The media I listen to have been talking about high turnout among women, and how abortion rights is still a huge issue, so I'm not sure...

    But it's very clear that Donald is all in on the "bro vote", so let's see how that turns out.

  • 182

    It would be nice to have a more diverse leadership in this country. During the 2020 election, Joe Biden and Kamala Haris recieved more media attention and, in turn, more public support than Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker did. When Kyrsten Sinema became an independent, she was attacked for being a "corporate democrat", but she is the first woman to represent Arizona; and possibly the first woman and bisexual individual to be an independent in the US legislature. (Sources:https://www.congress.gov/members?q=%7B%22party%22%3A%5B%22Independent%22%2C%22Libertarian%22%5D%7D, https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/bernie-sanders-kyrsten-sinema-democrat-b2243191.html) However, deciding who to vote for should not be based on someone's gender or how wealthy someone is, but whether or not they are the best qualified for that position. 

  • 679
    Voted No

    Causes needs to clean house! The web site is a mess with outdated content! 

    i myself missed the real issue concerning the majority of Americans! 
    inflation was the overwhelming issue that people thought was the biggest problem facing them! The Democrats failed to address that issue! 
    The over regulation of cars has put the price of cars beyond belief! 
    Yes promote EV's but not at the expense of allinating everyone! 
    Secure the boarder was another issue that should have been addressed in the first year of the Biden administration! 
    So now we have a possible sex offender on Tap for attorney general, a person that a worm that has had lunch on his brain in line to be in charge of our healthcare! 
    The. Person who is friendly with Putin in the cabinet! 
    No one could write this ! 

  • 10.5k
    Voted Yes

    Not all media sources have missed the gender breakdown. Most of the media is focused on "gotcha moments" & gafs made by either side. 

    As far as bias goes, our society, as is most of the world, is focused upon men. 

    In business:  Women currently in CEO roles: 8.2% in the Fortune 500; 7.3% in the Fortune 1000; 6% in the S&P; 5.6% across the Russell 3000; and 7.4% at private companies with revenue over $1 billion. October 2024


    In pay:  Women working full-time, year-round earn 84% of what men are paid. 2024


    In movies: In 2023, women held 35% of speaking roles in films, down from 37% in 2022. 77% of films had more male characters speaking than female characters. Only 38% of lead roles were women. 

    Sports: 85% of televised sports coverage dedicated to men's sports and only 15% to women's sports. October 2023


    Healthcare: Doctors are more likely to diagnose women with a psychological cause for their pain, rather than a physical one. Don't even get me started with gynecological care, including abortion services. 

    Sex:  According to the study (byVerena Klein), men are generally perceived as being more entitled to orgasms and sexual pleasure than women ― a perception that’s shared among men andwomen. You need only watch commercials geared toward male sexual enhancement. 

    Politics: 46 male presidents, 0 female; 47 male VPs, 1 female VP, House: 71% men  29% women; Senate: 75 men, 35 women (this is the highest number of women to ever serve); Supreme Court: of 116 justices who have served 110 have been men. 

    Voting: women got the right to vote in 1920,  in recent elections, women have turned out more than men, thus affecting the gender gap. In the last presidential election,women accounted for 54.7% of the electorate and men accounted for 44%. And of course, there are simply more adult women than men. (Brookings Institute)


    Education: this is the one area women outpace men.  The graduation rate for women (67.9%)was more than 6 percentage points higher than for men (61.3%). Aug. 2024 Yet, full-time faculty at universities shows 46.8% of full-time faculty are women, but only 42.5% of full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty are women.


    Crime: Women are more likely to be victims of sexual assault and related violence. One in women are likely to be victims of intimate-partner violence, In 2022, there were slightly more female victims of violent crime than male victims in the US


    Child rearing:  In 2023, there were about 7.3 millionsingle mothers in the United States, and more than 22 million children under 18 were being raised without a father at home. Even when both are present,  Children generally spend more time with their mothers than their fathers. In two-parent families, children spend about 2 hours and 21 minutes a day with their mothers, compared to 1 hour and 46 minutes with their fathers.


    I wouldn't be surprised if the media has underestimated us! I look forward to the results of this election and hope that all women & those who love them will vote BLUE to keep their right to have agency over their own body remains intact!!!

  • 1,644
    Voted Maybe

    The media is biased to profit. Damn the results.

  • 10

    l Get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I'd be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19721 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless....

    This is what I do… https://w­w­w.c­a­s­h­d­a­il­y­9.com

  • 15
    Voted Yes
    last Wednesday

    Misogyny is a problem

  • 77
    Voted Yes

    I am very worried about this beautiful country. There are so many horrible things happening because ignorance people either didn't vote or voted for a conman. He's true self came out after the horrible disaster of the crash last week. Americans lost lives. Family are grieving, yet he took the opportunity to criticize and belittle the previous administration. Of course he was lying. But, there are people who believe every word he speaks. Much of what he's doing is strictly for his benefit and no one else. 
    I do not want Elon Musk to have access to my personal information. How do I prevent it? 

  • 84
    Voted Yes

    I would argue the board isn't just toward men, it's dedicated to amplifying the worst parts of the male world. The things you had to deal with in school, giving the bully the benefit of the doubt, making everyone else explain why the bully is winning and why is the failure of everyone else for not stopping their narrative for beginning the main narrative... While also only talking about that institute and how powerful it is... While making it seem powerful... The media had become a spectator of itself, watching the actions they take molding society and not understanding that the fact that people don't know facts is THEIR failing... They are not getting the information out there. But instead they focus their programming on "why doesn't anyone know the facts and whose fault is it (anyone but us!)"

  • 375
    Voted Yes

    Of course the media isn't paying attention to it because it's run by men and owned by men. It's just a handful of rich white men who think they made all of their wealth on their own without any help. Billionaire women like Bill Gates ex-wife Melinda Gates and and Jeff Bezosex ex-wife McKenzie Scott do a lot for women by donating to various causes that help women succeed in this Country.

    It's unfortunate that the women in this country are indoctrinated to believe they are inferior to men. As a father of two young women I'm appalled at how misogynistic this country is. Make America great again? When was it ever great?

  • 205
    Voted Yes

    If women are shaping the direction of this nation,We need to ask who are they? Why would women vote for sexual a predator,convicted of 34 felony counts ,a con artist and person who has always displayed a narcissistic, sociopath personality , a person who lies about anything and everything . A person who continues to stir up hate and disunity. A person who does not honor the Constitution or the office of the President of the USA. We most ask the Question, what does this nation stand for?

    Or perhaps a  white male dominant society ,ruled by a Capitalist System will use any means necessary to keep billionaires in business.

    This includes using women as the scapegoat for the 2024 election results.


  • 13.9k
    Voted Yes

    Russia is loosing its grip on country they are over because democracy is freedom, people can vote as to what they feel are important, have free speech about their rights and concerns, take control of their lives and body , free to live!

  • 2,343
    Voted Yes

    CBS, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, Newsmax, if it is a big all day news show it covers the excat same thing over and over.

    Bloomberg sometimes will give more of a world view.

    I knew we were ahead towards a lock down and would be wearing mask because of PBS News Hour. At times I watched BBC. At times I watch Democracy Now or Amanpour &Company. They are all on PBS.

    I really like MediasTouch. They discuss laws and policies. They are growing rapidly.  They are on YouTube and have so many different 'channels'.

    I also like the Lincoln Project.

    Check out Native Pod (but they are deciding if they will continue next year).

    Some are not associated with a news program like Vic Meyers Old Whit Guy.

    I am adding is video because he is encouraging people to join and contact the representative, parties, etc. Changes need to be made and they need to know who and what the people need.

    I am sorry put we cannot sit on the sideline. I tell people to contact your representative, Senator, or the Whit House. I contacted my representative when I was living in another state. I complained to the election board about the little machines we had causing unnecessary long lines. Changes were made with elections sites. You have tolet your voice be heard.




  • 1,644
    Voted Maybe

    This site appears to have been abandoned. 

  • 2,343
    Voted Yes



    This article has way to many advertising which is annoying when trying to read it.

    Basically it states that the right wing media is the reason that the clown won. They showed specific clips that made the clown look good instead of the real him. 

    I do blame the media for our 4 years of hell.

  • 111.4k
    Voted Yes

    Too many billionaire media owners (LA Times, Sinclair Broadcast Group local news stations, Washington Post, WSJ) that never question Trump but had no problem questioning Biden's, or Harris policies.

    Not certain it's necessarily a gender bias as the fear factor - fear of Trump retribution or corporate tax breaks promised by Trump.

     Disinformation broadcasts by 185 local news stations owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group which in turn is owned by owned by right-wing businessman David D. Smith running a conservative propaganda campaign on Biden's age neglecting to mention Trump is just 3 years younger and has far more speech problems. The initial disinformation statement originated from the WSJ, only citing anonymous (6 people in a meeting) or contradictory (McCarthy) sources. Subsequent stories are coming from the RNC, Laura Trump and the Trump Campaign,

    Lara Trump and the RNC are feeding the disinformation to Sinclair which is new normal of  billionaires buying up news rooms, gutting them and then using them to push disinformation

     People rely on local news for accurate weather, sports and local news. I use them frequently as they often interview more local people involving people in an event or incident than national or international news services.

    " the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post have decided to sit this one out. Both major news organizations, each owned by a billionaire, announced this week that their editorial boards would not make a presidential endorsement, despite their decades-long traditions of doing so."

     "Sinclair Broadcast Group owns or operates 185 local television stations across the country, and dozens of their stations aired a segment from national correspondent Matthew Galka citing a Wall Street Journalarticle that makes dubious attacks on Biden’s age and mental awareness. The stations that aired the segment introduced it using startlingly similar, if not identical language, the Popular Information and Public Notice newsletters reported."

     " It’s not the first time Sinclair, owned by right-wing businessman David D. Smith, has appeared to be running a conservative propaganda campaign. Infamously in 2018, dozens of the company’s TV stations were caught airing an identical editorial about the dangers of biased and false news. This time around, the Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, as well as Murdoch’s cable news stations Fox News and Fox Business, have gotten in on the act."

     " Smith himself has long been a donor to Republican causes through his family foundation, which counts right-wing nonprofits Young Americans for Liberty, Project Veritas, Turning Point USA, and Moms for Liberty among its recipients. In 2016, the Donald Trump campaign cut a deal with Sinclair that exchanged extensive access to Trump in return for positive coverage without fact-checking. That same year, Smith met with Trump and reportedly told him, “We are here to deliver your message.”

    "The Wall Street Journal piece was panned by independent media critics.  CNN's Oliver Darcy said the Wall Street Journal piece had "glaring problems." In Poynter, Tom Jones wrote that it was not a "fairly reported story" because it relied exclusively on "quotes and opinions from those who don’t want to see Biden elected to a second term."

    " McCarthy told the Wall Street Journal about Biden is directly contradicted by comments that McCarthy said previously — both publicly and privately."

    " McCarthy criticizes Biden's performance in debt ceiling negotiations in 2023. But in March 2023, while these negotiations were underway, the New York Times reported that "McCarthy has told allies that he has found Mr. Biden to be mentally sharp in meetings." McCarthy made similar comments about Biden in public, praising Biden as "[v]ery professional, very smart" and "[v]ery tough at the same time." In October, when McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker, Politico reported that McCarthy "mocked Biden’s age and mental acuity in public, while privately telling allies that he found the president sharp and substantive in their conversations."

    " The rest of the piece is based on anonymous Republican criticism of Biden. For example, "according to six people," during a meeting with current House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Biden "said a recent policy change by his administration that jeopardizes some big energy projects was just a study." But the new policy, which involved a pause on new liquified natural gas terminals, involved a study of "the impacts of LNG exports on energy costs, America’s energy security, and our environment." 

    " Nevertheless, the Wall Street Journal piece was repackaged by Sinclair Broadcast Group and beamed into the homes of millions of Americans. Sinclair, which is controlled by right-wing media mogul David Smith, owns or operates 185 local television stations across 86 markets."

    " The shoddy evidence behind the segments, originally published by Sinclair’s National Desk, appears to have been lifted directly from social media posts by RNC Research, the X account operated by the Lara Trump–run Republican National Committee. On at least one occasion, a Sinclair piece quotes directly from the Trump campaign social media team’s response to an RNC Research post."

    " Sinclair’s takeover of local news is a dire development for the future of independent journalism in the United States. But the gutting of newsrooms (and the weaponization of their remnants by right-wing conglomerates) across the country isn’t just a problem for tomorrow; it’s having devastating effects on American democracy today."






  • 2,343
    Voted Yes

    The media is missing a lot of demographics or groups, like Native Americans,  Asian Americans,  etc.

    They seemed to be focus on undeciders.

    And for goodness sake stop relying on the polls.