IT: šŸ§Š Scientists say Antarctic ice melt is inevitable, and... Do you think Trump is guilty?

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    Yes. Ā 

    Trump is guilty as sin of every crime he has been accused of. Ā He is a terrible liar. Ā So, everyone knows he is guilty. Ā The only thing he is good at is playing to a crowd of his sycophants.

  • 4,363

    Why would any sane person not realize fully that he is guilty, Trump knows he's guilty. That's why he does everything he possibly can to delete court proceedings because he knows what the outcomes going be. After all, he's already a convicted sex offender, a convicted business cheat, and found to be a lier and more than 36 courts across this country. And that sadly is just the tip of the iceberg. Lock this idiot up and let's let this country move on and make it a better place for everyone to live.

  • 13.0k

    I am trying to find something he is not guilty of?

  • 868

    Trump is guilty of a variety of things. Ā He needs to finally face consequences for his actions. Ā 

  • 27.8k

    Do you think Trump is guilty?

    Oh come on!!!

    In which case?

    We need to be clear.

    "Innocent until proven guilty" is basic to American Civics.

    This principle is fundamental to the presumption of innocence in criminal trials in many legal systems around the world. It places the burden of proof on the prosecution, which must present compelling evidence to prove the accusedā€™s guilt. If reasonable doubt remains, the accused must be acquitted.

    Having said that, if the major mainstream media sources have been fair and correct, then sure looks like he is guilt in each of the four cases.

    It is regretable that the conservative media has been legally shown to be neither fair nor correct. Recall the Dominion case and the firing of Tucker Carlson.Ā 

  • 12.6k

    @causes @bart

    Nobody can use these bumped up old threads because new posts are lost and buried with very old posts never to be found. If a post is made by someone you don't already follow, you'll have no idea anyone posted there at all.Ā 

    Why do you do this to those who are actually trying to use your site and make it viable? It is against you own interests.Ā 

    Create new threads or allow users to.

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  • 83

    The divider in chief is about to get his well deserved comeupance. As a side note, as a young person working in NYC when orange was out clubbing, our supervisor warned us to never be alone near orange always make sure 3 of us or more, 1 to distract,Ā  1 to get help, the other to run if had to. That's all I've ever needed to know about orange...bad then, even more festering rotten now.

  • 58.1k

    I can't say I think T is guilty. I think there is evidence that he's committed a crime to help himself win the election in 2016, and that evidence should be heard in court.

    He deserves a fair trial by an impartial jury, and I will abide whatever decision that jury makes.

    Honestly, a hung jury would just be another asterisk in history, so I hope that's not the outcome. A hung jury would neither exonerate nor convict T.Ā  Just like Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas, if there's not a full investigation and conclusive trial, then we will always wonder and history will always view them with doubt.

  • 109.3k

    Ironicly the industry, fossil fuels, contributing the most to Arctic ice melt benefits the most from ice free summers. From 1979 to 2024 Arctic ice has decreased 2.4%/decade.

    "The Arctic could see summer days with practically no sea ice as early as the next couple of years, according to a new study out of the University of Colorado Boulder."

    "The findings, published March 5 in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, suggest that the first ice-free day in the Arctic could occur over 10 years earlier than previous projections, which focused on when the region would be ice-free for a month or more."

    " Monthly March ice extent for 1979 to 2024 shows a decline of 2.4 percent per decade."

    " with glacial melting accelerating and an ice-free summer ocean extending every year. A century ago, whalers talked of ā€˜harvestingā€™ the cetaceans that plied the waters of the High North. As the Arctic becomes easier to gain access to, the talk is increasingly of another harvest ā€“ of the fossil fuels and minerals that lie beneath the land and the seabed."

    "onshore areas in Canada, Russia and Alaska have already been explored for hydrocarbons, resulting in the discovery of more than 400 oil and gas fields north of the Arctic Circle. Some 2.6 million barrels of fossil fuels are pumped out of the Russian and Canadian Arctic each day. Norway, often portrayed as a poster child for forward-thinking green policies, launched a process in January to open up areas on its extended continental shelf to exploration and production of minerals, with plans to issue the first licences as early as 2023"

    " The Arctic Circle encompasses about six per cent of the Earthā€™s surface, an area of more than 21 million square kilometres. Around 40 per cent of this area is land (belonging to various countries) and more than a third is made up of the same countriesā€™ continental shelves, which sit under less than 500 metres of water. The rest of the region is made up of the international waters that lie beyond the 200-nautical-mile limit of the exclusive economic zones of the eight Arctic nation states: Russia, the USA, Canada, Denmark (through Greenland), Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland. More water gets exposed each year. In late 2020, according to NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center, sea ice cover shrank to 3.74 million square kilometres ā€“ 2.48 million square kilometres below the 1981ā€“2010 average and the second-lowest extent since modern record-keeping began during the late 1970s. The startling decrease was linked to a Siberian heatwave in spring 2020 that began the yearā€™s Arctic sea ice melt season unusually early. Last year, Arctic temperatures were 8ā€“10Ā°C warmer than average."

    " The main Arctic regions linked to oil and gas exploitation are the Beaufort Sea (North Slope, Alaska, and Mackenzie Delta, Canada) and the northwest Russian Arctic (Barents Sea and West Siberia). Oil and gas are also found in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Nunavut). According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), up to 90 billion barrels of oil, 1,669 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 44 billion barrels of liquid natural gas may remain in the Arctic, around 84 per cent of it in offshore areas. This translates to roughly 22 per cent of the undiscovered, technically recoverable fossil fuel resources in the world. The USGS says that the ā€˜extensive Arctic continental shelves may constitute theā€¦ geographically largest unexplored prospective area for petroleum remaining on Earthā€™."

    " the main drivers of the Arctic resource rush are minerals, in particular rare earth metals such as neodymium, praseodymium, terbium and dysprosium. These minerals are key to the worldā€™s electric-vehicle and renewable-energy revolutions, underpinning battery technology and wind turbines among other things. However, itā€™s worth noting that lead, iron, nickel, zinc, gold, silver, coal, mica, precious stones and construction minerals such as sand, gravel and crushed rock are also believed to be present"