Myth or Reality: Is Our Tech Listening?

Are you concerned about your tech listening to you?

  • 99.3k
    Voted Maybe

     Technology can't "listen". 

    All it does is a text search of key words that it can then match with ads categorized by key words.

    Since I read information sources across the spectrum I get all sorts of contradictory targeted ads.

    Today I had to unsubscribe text messages from Trump and the GOP. I've also unsubscribed a whole bunch of Dem candidates with access to the Dem list.

    Don't know why politicians think they can take over my text messaging which I reserve for family, friends, medical providers, banks and credit card confirmations, 2 step security validation, etc.

    I don't want my important communications buried in a bunch of political junk texts.

  • 8,811

    Technology is a double edged sword. While it can and has made our lives easier, it has also made us dependent and open to spam, smishing, phishing, malware, tracking, ransomware, fraud, cyber bullying, etc. 


    Best thing we & Congress can do is to protect ourselves from known threats. Tik Tok is one example. Congress is trying to get the Chinese government out of Tik Tok, yet there are all kinds of US citizens fighting to keep their app? 

    I guess screw national security as long as I can watch my videos?


    BTW, we shouldn't have to give up anything or force Tik Tok to sell. Can't someone, ANYONE, in the USA develop our own Tik Tok???


    We have solutions. We just need to have the motivation to keep people safe. Congress?

  • 27.8k
    Voted Yes

    We need legislation that mandates strong privacy control over each and every Social Media Platform and Shopping Website.


  • 6,775
    Voted No

    I'm certain that certain complex electronics could possibly listen.  

    But expansive surveillance of a U.S. population of more than 330 Million people is impossible.  Even if it were possible analysis and selection of those to be analyzed would be impossible even using Artificial Intelligence.  The sheer volume of information available without using surveillance technology means there is not much reason to waste any time or money on mass surveillance.  

  • 27.8k
    Voted Yes

    As the lede concludes we need to take some steps to at least reduce tracking our online activities:

    Always be mindful of the information you share online.

    • Use a Private Browsing Mode: Most browsers offer a private browsing mode (Incognito mode in Google Chrome, Private Window in Firefox and Safari) which doesn’t store your browsing history, cookies, or search history.

    • Enable Do Not Track: You can enable the ‘Do Not Track’ option in your browser settings. This sends a request to websites asking them not to track your browsing behavior.

    • Block Third-Party Cookies: Third-party cookies are often used for tracking and advertising purposes. You can block these in your browser settings. When visiting many sites we are asked about Cookie preferences always pick reject all. 

    • Use a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can hide your IP address and location, making it harder for sites to track you. This often requires a fee. 

    • Use Browser Extensions: There are several browser extensions available that can help prevent tracking. Examples include Privacy Badger, Ghostery, and uBlock Origin.

    • Regularly Clear Cookies: Cookies can store information about your browsing habits, so regularly clearing them can help prevent tracking. This is a very old method and requires a certain degree of discipline. 

    • Use a Privacy-Focused Browser: Browsers like Brave and Tor are designed with privacy as a priority and offer built-in features to prevent tracking.

    • Unfortunately, while these steps can help reduce tracking, they will not completely prevent it.

    • Demand Congress to enact Privacy Legislation.



  • 51.9k
    Voted Maybe

    I am concerned about how much tech hears and who else can hear it, and I wish we had better control over that. 

    I don't know that any of these companies have enough employees listening to every word I say or that it's stored, but I do wish we knew more about that.

  • 2,451

    I don't know that our phones are listening to us, but technology today and in the future does reduce our privacy and allows companies to manipulate us more and more.  I am deeply concerned about the problems that AI can cause via altered images/speech that shows people doing or saying things they haven't done/said.  This altering of reality is deeply disturbing and will only make our world more dangerous to live in.  When you can't trust what you read or hear it's too easy to fall for lies/misinfo.which can lead to disasterous consequences.

  • 34
    Voted No

    While working for AI and web development, I find it difficult to make this technology such efficient to listen to our every conversation. However in future maybe my stance on the latter subject might change But to this day I don't belive in this. for me it very uncertain. I have done research on Automation as well worked for cognitive tools for Oil and gas industry. u can check the pros and cons of AI or communication in a specific industry at

  • 245
    Voted Yes

    Everyone knows that it not just coincidence that you start getting ads concerning subjects you only talked about in private conversation.

    More discussion of what can be done to protect your privacy.  It's amazing how easy it is to turn on the microphone accidentally on your phone.  The public needs to be aware of situations that open yourselves up to information gathering.


    it needs to be easier to lock down your devices and block them from sharing information. 

    Most people know intuitively that our devices are gathering data.


  • 154
    Voted Yes

    What's being done to stop big tech over reach??  Spying on citizens!?  Censuring citizens!? 

  • 1,458
    Voted Yes

    Our government does absolutely nothing to regulate the daily invasion of privacy commited by Microsoft, Google, Facebook and all the other hyper-tech entities. Why are we paying our representatives?

  • 498
    Voted Yes

    Edward Snowden gave a glimpse on our corrupt government that was stockpiling information on it's citizens.  Don't think for a minute anything has changed. 

    The alphabet agencies run unsupervised and have made our country that much worse in each passing hour. 

    Think for a moment back in 1964 when a young President was not going to stay in Southeast Asia, pull the advisors out and disband the CIA.  That is some powerful enemies. 

    The CIA has done nothing but start conflicts along with regime change toppling democratic elected officials.  I can list all the countries that the CIA has interfered with and the lists would be long and distinguished. 

    The CIA was in the drug trade so they could get more money for their black ops. 

    The cesspool in Washington DC will get bigger and deeper.  Don't look for your elected officials to do squat. 

    It's all based on a need to know and as patsy voters you don't have the need to know. 

  • 2
    Voted Yes

    Tech access should be by consent and AI algorithyms need to access personal data via a consensus mechanism. Web3 and blockchain SSI is one way to tackle privacy of data and access rights. 

  • 863
    Voted No

    I have nothing to hide.  Let it listen away.  It will be bored.  

  • 4,006
    Voted Maybe

    CAUSES ASKS: "Are you concerned about your tech listening to you?" 

    ME:  Maybe ... which is why my tech is limited to laptop with maybe one "ap" (jigsaw puzzles), "dumb" TV, and always off "dumb" cell phone (it only makes/takes emergency calls).  No "smart" refrigerator; no robo vacuum; no "smart" car with GPS; etc.  While I'm not exactly a Luddite, I do (having watched the tech explosion over my lifetime) have an inherent distrust of excessive technology, and (after exposure of Israel's use of AI to target a massive number of Palestinian civilians) where it's headed.  I'd prefer Big Brother to NOT be watching me. 

  • 1,425
    Voted Yes

    I know some "smart" televsions have the ability to eveaves drop on their users.  I think this is something that should be controlled. 

  • 103
    Voted Maybe

    While it technically may not be "listening" it does monitor searches and written conversations or inquiries on the net. You then get ads about those things. Big Brother is watching us. Today to sell us stuff. Tomorrow who knows?

  • 612
    Voted No

    Thats the least of our problems.

  • 3,770
    Voted Yes

    Transparency is of great importance.

  • 1,039
    Voted Yes

    All phones should have a camera and microphone off switch that is absolite unless owner makes a call or receives one.

  • 1,023
    Voted Yes


  • 3,403
    Voted Maybe

    I don't have a cell phone so I do not have this concern.    I DO have a Google Home though, and it DOES listen as it often comments when I am talking to my cats or myself!


    Anyone listening in is going to think I am totally insane!

  • 1,195
    Voted Yes

    Is your tech listening to you, absolutely YES! If it wasn't catching your moves, then how could it ask you, "How was Meijers today?" My phone does that all the time, after I have stopped at a store. They also aske me to rate the stores I've stopped at! Apparently my rights don't matter! Then again, I also have to ask how so many candidates have gotten my info to contact me. We The People are caught because to do anything on the internet, we have to use these sites! It's time for Congress to really limit, information sharing on every level! Then they need to see that it's enforced! The Federal Do Not Call means nothing now! VOIP is horrible! This too needs legislation! I also wonder what happened to our Anti-Trust laws, child labor laws, and voting laws described in 4 Amendments of the Constitution! Republican led states are violating these Amendments now! Worse, our Supreme Court isn't ruling in accordance with the Constitution either, & many of these Justices need to be impeached for poor behavior, which includes violating the Constitution by approving Citizens United, voting laws in GOP led states, which hamper voting for certain groups of people. I also want to know why Trump isn't in jail, for threatening Judges and their families that are handling his cases.  

  • 5,259
    Voted Maybe

    It's always a little creepy when I have a conversation with someone and something we mention gets emailed to me by Amazon saying "We have something we think you'll like."

    That said, I know for a fact that my tech is listening to me because I have an Echo speaker (Alexa) whose job it is to actually listen to me. So it's not like I'm not inviting it.

  • 1,430
    Voted Yes

    I was at Walmart getting an oil change sitting in the waiting room when the mechanic walked in to inform another customer that her car was ready. He asked her how her mother was doing. She asked 'you know my mother?' He said no, the car let him know that she was on the phone. The lady was talking to her mother while waiting for her car.

    Technology is listening.