Multiple Mass Shootings Over Halloween Weekend

Tell your representatives to start saving lives and pass common-sense gun control measures now. 

  • 478

    The oxymoron statement of passing common sense gun laws is completely pathetic.  The uneducated grasp at what the Democratic Party regurgitates of weapons of war, assault rifles.  The stupidity here is so thick you could cut a chunk off and use it as a door stop.  The Armilite Rifle 15 was made first, in 1947.  The M16 was made for the military in 1962 for use in Vietnam.  The M16 was made to take the place of the M14 because the M16 could be either single shot or full automatic.  The M16 was never made for civilian use.  Later the fully automatic was taken off and three round burst put on the M16.  The grenade launcher was later attached to the M16 to make it the M203. 
    So stop the bullshit about weapons of war, do not attempt to discuss something you have no idea about because your stupidity is showing. 
    Scare tactics by the politicians to their end game is to disarm the public period.  In the 1930's Adolph Hitler used the common sense gun control to disarm the Jews.  Don't believe it?  Google it.
    Ask the politicians why they have had metal detectors at the capitol building since the 1970's, why do they have armed security, why did they set up a shooting gallery by designating gun free zones.  That hasn't worked very well has it.  It is where the shooter goes first, why, because like the politicians, they are cowards and don't want to be shot till they get their victims down first.  
    What stops a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun because it takes upwards of 15 minutes for the police to arrive on scene.  

  • 84

    Instead of adding more and more laws to the books, that will never be enforced. Why don't we enforce the laws we already have. Adding more laws won't fix anything enforce the law with judges who are willing to stand up and say enough will.

  • 8,997


    How come so many "pro birth" CONGRES MEMBERS have remained silent on this issue?

    Is the NRA whispering in ther ears?

  • 378

    All of these people already broke multiple laws in the commission of their horrendous acts. Please tell me how passing more laws is going to stop these criminals from doing crimes.

    The government has already done a bang-up job on the War on Drugs and the War on yeah, let's hand them more power to "solve" this problem too.

  • 3,354

    People with guns kill people.  It's not rocket science.

    Get the NRA out of Mike Kelly's pocket and pass common sense gun laws!

  • 2,418

    These mass shootings are not going to decrease without commonsense gun control measures-like ban the damn assault weapons for one, expand background checks, close gun show loopholes, ban ghost guns, raise the age for gun ownership, institute red flag laws nationally.  The tiresome line by the fucking Republicans that now is not the time to do anything or the one I love-our thoughts and prayers are with you is pure bullshit.  Get off your collective asses and pass gun control measures that will help decrease these senseless acts of violence.