Restore Freedom and Fight for Justice With Gravvy

How can you help fight for justice?

  • 8,497

    Louis DeJoy would be fired if Biden could fire him, but it up to the board of directors to fire him.  The governing body or the board of directors  (11 members, nine are president, appointment are nine years ) need to be fire by Congress 

  • 8,497

    There is nothing in the constitution about immunity or fetus or the unborn !!!!! Samuel Alito  is not a conservative but a elitist communists dictatorship from the bench trying to deflect attention from him and Clarence Thomas aAs soon and their corruption!

  • 99.3k

    Couldn't find GRAVVY in Charity Navigator for a rating and insight into how much money goes directly to a charity and how much is administration which is over and above already spent for each charity in the bundle.

    For instance:

    -St Jude's spends 8% of donations on administration 

    -Habitat spends 22%

    -Goodwill spends 19%

    -Salvation Army which pages of organizations in Charity Navigator and provides no breakout for any of them. (CNN Money in 2013 reports 18% goes to expenses).

    -Direct Relief has 2 organizations listed, one with no information and one that says its expenses are 1% which seems highly unlikely

    How much does Gravvy spend in expenses in top of the 6 charities it works with?

    Why wouldn't I just donate directly to St Jude's which I know is a wonderful charity?

    Lately I've been donating to local fire, hospital and police who take care of us, and then family & friends' charities that they invite contributions for instead of birthday and holiday presents.

  • 8,497

    It much be taking a break from republican impeachment Proceedings?

  • 8,497

    Trump appeals to weak minds MAGA or people that don't think for themselves or can't? 

  • 8,497

    No Justice, no peace, this Applies to everything, but you left out holding people accountable, it works both ways! Whether local policies or national policies or international policies. Corrupt politicians or heads of states over talk the humanity and human rights.

  • 2,451

    It is a sad fact that we still have injustice and inequality in the US and it's getting worse with the MAGA crowd trying to push us back to the 1950s.  This push to re-est. a white superiority only weakens our country because a country is only as strong as its weakest link, thus the more we try to deny people their rights and keep them "in their ;lace-i.e. deprived, discriminated against" the weaker we make our country.  We are only strong when everyone has an opportunity to reach their maximum potential and are supported in that effort.