Biden Rejects Trumps ‘Unhinged’ NATO Comments

How do you feel about Trump’s comments?

  • 55.2k
    Voted Angry

    It's clear now that another Trump term will see Russia's invasion of eastern Europe while MAGA continues blaming brown people and throwing more money to billionaires. 

    We have an obligation to NATO, most of whose members are now contributing more than they did 10 years ago (I will give some credit to Trump for that, even if it's out of fear). 

    But Trump is a fine one to speak about financial delinquency. I wonder how many bills Trump has ever paid on time and fully in his life. And does he even pay his taxes? 

    After last week's failures on "border security" by the Republican party, this just gives the Democrats another issue to run on: Support of NATO and resistance to Russian expansion.

  • 10.0k

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, was established in 1949 to safeguard our's & our allies freedom and security through political & military means. Once again, tRump sides with & signals to Putin, instead of our NATO allies. Worse yet, the crowd applauds. 

    What the absolute F*ck!


    I'm sure there will be some here that spin this absolute incompetence into a virtue. 

  • 49
    Voted Sad

    Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans are clearly Russian assets. They should be dealt with in the same manner as the Rosenbergs.

  • 1,762
    Voted Apathetic

    Better than laying down like Biden

  • 1,358
    Voted Angry

    It demonstrates that he is completely unfit to hold any office. It also makes one ask what Putin has on him. I'm beginning to think the pee tapes are real. 

  • 618

    "Side show Don" Trump is Putin's puppet! 
    Trump is pro Trump, anti democracy, anti lawa and order. He wants to own you.

  • 1,103
    Voted Sad

    We all know what he really meant.  Just wish he could say it without controversy but then again it wouldn't be Trump

  • 617
    Voted Apathetic

    The next day those countries decided to pay up. Trump wins again.

  • 119
    Voted Angry

    Mitch, you accuse Biden of being weak, while you don't stand up against 45 and for our country over party. No credibility and no courage. Nuff said

  • 131
    Voted Angry

    I strongly support President Biden's remarks about continuing our vital relationship with our NATO allies. We need to strongly stand against murderous and fascist regimes and with our fellow democracies. Warmongering bullies cannot continue to trample on the sovereignty of other countries to the detriment of innocent citizens.

  • 4,363
    Voted Angry

    Besides being a convicted sex fiend and business fraud and a liar and 36 quarts across the country including the Supreme Court. Donald Trump is also a moron.

  • 11
    Pamela W.

    My last pay test was $9,500 operating 12 hours per week online. My buddy has been averaging 15,000 for months now and he works approximately 20 hours every week. I can not accept as true with how easy it become as soon as i tried it out.

     This is what do __________

  • 1,611
    Voted Angry

    Trump should be in jail.

  • 226
    Voted Angry


  • 456
    Voted Angry

    What would Trump know about paying your own bills! 

  • 9,394
    Voted Angry

    You know that president Franklin D Roosevelt and Texas governor Abbott were both in a wheelchair, actually the were 5 presidents that hid their health issues from the public!

  • 9,394
    Voted Angry

    We have so many USEFUL IDIOTS in the republicans party pushing Russia propaganda. Unfortunately it's give useful idiots a bad name!

  • 4,455
    Voted Angry

    Speaks volumes!

    Trump avoids condemning Russia for Navalny’s murder

  • 4,455
    Voted Angry

    While the entire free world mourns the murder of people like navalny & khashoggi mobster bozo embraces the murderous regimes

    this criminal has no place in america 

    the ultimate traitor as are his supporters

  • 1,427
    Voted Angry

    The Orange loser demonstrates time and time again how unfit for the office of the presidency he is.  He is only fit for an orange jumpsuit.  I hope America is paying attention.

  • 104.1k
    Voted Angry

    Once again Trump shows his lack of understanding of NATO policies. For example in 2014 it was agreed that countries would ramp up to 2% of GDP by 2025. Countries have been increasing each year but when Russia invaded Ukraine they had to trade off increased expenses due to sanctioned Russian fossil fuels.

    All Trump is worried about is Russia calling his loans that they have underwritten in banks.

    Even Putin says he prefers a Biden Presidency to Trump because Biden has more experience.

    "During the 2014 summit, all NATO members agreed to spend at least 2% of their GDPs on defense by 2025."

    "According to data released as of July 1, the number of NATO countries which have reached or exceeded the spending level was only 11 out of 30 members with armed forces."

    "While this means that only around a third of members are reaching the 2024 goal, the number was up from nine as of mid-2022. New additions are Romania and Hungary, where military spending as compared to GDP rose substantially in 2023 opposite 2022."

    "Croatia and France, which had previously hit the 2-percent goal, stayed slightly below in 2023. The next closest to hitting the threshold were more of NATO's newer members, Montenegro and North Macedonia at 1.87 percent of GDP in defense spending each, followed by Bulgaria, Luxembourg and the Netherlands."

    "According to its Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, NATO is currently undergoing “the biggest overhaul of collective defense and deterrence since the Cold War” after the organization has emerged as the chief supporter of Ukraine in its defense effort against a Russian invasion."

    "The German bank that loaned $300m (£260m) to Donald Trump played a prominent role in a money laundering scandal run by Russian criminals with ties to the Kremlin, the Guardian can reveal."

    "Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview broadcast on Wednesday that he preferred Joe Biden to Donald Trump"

    "Putin replied without hesitation: "Biden. He is a more experienced, predictable person, a politician of the old school."

  • 3,808
    Voted Angry

    tRUMP is a malignant narcissist with frontotemporal dementia. He can't feel for anyone but himself, but it's hard not to have your feelings hurt when his followers won't listen.

  • 664
    Voted Angry

    I don't pay attention to the comments of white trash, as simple as that. He's obviously uneducated and knows nothing after 4 years as president. Why would I waste my time?

  • 37
    Voted Angry

    All I can say is the elections will tell how many are truly involved in the solutions rather than running their collective mouths and then complaining when they get what they got. Let our voices be heard on election day and then pray.

  • 379
    Voted Angry

    Totally IRRESPONSIBLE COMMENT by any Presidential Candidate. I refuse to  believe he is the Best Republican candidate from a US population of 330 million people.  

  • 27.8k
    Voted Angry

    Trump owes Putin. Why else would he make such an asinine claim? 

    Fact check: Debunking five false Trump claims about NATO


    Facts First: All of these Trump claims are false. While a majority of NATO members do not meet the alliance’s target of each member spending a minimum of 2% of gross domestic product on defense, the 2% target is a “guideline” that does not create bills, debts or legal obligations if it is not met. In fact, the guideline doesn’t require payments to NATO or the US at all. Rather, it simply requires each country to spend on their own defense programs. 

    When Trump was president, the guideline was written in forgiving language that made clear that it was not a firm commitment. That version of the guideline, created at a NATO summit in Wales in 2014, said members that had yet to reach 2% would “aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade with a view to meeting their NATO Capability Targets and filling NATO’s capability shortfalls.” In other words, the members that were below 2% in 2014 didn’t even have to promise to hit the target by 2024 – simply to make an effort to do so by then.

    NATO does require members to make direct contributions to fund the organization’s own operations. But there is no sign that members have failed to make those contributions, which constitute a tiny fraction of the allies’ defense spending, and Trump has made clear that his talk of debts is about the 2% guideline.

    Stephen Saideman, the Paterson Chair in International Affairs at Carleton University in Canada, said in a Monday email that the word “inaccurate really does not cover Trump’s protection racket/country club perception of dues owed to the US.”

    <End Quote>

  • 9,293
    Voted Angry

    Mentally unstable!!!