Super Tuesday 2024 Results

Are you voting on Super Tuesday?

  • 93.4k
    Voted No

    Our primary isn't till May and by then both parties' candidates will have sufficient delegates to be the presumptive nominee.

  • 44.4k
    Voted Yes

    Ladies everywhere in America and in particular those who will get their chance here in March to VOTE (like Super Tuesday tomorrow), ...

    Happy Women's History Month!

    Roe, Roe, Roe Your VOTE!

    cruz on the way out!!

  • 7,851

    Wake up Causes!


    Biden lights up State of the Union!!!


    Nicely done!


    Where's the thread???

  • 47.6k
    Voted No

    I can't vote until April 23, but I hope many voters show up to make their voices heard.

    We will also get to see who wins the top spots in the California Senatorial primary to replace Sen. Feinstein, which affects us all. 

  • 7,716
    Voted Yes

    For many reasons and for Biden. He was handed a pandemic, $8.5 trillion added to the deficit by corporate and the wealthy tax cut, plummeting job growth and supply chain shortages due to the pandemic, Putin and Hamas war, a world wider economic collapse due to the pandemic, climate crisis, Trump January 6 insurrection,Trump's dysfunctional Republican Party and the lies and deceit about the truth. The worst lies, are the lies you tell yourself!

  • 13
    Elisa S.

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  • 3,494
    Voted No

    Hey murdoch you reap what you sow! You financed bozo and gave him a huge platform to spew his lies and scum. In fact you surrounded him with massive amplifiers - tucker hannity etc and he has already dented you by billions .... worse to come 

    both of you will go to your graves with the title 'biggest & most evil scumbags that ever existed'
    Why Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday win is a defeat for Rupert Murdoch


  • 3,494
    Voted No

    You still want to vote republican? 
    take your state back to the 'midEvil' ages?

    so called pro life? 
    this is a taste of what you get after rulings on abortion & ivf ... 

    Tennessee vaccine law pits parental rights against public health

  • 3,494
    Voted No

    For Trump, America is not Ronald Reagan’s “shining city on a Hill.” It is a banana republic. “We are a nation in decline, we are a failing nation,” Trump said in one such screed in Manchester, New Hampshire, in January, portraying the US as beset by rampant inflation, energy shortages, drug infested cities, out-of-control immigrant crime and even dirty, crowded airports. “Who are these people who would do this to us? Who are these people that would ruin our country?” Trump asked.

    folks you dont have to look far or under the carpet for an answer
    a simple and honest look at facts will show congress / scotus / republican 'leadership' and actions especially under mitch & bozo have collectively dumbed down half of america 

    thanks to social media one can see millions of examples of bizzare behavior and responses from maga cults - a total disconnect from history and real world
    just look at ALL the attorneys who have represented bozo - they ALL have been bozofried! 

    how stupid can you be? 

  • 7,716
    Voted Yes

    The dead have more rights than women!

  • 3,494
    Voted No

    Mitch McConnell endorses Donald Trump for president
    Born Acquired & Thrust upon 

    stupidity & evil 


  • 3,494
    Voted No

    we ALL know this is garbage 


    where are the dem voices ?

  • 103
    Voted No

    Mitch, thanks for your years of service. It's too bad the party has backed 45. I can't believe you'd support someone so corrupt and would do so much damage to our country. But then you've been party over country

  • 47.6k
    Voted No

    Well, not too Super, if you ask me.

     I'm happy to see that Haley finally won a state (Vermont, after winning the District of Columbia over the weekend), but I guess it's not enough.

     I always said MAGA was never going to elect a woman, let alone a woman of color. We know they hate women in power and are inherently against people of color. It's great that she stayed in a while and gave many voters an alternative to the cult, but it wasn't enough.

     I'm really concerned about the General Election, because there are far too many voters who don't like their choices but there's no remedy for that. Biden has an enthusiasm problem and T has no chance winning the suburbs and urban areas. 

     Once again, we really need to change our election system. But we still need democracy, because T is clearly going to destroy it if given the chance.

  • 3,494
    Voted No

    Republicans ... in their desperation to hold on to whatever 'power' they can due to their total lack of meaningful contribution to constituents ... have defied deviated defiled every moral code, civility and substantially broken america

    the dems on the other hand have wimped out by not creating a robust platform and voice to nullify the lies and false messaging from cult leaders and amplify the solutions they have implemented 

    for every lie / fake message out there you need two if not three rebuttals immediately from well organized full dem team loud and clear! 

    a whimper now and then wont get you anywhere! Noise transforms perception to reality and we are drowning in it so much so that even scotus is scared shitless by trumps open threat

    Frankly there is no difference between haiti's gangsters mobs and republican goons except haiti is now openly armed and run amok

    the whole world is watching and understands the dog whistles and open threats! At a critical time when the world needs strong leadership we are mired in our own poop 



  • 950
    Voted Yes

    I have already voted by mail even though I am discontented with many of the choices. At least I am not alone, a large number of people are not pleased with our current polical system and it's polarization. I hate that politics is now focused more on fund raising than on issues. 

  • 3,959
    Voted No

    There should be one day set aside for a Primary for all states, just like we have one Election Day in November. This is nothing more than a Media carnival and free tv publicity for incumbents.

  • 3,494
    Voted No

    Two in coffin

    america & democracy 

    congress prepped the coffins

    scotus put the final nail in their coffins

    time to find a new country