How To Help Civilians in Ukraine

How can you help civilians in Ukraine?

  • 10
    last Saturday

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  • 111.4k

    Already helping civilians in Ukraine by directly sending money to friends to buy necessities that aren't covered by any of the aid sent by governments, or ordering from Amazon for delivery in Poland and Czech. By donating directly to friends there is no overhead and all the money goes into need necessities.

    Some of the items purchased over the last 2 years with donations:

    1) heaters and lighting for field hospitals
    2) antibiotics & drugs including field education kits for soldiers
    3) food for soldiers & evacuated people 
    4) towels & shirts for people who left with the clothes on their back 
    5) power bars to charge cell phones & light bulbs
    6) supplies sent to eastern Ukraine & extract refugees to west
    7) fuel for buses taking refugees to European cities
    8) 18 used vehicles for evacuating civilians and wounded soldiers that require tires and maintenance. 18 vehicles driven on Ukrainian roads in bad shape in the best of times, and off road go through lots of tires and need lots of maintenance.
    9) thermal night vision

    10) StarLink for soldiers (used for drones). No, Musk doesn't just give it to them. Yes Musk periodically shuts it down helping Russia.

    11) 1,000 pairs of socks for soldiers

    Note: a lot of donations to charities not based in Ukraine sit at the borders and are used by people leaving Ukraine. Getting supplies around Ukraine was challenging before the war as the roads are in poor shape and so were many cars on the road. With the war there is the added challenge of Russian missiles and guns. Only Ukrainians are driving supplies around as needed based on local mayors communicating needs in various cities.