BREAKING: Biden Ends 2024 Re-Election Campaign

How do you feel about Biden ending his election campaign?

  • 42.5k
    Voted Angry

    I am deeply saddened by Biden’s decision to withdraw. I believed and still believe that Biden was, is, and would have been one of the best President’s in modern history. The qualities I want in a President is insight, knowledge, empathy, patriotism, honesty and honor - and judge Biden’s exemplary Presidency in terms of his accomplishments and long term visionary leadership - and not on his ability to make ‘gotcha’ comments in debates.

    Biden’s leadership and care for his country, our country, led him to this decision - and I greatly admire his sacrifice and frankly, am moved to tears by his patriotism, one of the most significant, selfless and difficult decisions of his career.

    I blame CNN greatly for their weeks-long focused effort to discredit Biden’s capabilities, because he did not respond at all well to a two minute question/answer format without being able to refer to notes. No Presidential decision of any consequence should ever be based on whatever ‘solution’ pops into mind with less than two minutes consideration - and without a lot a detailed consultation, planning and deliberation. CNN kept the debate performance in the news cycle with every anchor and triggered all of this, instead of letting it pass in the normal news cycle - as they do all the time for the FrankenTrump thing that they helped to enable. 

    I believe that VP Harris is the only nominee to replace Biden at this time. She can continue Biden’s very successful Presidential initiatives, keep his very successful Cabinet functional and make use of the the substantial State campaign infrastructure currently in place as well as draw from the substantial funds already contributed to the BIden-Harris campaign. Donors have contributed to sustain Biden’s vision and Harris is the most known and best suited candidate to carry that vision forward. 

    Now, if the Democrats can just shut the F’ up about their petty disagreements and unify, perhaps we can support Biden’s strategic visions - and finally fix the mire our country is due to the Republican Cartel’s move toward Christian Nationalism and their appetite for an autocratic leadership.

  • 5,296
    Voted Sad

    Takes courage and conviction to make hard decisions 


    let that be a solemn message and driver to those who have given a serial criminal and phsycopath a free ride 

    scotus and congress you have failed miserably

    tech billionaires you have failed miserably

    corporate bigwigs you have failed miserably

    Now stand up AND DO THE RIGHT THING

    Joe has shown you the way! 

  • 13.8k

    Biden was dead politically the moment the house and senate candidates stopped believing he could win.

    The last 3 weeks mortally wounded him.

    It would have been a disaster. We’re very lucky he’s a bigger man and can prioritize our survival over his pride.


  • 10.5k
    Voted Excited

    Thank you for your service to the country President Biden. You have done more good for our country than most presidents that have come before you. Thank you for passing the torch. 

    it's time for Democrats to double down. I say Harris-Whitmer would be a WINNING TICKET, in light of the current war against women's rights. 

    I will remain nd the DNC that women make up more than half of the electorate. Two competent, outspoken women fighting for other women & our country's democracy, that's spectacular...first of its kind...and a winner over the criminal, fascist opposition. 


  • 15.2k
    Voted Apathetic

    If Biden is to old, Trump is not only to old, but mentally unstable and has dementia!

  • 90
    Voted Happy

    I think he has done an excellent job but time for new younger more diverse options

  • 13.8k

    Joe Biden is now a #Legend

  • 5,296
    Voted Sad

    Johnson calling for biden to resign? The sheer stupidity and gall of these idiots ... shows they are totally incapable of running anything 

    Harris - whitmer/newsome/beshear/shapiro can provide this country able and effective leadership  

  • 17.9k
    Voted Angry

    Well said, jimK! 
    President Biden has restored decency, honesty, respect for our country. 

  • 60.5k
    Voted Apathetic

    I'm sad that it came to this, but I'm glad it was (seemingly) his decision and he got to go out with his legacy intact. 

    It's too bad the elites and others who wanted him out didn't think of this last year before we had primaries, but hopefully the party can unite around a new candidate that will honor the millions of voters who supported Biden in the primaries and with their donations. 

    Biden has been a great president, and it's too bad he didn't get the chance when he was a little younger and able to inspire more confidence in the electorate. But we've had a great 4 years of progress and I'm sure we can continue forward with the right nominee.

  • 788
    Voted Excited

    Thank you President Biden for everything you have done.  You rescued our country from mess Trump left you.  May you have good retirement.  

  • 2,500
    Voted Happy

    Folks, IMO All Good Presidents Should give their VPs a chance to Strut their stuff

    Respected JOURNALISTIC News Publications and Outlets need to push for regular VP Coverage.

    Buy why did it not even occur to me to at least make it a regular 5 to 15 days Habit to see what the VP has Been Up To?  😵‍💫😵 

  • 10

    I always thought working from home was a distant dream, especially with two kids running around. But guess what? I earn over $40 per hour working from home, and it's completely changed my life. My best friend, who makes over $10,000 a month doing the same thing, convinced me to give it a try. The potential is truly limitless! Here’s what I’ve been doing to make it all happen:  https://w­w­w.c­a­s­h­d­a­il­y­

  • 53

    I get paid over $40 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing..

  • 5,296
    Voted Sad

    President Joe Biden is still smarting from having been forced to abandon his reelection campaign more than three weeks ago and has made clear to those close to him that he was particularly unhappy with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with whom he has not spoken since his decision to abandon his candidacy

    get over it joe - she did our country and YOU a big favor! She is one smart cookie and deserves utmost respect - gracefully thank her and bow out. 

  • 2,262
    Voted Sad

    I hate it that we do NOT have an opportunity to elect Biden for another four years!  He has done a magnificant job and is the best POTUS of my lifetime.  That said, I also understnad that he is a far better POTUS than Candidate.  We are weaker as a country that this makes such a difference! 

  • 5,296
    Voted Sad

    Justice Neil Gorsuch warns Biden to 'be careful' with Supreme Court reforms

    the audacity? so much more the reason for reform. i dont see any bent or graft issues on the minority side? 
    no neil reforms are long overdue so take your veiled threats and put them where the sun dont shine

  • 1,252

    After Democrats tried to assassinate Trump and murdered a bystander like they did with Linclon, JFK ad RFK, Democrats suffer no retribution ever.

  • 1,252

    Democrats tried to assassinate Trump and killed a bystander like they did with Linclon, JFK and RFK, Zero retribution on the Democrats, A murderous lot they are.

  • 15.2k
    Voted Apathetic

    The elimination as we know it? It's about Supreme Court Corruption, kickbacks, lack of ethics,  removals of Established precedent and life time appointment. They are above the law and not held accountable, it's time for change !!!!!  Maybe it's time for McConnell to leave and not wait?

  • 1,657
    Voted Sad

    The most important thing for me is that Trump and his neo-nazi party are destro\yed. If Harris has a better chance lets do it.

  • 5,296
    Voted Sad

     “X is hardly a neutral platform,” she said. “Elon Musk clearly has a deep, vested interest in a Trump victory in the 2024 election, and he’s using what’s at his disposal to do so, which is the social media platform that he controls.” 

    this is an enemy of the state, a traitor along with trump and his enablers, mob

    congress needs to step up and shut this down NOW! 

    Dems stop being such wimps? 


  • 9,293
    Voted Sad

    Biden will go done in history as one of the GOAT Presidents!

    Time to support Kamala Harris.

  • 691
    Voted Happy

    Joe has done a great job, and made a very difficult decision for the betterment of this nation!

    Thanks Joe ! 

    Now we must help elect Kamala! 

  • 5,122
    Voted Happy

    While I was saddened and shocked, I know Joe made the best decision for our country. Sure surprised the crap out of everyone on a Sunday afternoon huh?  Loved the way it was done!!! 

  • 3,462

    I am furious with how this was done, but it is done.    I still think the media should have been more vocal about the lies told, project 2025 which @Causes refuses to even aknowledge despite my attempts to make them do so.


    That being said, it is done and I will support Harris in her bid.  

  • 55
    Voted Happy

    I think it's time for the next generation to lead. Biden has been a very effective President who undid a lot of the damage Trump caused. It's selfless act on behalf of the country to step aside. I think Kamala is ready but I'll vote for anyone on the Democratic ticket. #nevertrump

  • 868
    Voted Excited

    Thank you President Biden for saving this country from another four years of Trump in your first election.  Thank you for bringing this country out of a recession and responsibly recovering us from a deadly pandemic.  Thank you also for realizing that men in their late 70s and early 80s need to pass the torch.  If only Donald could figure that out.   

  • 617

    Don't you mean Jill instead of Joe? Joe hasn't ran anything. Kamala will drop out in November and the whole DEI experiment will be over. I hope it's not too late to repair the damage the Jill Biden administration has done to the US.

  • 662
    Voted Apathetic

    If the media had been as hard on tRump - with his criminal convictions, age, inability to speak a coherent sentence, blatant lies, advocacy for violence, dictatorial attitude and being a sexual predator - as they were about Biden’s age, occasional stumbling and gaffes, perhaps tRump would also be gone.

  • 5,296
    Voted Sad

    Hey media 

    every act, utterance of trump is a disaster and yet because he has no shame and can bully his way through with layers upon layers of lies you give him a free pass ...
    this is the same person who sank ukraine @ helsinki, stole docs to sell to our enemies for favors, took billions directly and indirectly from foreign countries 

    biden spent 3 plus years rescuing this country and you buried him in a week? 

    shame on you ... 

    shame on congress

    shame on scotus