Election Interference & Disinformation: Concerns and Solutions

Are you concerned about election interference this year?

  • 10.5k

    I find it interesting that "we" are the ones charged with protecting ourselves from misinformation. 

    Most people in this country are busy trying to put food on the table & keep a roof over their head. They don't have time to sift through the steaming piles of sh*t to find the fact checked nuggets of truth. 

    News outlets have a responsibility to report facts. Not spin and definitely not outright lies! 

    We've had 3 1/2 years since the last election. Congress, what have you done to ensure:


    -the American public's news sources report facts?

    -no election interference from hostile foreign agents?

    -misinformation & lies are swiftly & publicly corrected?

    - news outlets that engage in knowingly spreading misinformation & lies are dismantled/stopped/held accountable ?


    Tick, tick, tick!





  • 12.6k
    Voted No

  • 13.0k
    Voted Yes

    I find that the republicans are professionals at misinformation, voter fraud and suppressing the vote !!!!!!

    Corporate America is backing republicans to be able to fleece America and avoid taxes, support their greed and cause the collapse of capitalism and democracy.

    ThanYou got military weapons that rely on GPS that can be jam and become useless, Russia war in Ukraine is now showing that!

    You got republicans and Trump rooting for the failure of America, why?


  • 5,356
    Voted Maybe

    I'm concerned that stupid people will believe stupid things without any sort of effort on their part to verify what they're being told.

  • 6,889
    Voted No

    The problem is not what Trumpists say it is.  There has never been much in the way of election fraud.  In fact, republicans have been the ones who have been charged most with voter fraud I've read about.  The others who have been aggressively prosecuted have been people who voted because they did not understand just how long felony disenfranchisement can last!  

    What is a much bigger problem are republican politicians who have changed the laws concerning voting to make it much harder for minorities to vote!  

    Another example of republican craziness is making it illegal to provide food or water to voters in line for more than 4 hours often in direct sun!  

    I wonder about the humanity of republican politicians...

  • 5,039
    Voted Yes

     Chief Justice John Roberts on Thursday declined to meet with Democratic senators to discuss Supreme Court ethics issues in the wake of reports that controversial flags were flown at Justice Samuel Alito's houses.

    In a letter to Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Roberts said he "must respectfully decline your request for a meeting," citing concerns about maintaining judicial independence

    Does he even understand the meaning of Judicial Independence? 

    shame on Roberts

    shame on all of the 6 upside down justices 


  • 4,930
    Voted Maybe

    Yes, I am concerned but on this day I am beyond elated that the Orange Menace scumbag has finally been held accountable to some degree.  May this be the first domino...

  • 426

    Just look at what happened last time and what has been said about the bloodshed that has been promised to the oppositions. Sore losers that cannot accept defeat resort to lies, deceit, rumors, brashness, bullying, and the fear to cast the reasoning behind the loss to be anything other than what it was, a loss. WE have a bull with a bullhorn that continues to toot his own horn to everybody who needs a cause to thwart society into irrational change. 

    A Presidential campaign says much about the character of the person and the people supporting that person. It is not about a personal win for a person on one side or another. How do we want to see the future of our country? As a global leader, a democracy, dictatorship, fearfully submitting to a leader who instills fear in their opposition or one who values citizenship above all. (We stopped teaching this in our public schools so no one is trained in the decency and honor in citizenship in America, except those trying to become citizens.)

    America has lost its way. We have issues to resolves, one being how we resolve issues. A house divided cannot stand and we are a nation divided into multiple factions. The average America receives daily oppressive bullying, negativity, anger, slandering, selfishness, and sensationalism. We are under constant derogatory and non-professionalism by our leaders in, or wanting in, a governmental position. Respect for all is severely lacking and fueling the anger, hate and violence in all aspects of our country, society, communities and homes.

    Our country does need change but by young, vibrant, intelligent, compassionate, honorable and honest leader(s) that do not have a personal agenda for personal gain. A group that inspires all citizens to come together as a united country. We do have some but not enough on the same page to tame a bully.

    If you don't still get chills when you see the American flag furling in the wind or hear your heartbeat when you sing the National anthem then maybe you should consider taking your apathy or dissension to another country.

    Now after all that how many positive attributtes does our country  inspire or unite us all?  How will those be impacted by the election results?

  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    Trump is a nut republicans you might want to stop him before he goes to far. Just a thought. 

  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    Now here come all the bull shit lies from Trump I don't believe a word he says. Is he president already. He seems to be running the country already. I guess the democrats don't care. 

  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    I'm worried about the next 4 years with all the crooks Trump is bringing in to government.

  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    The republicans fixed the election just like they did in 2016. Now we have to hope there are enough non crooked senators to save our great country from becoming like Russia that's what Trump and most republicans want. Senators please save our country.

  • 341
    Voted Yes

    Does anyone else think Elon musk should be deported? There is a deportation policy in the works. 

  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    I'm more concerned with all the clowns Trump is selecting for his cabinet. Republican Senators you must save our country and democracy from these crooks. 


  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    I'm concerned about all the convicts Trump is putting in his cabinet no experience at all. Republicans you must save your country from this disaster please.

  • 47
    Voted Yes

    Im a naturalized US citizen  and I am very concerned that there was fraud against the American people in this election by the people loyal to donald trump. Hes a vengeful man. He will air his grievancea about even a perceived slight. Its in this countrys better interest to investigate and keep this man from ascending to essentially the throne of power. Hes a convicted felon. How was he able to be on the ballot. He openly spoke of a secret about this election. You dont have to share details publicly but I think plans should be laid to bar him from assuming power. He will reign terror on America. 

  • 1,636
    Voted Yes

    The mega-rich, who stand to profit from Trumps election, are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to get their boy elected. Why is it OK to buy an election in this country?

  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    Republican interference like Trump did in 2016. 

  • 340
    Voted Yes

    It needs to be a fool proof election!

  • 133
    Voted No

    I'm not concerned about election interference, I'm more concerned about the onslaught of misinformation concerning elections & candidates. 

  • 341
    Voted Yes

    T rump says he'll prosecute election officials if he's elected. I assume he'll only prosecute registered democrats. Either way I'm sure there are those that have that responsibility and I wouldn't want a president who played sheriff all day. Especially one with his intellect.

  • 250
    Voted Yes

    I'm concerned as a democratic voter who  tries to model Christian values.

    There are many issues I have with Trump spiritually, morally, legally and politically.

    However, I cannot support the idea of a person choosing to change their sex based on their feelings and participating as if they were born with that gender. 

    I also have a problem with abortion on demand as a form of birth control or convenience.  A more active and vocal call to consider the damage that is done and what blessing you could abort.

    I believe the candidate running should express what they personally believe and Americans should have a right to choose.  People still need a moral compass's.  

    Democrats do a great job showing compassion and unity but we need to expand the tent.

    The Christian view can be stated by democratic candidates.  Why should Republicans take that banner.  When Trump is replaced by a more tasteful candidate Democrats should worry!!

    A candidate can say, Jesus said, I set before you life and death... but choose life" , when it comes to abortion.  



  • 14
    Voted Yes

    We need to make sure elections are fair! 

  • 1,636
    Voted Yes

    There are foreign governments trying to effect our elections. There is  Fox News that has been subverting the truth for money for years. And then there is tRump himself who doesn't seem to know the diference. And maybe the most subversive af all is the supreme court. How do you govern by laws when the courts are rigged? 

  • 1,227
    Voted Yes

    The republicans fixed the 2016 election. And now the crooked Supreme Court said that it's ok to do that because they are republicans and can get away with it. 

  • 2,257
    Voted Yes

    In Red states where the GOP has claimed the right to override the popular vote and send whatever electors the legislature wants to Washington, neither votes nor donations will help.  A vote that is 90% for the democrats could still result in a Republican win by cheating.  Joe has my vote.  Republican is the party of insurrection, and I will not vote for any Republican because of that, but I still fear for the result of this election.  Gerrymandering, voter supression, misinformation, and legislative fraud are the more difficult kinds of cheating to counteract.  Vots alone might not be enough, if they just ignore the votes!  

  • 40
    Voted Yes

    This needs to be reighed in. 

  • 136
    Voted Yes

    I'm very concerned about the election interference and it's outcome.