IT: Gov. Tim Walz is said to be VP Kamala Harris' running mate, and... 🌧️ Are you concerned about climate change’s impact on hurricane season?

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  • 53

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  • 2,500

    🌧️ Are you concerned about climate change’s impact on hurricane season?

    Let me recollect:



  • 691

    One fact since Biden has taken office, construction of spending on building both private manufacturing, public buildings has increased 200 percent! 
    Yes with over 425 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere, climate change is growing fast than first predicted, and with the tundra thawing and releasing even more carbon and methane in to our atmosphere, we must keep moving forward towards reducing our carbon footprint! 
    One only has to review you homeowners insurance to get a deal of the costs of climate change! 
    Statefarm insurance raised their rates in Minnesota by 26% this year due to increased claims from floods and storms! 

    Trumps drill baby drill and denial of climate change is very concerning! 

    95% of scientists believe in the causes of climate change, from the green house effects from carbon and methane! 

  • 60.5k

    I guess @Causes is out of topics for the week. I was hopeful for a minute that they were going to be more engaged, but...

    Nothing for days.

  • 4,363

    It's the number one concern for this planet and everybody on it. What people fail to see or don't want to see is that it's not gonna affect them in any great manner, but their children and their great grandchildren will definitely be affected everything on this planet has been wiped out to the point of almost no return Times five cataclysmic extinctions. The same animals and lifeforms in almost every occasion did not return. Human beings rain on this earth is very short compared to the 250 million years some dinosaurs run this earth. What were they wiped up by a changing climate, we have done in 100 years  Millions of years on this earth. The biggest problem we face is a lack of education. You have Republicans that are willing to listen to some crackhead damaged brain like Mike Lindell, who is actually