Kenya Unveils First National Tree Planting Day

Should the U.S. do the same?

  • 60.5k
    Voted Happy

    Good for Kenya! It's nice to see countries in Africa setting a positive example on climate action, and I hope our country can follow their example.

    Arbor Day is a nice minor observance, but we need to do far more to replace all the deforestation we've done in this country. A day of service for the environment would be a good start.

  • 113.5k
    Voted Happy

    Great idea to get everyone to plant 2 trees. The government is providing seedlings, time off and an app to track progress which not only helps climate change but also replaces trees lost to logging.

    "Each Kenyan is being encouraged to plant at least two seedlings, leading to the 100-million target."

    "The government is making available about 150 million seedlings in public nurseries."

    "The tree planting will be monitored through an internet app, which monitors the exercise by allowing individuals and organisations to record activities, including the plant species, number and date planted"

    "The Jaza Miti app will also help people plant the appropriate seedlings by matching the site with the appropriate species, according to the environment ministry."

    "the exercise would continue beyond the special holiday and expects that 500 million trees will have been planted by the end of the rainy season in December."