Election News: Second Trump Assassination Attempt, and Poll Updates

How do you feel about the upcoming election?

  • 1,644
    Voted Happy

    I still find it hard to believe that 50% of Americans are dumb enough to vote for a liar, a fraud, a felon or a Putin wana-be. Especially if it's all the same person. Who is tieing his shoes for him?

  • 10.5k
    Voted Excited

    I'm thrilled that the Harris-Walz ticket is ahead in the polls. However, I am concerned that tRump is already calling them 'fake'. He says that about her crowds, too. He's setting the stage for another January 6th. 

    You would think that his supporters would be done fighting for the narcissist based on history. But, then again, that crowd really doesn't pay attention to history, nor reality, for that matter. 

    I'm worried about the MAGA  ramifications of another Democratic Presidential win. To deter their actions, it behooves ALL journalists, reporters, commentators, and politicians at every level to confront and condemn the lies, dog whistles, calls for fighting, disinformation, misinformation, and made up calls for vengeance. 

    What DJ & JD are doing is beyond weird. This behavior destroys our trust in our institutions and decimates our Democracy. It's not okay & needs to be called out NOW!!!

  • 6,889
    Voted Apathetic

    I'm nervous and anxious and afraid of any possibility of a Trump win!  

    Vice President Harris has turned the campaign around and seems to have the lead.  But it's not clear to me just how big that lead is or just how durable it is!  

    And then there is Trump's Not-So-Secret Plan to Cheat!  He has stacked local and state election boards in Too-up states like Georgia.  These moles have been told to disrupt and refuse to certify the vote counts.  The goal of this is to prevent at least one state from providing any vote count!  

    That would throw the decision to the U.S. House to make.  

    And according to the U.S. Constitution each state delegation gets just one vote...  

    There are more states with majorities of republican representatives--so Trump would win....  

    Montana gets one vote same as California...  



  • 5,178
    Voted Angry


    if you think miller was wierd & evil just hear this! latinos and asians of all stripes who are trumpets - you wont know what hit you on day 1 of a bozo presidency 

    If this does not open your eyes you must be simply born STUPID! 

  • 54.7k

    #cruzToLoseTX !

    #VoteBlue2024 !

    #VoteBlueUpAndDownBallot !

    #IsTheGOPTheKGB2024 !


  • 13.9k
    Voted Sad

    sad. we still only have the power to elect the chosen rich capitalist war mongers presented to us.  no matter what pupet entertains the people, the same show goes on. 

    the Democratic party is the lesser of the two evils, but we are so far from resonalble compromise. I feel like the choice is between authoritarian fascism, or neo liberal fascism. Both are distastful.

    We need heathcare and housing for all. We need an end to the occupaton of Palestine, and an end to funding the IDFs war crimes. We still need real police reform, and reforms to our justice system. We need real action on the climate dissaster. we can no longer ignore it for the sake of the economy.We need to start putting humanity first.

  • 3,808
    Voted Apathetic

    It's sickening that there are STILL people who support Rump.

  • 59.1k
    Voted Excited

    VP Debate on October 1! 

    They've agreed!

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry

    Trump says civilian award is better than Medal of Honor because soldiers who received it are ‘in very bad shape’ or ‘dead’

    hey maga idiots - you want this boxo to run america? you must have lost your marbles ! 

  • 54.7k

    the 💩 can't quit wanting to be a tyrant!

    Chief of Staff John Kelly "EVERYWHERE"




    FU my TX Repuglican't Reps.!



  • 536
    Voted Happy

    I feel better than I did but Harris backing off universal healthcare sucks balls. Why do we constantly have to do without in this country? When will we get a political leader that will stick to their guns about this? Why is the middle of this country so much to the right?

  • 694
    Voted Sad

    Sadly, if this election is conducted as the elections in 2020 and 2022, it is likely manipulation of.votes will occur. Photo ID and proof of US citizenship is a must. Spreading the dates that one may vote over other than election day increases the opportunity for fraud. 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    Today at 9:48 PM

    Vance meets with head of Germany’s far-right party

    hey maga ... or should we call you by your true name? Hey neo nazis ... we knew but now let there be absolutely no doubt 


  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    Today at 8:47 PM

    Trump orders end in federal funding for any schools that require Covid vaccines

    vaccines are optional? 

    Eric Adams will not be prosecuted

    Federal prosecutors drop criminal probe into ex-WWE boss Vince McMahon

    an unelected oligarch whimsically upending the livelihoods of tens of thousands and positioning his business & personal interests above all others

    corruption / criminals welcome? 

    dump trump musk starlink X spaceX tesla 

    dump dump dump 



  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    Today at 10:09 PM


     The Undocumented Workers Helped Build Elon Musk’s Texas Gigafactory
    Tesla and SpaceX both relied on their labor while Musk advocated for a border crackdown.

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Wednesday

    Democrats continue to naively beleive that this admin of trained serial criminals are going to follow any rulings from any authority given they control all the formal levers 

    unless you accelerate their total failure and impact maga pockets / health / jobs nothing will change 

    so please STOP this nonsensical 'bipartisanship', trying to salvage bits and pieces ... its falling on deaf ears

    yes there will be suffering but that is the price you have to pay ! 

    the smartest thing dems can do is walk out of congress enmasse and shut down this corrupt government ... NOW! 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Wednesday

    Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Todd Young, ultimately decided to back her confirmation. McConnell was the only Republican to vote against confirming Gabbard

    what a bunch of idiots! 
    entire line of F grade lackeys 

    final nail in the coffin

    no one will EVER trust or stand for the US anywhere in the world on principle ... after declarations on ukraine, gaza, nato etc 

    thank you maga for destroying your own country ... cant get any more stupid than this 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Tuesday

    If trump and his henchmen can break laws, delay, deny, obfuscate, lie, cheat, steal with impunity ... what is the enforcement mechanism? 

    so far that has been exactly the case! 
    Then lets admit we have an anarchy 

    the enemies, terrorists are right in your home 



  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Tuesday


     “The United States of America is the leader in AI, and our administration plans to keep it that way,” Vance told an international AI summit in Paris. “We need international regulatory regimes that fosters the creation of AI technology rather than strangles it.”

    hey dumbo ... you can't tell the world to stop thinking creating advancing ! if you dont want them to get ahead then stay ahead ... in which case you need more immigrants! 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Tuesday

    Congress FAILED

    scotus FAILED


    christians FAILED

    now the lower courts (some) are showing what 'spine' means

    democrats need to accelerate the shut down and chaos so maga starts feeling the blunt force of bozo-joker idiocy instead of putting out fires and kicking the can down the road and giving these clowns more excuses ! 

    the time to scream and prevent has passed ... dems remained silent thinking playing by the rules would endear them to fools? bipartisanship died over a decade ago with the rise of mitch! 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Tuesday


     Until maga doesnt feel the pinch they are not going to wake up

     best solution

     step aside and let bozo and his henchmen accelerate the destruction of systems payments institutions 

     if you interfere in that process and slow things down that effort will be spun and blame deflected on you 

     let them own it - help them in that direction 

     yes people will be hurt and a huge mess created but short term 

     a slow bleed will cause long term and worse permanent damage 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Sunday

    Consumer financial watchdog is ordered by acting director to stop fighting financial abuse

    aint you genius maga?

    open season for insurers pvt equity banks airlines retailers - all corporates to screw all with impunity? 

    thank you congress

    thank you scotus

    thank you maga idiots

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Sunday

    Waiting for the day when congress & scotus will have the spine to tell bozo YOURE FIRED!? More than ample reason / evidence ... 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry
    last Saturday

    Hey maga aren't you smiling yet? 

    NIH Plans $4 Billion Cut to Reimburse Scientists

    tens of thousands of good paying jobs lost

    massive cuts to basic programs covering you health, education, safety, basic needs 

    be assured tomorrow you will be crying and miserable while all the fat oligarchs laugh their way to the bank on their private jets 



  • 13.9k
    Voted Angry
    last Saturday

    You don't just stop and start any supply chain progress logistics over night. Moron President Elon Musk, VP Trump and moron Marco Rubio should know this if you truly ran any  government job logistics as been destroyed / fired!

  • 13.9k
    Voted Angry
    last Saturday

    You may remember Trump said Mexico was going to build the wall? It still end up taxpayers money is what build the wall and fleecing of taxpayers. We have a sequel the Gaza Trump tower at taxpayer expense!

  • 13.9k
    Voted Angry
    last Saturday

    Just kidding!

  • 13.9k
    Voted Angry
    last Saturday

    I guess to err is human, to err is human, to err is human, to forgive is divine if you kill 10's thousands of people world wide. I don't know how much err the world can handle?

  • 13.9k
    Voted Angry
    last Saturday

    You not need an elections when you have an electoral college they normally over ride the vote of the people!

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry


    who needs enemies when you have home grown traitors? 
    all empires die from within

    thank you maga / congress / scotus

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry


    throwing the baby out with the bath water? 

    show me one department in any organization that is perfect? even tesla spacex X - elon should first shut down his own massively subsidized blood sucking evil empire? 

    maga idiots its just been 2 weeks ... wait till you feel the whiplash and you WILL feel it first & most! 

  • 5,178
    Voted Angry

    To my senators / congress

    this is not a threat

    its a promise

    you will never get my vote in the future (include at least a few hundred friends & family who i influence) 

    if you do not stop this madness called musk / elimination of institutions which define america / appointment of idiots 

    empty the halls of congress

    lets see how far these bozos can take governance with no participation from you? 

    your participation / presence is simply giving these criminal idiots the wind to do whatever they please  

    where is law and order?