WATCH & COMMENT LIVE: Harris-Trump Debate

How do you feel about the debate?

  • 42.5k
    Voted Happy

    Tim Walz was interviewed by MSNBC after the debate. When asked about the trump's claim that Dems, Scholars and the people generally all supported the Lenard Leo’s Christian nationalist Supreme Court Justice’s decision to end Roe, and leave the issue to the States; Walz answered that the trump and the “people that live in his head” may support this Supremely irrational decision, but no one else does.

    He did this beautifully in a quick statement of a few words that takes longer to explain than the time it took for him to say it.

    I really like Walz! His ability to make a concise statement with few words is exceptional. He knows how to get to the "just plain weird' MAGAnuats. 

  • 2,242
    Voted Sad

    I am less concerned about the debate than I am of the spin that will be generated about Trump's likely inarticulate and erratic performance. In particular, I wonder how much "sane-washing" there will be.

    On this platform fellow commenter Leslie recently introduced “sane-washing,” an important term denoting an extremely troubling media practice and explained it in the Community Feed.

    The term "sane-washing" has emerged to describe how media outlets often reframe or sanitize erratic or incoherent statements from public figures, particularly Donald Trump, to make them appear more sensible and coherent than they actually are[1][5].

    This practice has become increasingly noticeable in coverage of Trump's speeches and statements.

    Key Aspects of Sane-Washing

    - Softening Extreme Rhetoric: Journalists often downplay or omit Trump's more inflammatory or bizarre comments, focusing instead on more conventional policy points[1].

    - Reframing Incoherent Statements: Trump's often rambling or disjointed remarks are frequently presented as coherent policy proposals or "sweeping visions"[4].

    - Normalizing Behavior: By sanitizing Trump's words, the media risks normalizing behavior that would typically be considered erratic or concerning for a political leader[5].

    Examples of Sane-Washing

    1. CDC Visit During COVID-19: Trump's off-topic remarks about TV ratings were downplayed in favor of more presidential-sounding quotes[1].

    2. Las Vegas Speech: Trump's meandering comments about sharks and Hannibal Lecter were largely ignored in mainstream coverage, which instead focused on worker issues[1][4].

    3. Economic Club Speech: Despite observers noting Trump's incoherence, some outlets reported it as a "sweeping economic vision"[4].

    Consequences of Sane-Washing

    - Misinformation: By presenting a sanitized version of events, the media may be inadvertently spreading a form of misinformation[4].

    - Erosion of Shared Reality: Consistent sane-washing can create an alternate narrative that diverges from the unfiltered truth available in raw footage or transcripts[4][5].

    - Lowered Standards: This practice may be contributing to lowered expectations for political discourse and behavior[2].

    Criticism and Debate

    Some media critics argue that sane-washing is a form of journalistic malpractice that fails to accurately inform the public[4][5]. Others suggest it stems from a desire for false equivalence or a "bias toward coherence" in political reporting[7].

    However, defenders of current practices argue that it's the media's job to interpret and make sense of political statements, and that focusing solely on incoherence could be seen as biased[7].

    Broader Implications

    While the term gained prominence in relation to Trump, critics argue that sane-washing is a broader issue in political journalism that could affect coverage of other politicians and public figures[5]. There are calls for journalists to present politicians' words more directly, with appropriate context and fact-checking, rather than attempting to reframe or sanitize them[5][7].


    [1] 5 times media was accused of 'sane-washing' Donald Trump

    [2] Where's The Line Between Paraphrasing And “Sanewashing?”

    [3] Sanewashing—It's More Widespread Than You Might Think

    [4] OPINION: Hello sane-washing, goodbye journalism - Heartland Signal

    [5] From Rambling to Rational: The Media's Trump Sanewashing Problem

    [6] The Sane-Washing Of Donald Trump - The Weekly Dish

    [7] Is the press 'sanewashing' Trump? - Columbia Journalism Review

    [8] The power of a single word about media malfeasance


  • 54.7k

    I'm not going to say it's over, but on top of a (IMHO) "winning" debate tonight where she got under the 💩's skin and put him on his heels, may not be the "final" blow, but now add in ...

    Taylor Swift!

    This may be "Case Closed"!

    Hey Reps., what do you think, assholes!

  • 171
    Voted Apathetic

    I am neutral with respect to the upcoming debate, It's not my deciding factor for selecting my candidate. I have more than enough data supporting my decision so am patiently awaiting election day. I have no intentions are watching any of the debates this year!!

    I have been voting since the day I turned 18, and, have watched many debates over the years. I have learned even more about policies and where candidates truly stood with respect to their beliefs  and views.  Candidates from all walks of life, with varying opinions and/or approaches would "respectfully" debate each other. They maintained a great sense of respect and dignity for each other. Even though they were on opposing sides, respect, dignity, articulation, etc. is what they brought to the table each debate.

    Then enters trump and followed by a slew of horribly disrespectful others, and the debates have truly just become a clown-show!!!  I sincerely have soooo much better things to do with my life and my time than to sit there and watch a clown-show. I get no pleasure in watching a grown man on national TV bad-mouth, talk down to and calling another human being out of their names!!  It's disgusting and I for one am sick of it.

    I have no intentions of watching any of the upcoming debates. It will honestly be a waste of my time, and, "my time" is quite valuable to me!!


  • 42.5k
    Voted Happy

    Get the mop and bucket out - clean up the swamp water left of the floor as Kamala KO'd the trump, repeatedly!

    She is now endorsed by old white conservative males as represented by DIck Cheny as well as young women represented by Taylor Swift. That about covers the range of political ideology as well.

    The cowardly Republican Cartel who created, enabled, and nourished the FrankenTrump thing we see today - they all need to be held accountable.  

    Those Republicans that still cower and swear allegiance to the trump out of political expediency, those that cannot put our country ahead of their their Party’s and self interests - well all of them need to politically expunged from governance. 

  • 13.2k

  • 2,242
    Voted Sad

    While I admit that I have not actively engaged in watching any of his 2024 rallies from start to finish, I have skipped through some and I have watched a number of video clips in which he has told some alarming stories, the biggest ones being the ridiculous "Sinking Boat" tale only to be topped by the more bizarre Hannibal Lechter tales.

    In thinking about tonight's debate, I wonder if any medically keen observers will be able to tell with a degree of confidence whether Trump was administered some sort of “medicinal cocktail” to emotionally stabilize him and produce a degree of mental clarity.

    Some such medications which can produce focus and mental clarity are in the class of Cholinesterase Inhibitors such as like Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine.

    Then there are anti-psychotic drugs. 

    Clearly Trump is aware of such classes of drugs since he accused President Biden of using them. 

    This all goes towards Trump's fitness to be president and commander in chief. This is  on top of his naive, senseless, and    counterproductive "policy statements," (Tariffs, taxes) and his continued use of cruel, baseless and disparging remarks.

  • 2,343
    Voted Apathetic

    I am disgusted by so call journalists/reporters asking K. Harris about Trumps comment about her all of a sudden being black.

    It is totally inappropriate to ask her about it.

    It is robbing her of her identity. It is indicating she does not belong. It is saying she is an imposter.

    My mom had light skin with an accent. People will debate her on her ethnicity when I was a child. It totally angered me. 

    It is an absolutely stupid question.

  • 10

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  • 113
    Voted Sad

    Once again, Kamala spreads the lies that have been infecting America for the past 8 years.

    Unfortunately, Trump got too distracted with crowd sizes and bragging that he could not defend his positions adequately.

    But that is irrelevance to the Democrat base 5 who have been infected with tds.

    The Trump cult is outnumbered by the TDS infected, by 2 to 1. Thankfully, trump voters outnumber harris supporters by 6 to 4

  • 10.5k
    Voted Happy

    Watching Walz - Vance debate tonight! I would love to hear your thoughts!!!

  • 807
    Voted Apathetic

    Can someone please tell me how this hand-picked idiot of Donald Trump's wrapped his hands around a hot truck exhaust pipe giving himself second-degree burns. among other very negative qualities, this is not a smart man.

    Mark Robinson, North Carolina's Republican candidate for governor, was treated at a hospital after suffering burns at a campaign event Friday evening in Mount Airy, his campaign said. After wrapping his hands around the hot exhaust pipe of a truck at a truck show.

  • 13.9k
    Voted Happy

    People that supported and voted for Trump have becoming disillusion and starting to realize they have been lied too. That people are being hurt by his and their actions of hate and lies! Trump has destroyed lives. Trump has no policies, domestic or foreign on any subject!

  • 4,363
    Voted Happy

     JD Vance says ‘big difference’ between conservatives and liberals is that ‘no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris’

    Really this dumb ass has said this and he’s not sitting in a jail cell right now for trying to insight or murder!

    This is where the call to violence started, and unfortunately, for Donald and America it has come home to roost with him. Trump has drug this country down to its depths.

    just a taste of Trump's past violent comments about American citizens.

    Donald Trump : "Can't you just shoot them? Just shoot them in the legs or something?" Re: Gorge Floyd Protesters.

    During a speech to law enforcement officers in Long Island, New York, Trump encouraged police officers to be rough with people they were arresting.

    In the aftermath of the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a right wing protester ran over and killed a woman Trump said “there are good people on both sides”

    While speaking at a Montana campaign rally, Trump publicly praised Montana's then-Rep. Greg Gianforte (R) — the state's current governor — for previously assaulting a reporter. "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!" Donald Trump

    Trump had deliberated to keep migrants away from the U.S. southern border, including a water-filled trench with snakes or alligators and shooting migrants in the legs to slow them down.

    Trump used violent rhetoric when referring to protests in Minneapolis in the wake of George Floyd’s killing, tweeting, "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." Trump

    Trump lauded law enforcement officers for killing Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described Antifa member suspected of killing a right-wing activist the previous month. "That’s the way it has to be. There has to be retribution," Trump

    (Meanwhile Trump let hundreds of of thousands of Americans die of Covid do to his inept handling of it by suggesting shoving a lighting rods up people and having them drink bleach) retribution?


    Trump telling the far-right Proud Boys that they should "stand back and stand by." (a good portion of whom are now in prison)

    At a rally preceding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Trump repeated false claims that the 2020 election had been stolen and told supporters that "we're going to walk down to the Capitol," adding that "you'll never take back our country with weakness." “ we’re gonna fight like hell.” Trump

    This is really just the tip of the iceberg, Trump has been found guilty of 34 felonies,  been convicted as a sex, pervert in which he has to pay $83.3 million dollars in a lawsuit to the woman he assaulted, (raped).
    Trump has been shown to be a liar in 32 courts across this country with his ridiculous election claims, convicted of fantastical, illegal business, dealings, and tax fraud. 

    So who is the violent person here,

    Who is the person leading the way to violence? It’s Donald Trump, who has drug this country down to his despicable, level and his idiot puppet man, Just Dumb “Cat Idiot” Vance.

    It’s really enough to make you throw up on your shoes.

    If you’re a Republican and you can’t vote for a Democrat, please skip this election and wait for somebody who has some degree of sanity in the Republican party to run.








  • 5,178
    Voted Happy

     Secret Service chief makes remarkable admission: We need a ‘paradigm shift’

    Perhaps the first order should be to ask bozo to stop spewing hate lies revenge etc inciting violence

    he is solely to blame for these attempts as well as attacks on others (pelosi) and more to come  

  • 4,363
    Voted Happy

    “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔,” Elon Musk ------

    This is a quote from the grand idiot Elon Musk, which he posted on X!!!! Personally, I don't want any of my tax dollars going to Elon Musk. I think NASA needs to stop doing business with this jerk immediately he has proven himself time and time again to be a total ass.

    The fact of the matter is unfortunately, Donald Trump has been calling for violence against people for the past six years at his rallies, in his statements, standby proud boys,

    and that there's plenty of good people on the white supremacist side as well as the other side plus his actions calling on his crazed followers to "fight like hell "after which they tour the to pieces.
    Trump has brought this on himself by talking about nothing but violence against people that aren't for him politically. It's time for this BS to STOP.

    It's time to dump Trump and it's time to dump Musk. America doesn't need this kind of bullshit. And that's exactly what this is. Donald Trump is quite literally the worst thing that has ever happened to this country. He gave us the worst economy he put over 200,000 people in their graves with Covid by doing nothing when it hit the country except for telling people to put lightbulbs and bleach up their bodies And tried desperately to overthrow this nation. It's time for this bullshit to stop if you're a Republican I ask you not to even vote in this election. If you can't vote for a democrat wait for a Republican candidate that's sane to run for president. And let's start a movement to dump Elon musk at any financial connections to the United States government. He's a menace he's calling for the assassination of the president of this country. There is no other way to look at it. I think personally you should be locked up.

  • 5,178
    Voted Happy

    Trump blames Biden and Harris’ rhetoric for apparent assassination attempt

    get these clowns out of the news cycle ... its depressing to hear the the nonsense spewed by the second! 

  • 4,363
    Voted Happy

    Excuse me, Donald Trump is blaming Harris and Biden for someone attempting to assassination him! You have to be kidding me! Donald Trump has done nothing but breed violence. Isn't he the one that said at his rallies? Let's rough them up. Throw that guy out and then called his crazed followers to march on the Capital of the United States of America And fight like hell!!!! Among the dozens, if not hundreds of other threats, he's leveled people. What a pig. He dealt these cards and he's getting them back to haunt him. This is where Trump has led America, directly to violence and anarchy. The man is an idiot, a disgrace and the sooner he's in prison, the sooner this country can heal, and the world will be better off. Lock this idiot up.

  • 13.9k
    Voted Happy

    The GOP is counting on Voter suppression, but there is alway GOP voter fraud if that fails!

  • 4,363
    Voted Happy

    Trump has been the person that has encouraged violence against others for six years and not only violence against others but violence against this country. It's not surprising to see karma has found Trump and violence come home to him. It's a sad state of affairs that he has stirred up and now find himself having to deal with, exactly what he's tried to dish out to others. This is what Trump has brought to America.

    Trump hands-down was one of the worst president this country has ever seen. Quite literally hundreds of thousands of Americans died unnecessarily from Covid while this idiot, prescribe, shoving lighting rods up people and drinking bleach. He left one of the worst economies on record for this country to be repaired as he doled out tax breaks to billionaires and screwed over the middle class. Then because he couldn't take losing because he is a loser at heart, he turned America against itself and directed the riot against the Capital of The United States the I'll never forget him saying "fight like hell"

    America doesn't need any more of this whatever it is; insanity!
    As opposed to being president, he really should be a  convict.
    He has been convicted of 34 felonies, found to be a liar in over 32 federal courts over the election, a convicted sex offender sentence to pay $5 million to his victim, a convicted business fraud and income tax cheat. Not to mention that he's a draft dodger.

    If you're a Republican and you just can't stomach voting for a Democrat hold out until the next election and don't vote and hopefully by then the Republican party will re-organize itself and at least put forrh a candidate that sane!

  • 5,178
    Voted Happy

    when is this wannabe bozo going to be held accountable for his lies & misdeeds? 

    congress ... doj anyone stepping up? 
    or you mean to tell me american oligarchs can act with impunity? 
    did they forget that they are all immigrants ... as are all non native and can be deported for crimes committed 

  • 5,178
    Voted Happy

  • 4,363
    Voted Happy

    L O L Trump announced today that he "HATES Taylor Swift " just about a week ago, he said He found Swift "very attractive"

    And that shee looked like she looked like his daughter! (that's a more than a little weird and creppy to say you're attracted to someone because they look like your daughter) ........

    but anyway, in Trump's terminology a week ago he was she was a babe and now he hates her guts because she doesn't support him. She supports Harris.

    If this doesn't sound like a 12-year-old boy's tantrum I don't know what does. Donald Trump apparently has a pretty large mental deficiency. It's not the first time this has been pointed out.... even by doctors.

    What more does Trump have to do to prove to anyone that he definitely has a deep psychological  problem, from finding his daughter sexually attractive to hating people that don't support him to accusing people of eating peoples pets (more crazy talk) when it flies into the face of the facts. Trump is a deranged sad hateful and angry man.

    if you're a Republican and you just can't vote for a Democrat, then don't vote for president this term wait until next term and hopefully some Republican will appear that has absolutely no ties to Donald Trump and is actually a functional human being.


  • 5,178
    Voted Happy

    Haitians - Springfield OH, immigrants buses to sanctuary cities 

    purposely coordinated transfers by republican governors to flood select locations knowing it will cause chaos and create propaganda points for republicans 

    of course no city is equipped to assimilate that volume of people suddenly 

    shows you how sick republicans are to take advantage of human suffering 

  • 111.4k
    Voted Happy

    Germany debunks Trump debate claim that Germany is reverting to fossil fuels because renewable energy failed by saying that 50% of energy in Germany is renewable and they are increasing renewable sources and shutting down coal & nuclear plants.

    Trump Allie's accused Germany of election interference to which Germany state it corrected disinformation with facts!

    "Germany refuted that claim, telling the former president, “Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50 % renewables. And we are shutting down – not building – coal & nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest.”

     "Germany, known for its green initiatives, has been working toward transitioning the country to a low-carbon economy. It set a goal to end fossil fuel heating systems by 2045."

     " Trump allies including his former ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, who accused Berlin of "blatant election interference," the ministry doubled down on that combative approach."

     "Responding to Trump's "disinformation" with "facts and humor" was the "right answer," Anna Lührman, Germany's Europe minister, wroteThursday. "As democrats, we can no longer allow false statements to stand uncommented.”

  • 5,178
    Voted Happy

    'I don't like those comments': Vance responds to Laura Loomer's attack on Harris' Indian heritage

    what a bunch of liars & hypocrits! of course they want to denigrate their opponent in the vilest way possible so they need a 'nondescript' surrogate to mouth their words so they 'look' clean! create some hype around loomer, put her on his plane to get some media attention - coverage and tell her what to say! 

    we know the dirty games you are capable of ... ethics morals be damned! 
    mjt speaking up for harris!? yeah right ... if she could she would have uttered those words herself but she doesn't get to ride on trumps lap! 

  • 5,178
    Voted Happy

    Trump allies worry his ties to far-right activist Laura Loomer could cost him Georgia and North Carolina

    need more proof that this republican party is bizzarre in addition to wierd and absolutely no friend of anyone except wasps? 

    ANY asian latino black jewish vote cast for Bizzarro Bozo will simply prove YOU the ultimate idiot ! You may as well tattoo 'STUPID' on your forehead! 



  • 4,363
    Voted Happy

    I read somewhere the Donald Trump is planning on giving up a politics totally to go on tour with his new internet novelty smash hit eat the dog eat the cat!🐈 🐈‍⬛

    I heard he's quite sure they'll be much more money in it. 

    I also heard he is currently looking for someone to tour with like Snoop Dogg and Stray Cats but I don't think they'll have him.

    Seriously, this is a grown man that said this in front of the entire United States of America not only a grown man, but an ex Republican President! What the hell is wrong with the Republican party? Is this the best person that could possibly nominate!

    if so, I think a fork needs to be stuck in the Republican party and it needs to be totally reinvented. I would even lose the name.