Protests Grow Nationwide as Students Demand Divestment From Israel

Should the U.S. call for a ceasefire in Gaza?

  • 104.1k
    Voted Yes

    Sure, sure arrest the peaceful demonstrators chanting but nothing was done to 1-6 to protestors defacing the Capitol, injuring people and threatening to kill politicians till weeks, months, years later.

    "...estimate of property damage due to the January 6 Capitol riot to $2.73 million, according to a Friday court filing in the case of a man who pleaded guilty to participating in the riot, which left windows broken, doors splintered and paintings stained with pepper spray and tear gas."

    "The final cost of the Capitol riot could exceed $30 million, taking into account the cost of mental health counseling for riot victims and other more indirect costs incurred by rioters, Brett Blanton, the architect of the Capitol, told Congress in February 2021."

  • 9,413
    Voted Maybe

    80% of any war are civilians deaths. Sad that Hamas uses it's people as shields and call for all Israel to die. The history between the Palestine and Israel, I wished it was be better, but it's not. So many lives lost because of what. If you only live to hate, you will never fine peace. Israel is justified in defending itself and so is Ukraine both are fighting for freedom and peace!

  • 398

    No stopping till Hamas eliminated!

  • 426
    Voted No

    Ancient conflict. Iran is on their doorstep and that is even a bigger issue.

    Although Israel is one of our allies we cannot dictate to them how to conduct their governmental affairs. We could however withold aid if we felt it was necessary. 

  • 10.0k
    Voted Yes

    In the quest to destroy Hamas (and deservedly so) Israel is killing Palestinian citizens, mostly women & children who have nothing to do with Hamas.  Hostages are still in the region, some are Americans. For the love of God, call a ceasefire! 


     Begin peace talks or find a strategic way to target Hamas & get rid of them once and for all (with little or no civilian casualties).

  • 9,413
    Voted Maybe

    So with all the people entering into pead agreement against Rico charges, will Judge Aileen Cannon end up being caught up in this as well ????? With the slow walking?


  • 788

    Pure and simple Israel is commiting war crimes.  Innocent citizens including children are being killed.  

  • 217
    Voted No

    too bad many of the protesters arent even students!!! 

    many have no clue what they are fighting for Palestinan rights? Jewish hate? Pure ability to protest!!! 


  • 9,413
    Voted Maybe

    They both Gaza Palestine and Israel protesters both need to recognize that.their government is in control over law and order, not the people! In this country you have a democracy, freedom of speech, the freedom to protest at the government consulate, but Gasa is not a country, Russia Iran and China is! 

    In this country we still have a democracy for now, but we almost lost our independence and freedom January 6, to people at wanted to over throw our government to a dictatorship! 

    People like Alito and Thomas should not resign, but impeached!

  • 6
    Voted No

    Bomb them - eliminate the threat entirely. 

  • 9,413
    Voted Maybe

     The GOP undermined democracy that won Republican the presidency by work with the enemy of America, to steal the vote from the American people !!!!!! From Richard Nixon to Donald Trump.

  • 217
    Voted No

    No no no if we let Hamas win we lose whittle away chances of Democraces around the world!!! Hamas is hatred is cancer that has spread like wild fire!!! 

    Hamas, Putin, China Trump closing in where do little people like us go 

    Scary world we live in!!! 

    American Horror Stories Reality Show 2024!!!

    Afraid to be Jewish in America, what happened to never again!!!

    Gaza just sparked this 

  • 11
    Emma Z.

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  • 4,467
    Voted Yes

    Israel lost my respect 100% today

    The world is watching. We are on the wrong side of history. Time to stop the lies & killing

  • 4,467
    Voted Yes

    Desantis putting protesters on no fly lists

    Bypass florida ... protest / vote with your dollars 

    Shame on congress

    shame on justice dept

    we are now officially 4th world tin pot states 

  • 4,467
    Voted Yes

     Then arrest half of the jews who are protesting many silently 

    proclamations of antisemitism are a red herring and this lie has been broadcast amplified propagated for decades 

    actions speak louder than words

    defund israel NOW! 

  • 306
    Voted Yes

    PLEASE STOP FUNDING & arming this genocide!!! 

  • 4,467
    Voted Yes

    A group of 13 conservative US federal judges are vowing to not hire Columbia University law students or undergraduates because of how the school has handled pro-Palestinian demonstrations on its campus in recent weeks

    IMPEACH these morons! They dont deserve to be on the bench. To declare that people who protest are proven guilty summarily shows a total disregard for the rule of law

    shame on the judiciary

    shame on congress 

  • 4,467
    Voted Yes

    wearing a flag doesn't make you patriotic? 

    white trash? best education they can ever get is an exchange program for one year with afghanistan, syria, iraq, libya maybe somalia?

  • 1,252
    Voted No

    Deport the terrorist filth

  • 860
    Voted No

    I have been rethinking this. I think the universities should divest from any product with ties to Israel.  This is why any computer or technology from google, Apple, and Microsoft should be banned on these campuses.  

    The protesters should lead by example and give away or destroy any hardware, software, or documents they own created with one of these evil companies that help facilitate the war. Until they lead by example, the universities should not be required to do anything except arrest agitators. 

    being a good woke individual for these students, punishment should be set by privilege.  The higher your privilege, the worse your punishment. 

  • 4,363
    Voted Yes

    Yes, there should be a cease fire in Gaza so they can take two minutes out and decide if they want to continue with a war that has drug on for literally thousands of years and stop killing each other. And on another note, it's absolutely astounding to see Republicans so upset about people protesting on campuses when they could've cared less when Donald Trump's followers ransack the capital 

    Relieve themselves of their bowels and their urine inside offices in the tour pieces of it down and offices apart, broke windows, smash doors, clubbed police officers, and mace them in the face  and led to the deaths of several people! But the Republicans could care less about that that tells you that really they could care less about America. What about that Republican leaders? What's wrong with you that you don't care about America?

  • 251
    Voted Yes

    We are a government of the people by the people and for the people!  However, the government has been operating as the sole determinant of policy and actions. Our representatives must consider how their choices and policies impact the will of the people. This is a essential principle of our founding fathers. It also requires that the people take responsibility to select their representatives according to our Democratic values. An uninformed citizenary or those who fail to engage in our political elections risk the destruction of our democracy. 
    We the people have an obligation to remove any politician from office who disregards or fails to accept the will of the people. Our people, the international community and laws all indicate that the war in Gaza and the violations against the Palestinians must end. A price in consequences for not doing so will result in more devastating and terrible suffering.


  • 33
    Voted Yes

    We need to stop killing children in Gaza

  • 104.1k
    Voted Yes

    Brown University and Northwestern University have successfully negotiated with students unlike other universities. If I was looking for a university to attend Brown and Northwestern Unuversity would be at top of my list for listening and engaging with students.

    Don't think other universities even tried to negotiate but instead opted to dictate out of fear for their jobs and the new McCarthyidm in Congress no doubt fueled by AIPAC campaign contributions.

    Brown wins the award for thinking outside the box to solve the problem.?Abd students are learning important skills in negotiating that they can use throughout their lives.

    "At Brown, a Rare Agreement Between Administrators and Protesters"

    "Brown students took down their tents on campus after the university in Rhode Island agreed to discuss their demands for divestment from support for the Israeli military."

    "Demonstrators agreed to dismantle their encampment at Brown, which had been removed by Tuesday evening, and university leaders said they would discuss, and later vote on, divesting funds from companies connected to the Israeli military campaign in Gaza."

    " The agreement lays out a series of steps for the months ahead:"

    "In May, five students will meet with five members of the Corporation of Brown University to argue for divesting funds from companies connected to the Israeli military."

    "In September, Brown’s advisory committee on resource management will be expected to advise the university on the same issue."

    "In October, the committee’s recommendation will be brought to the corporation for a vote."

    " Although the encampment will end, organizing to ensure that the Brown administration fulfills our calls to act on divestment will continue until the corporation vote in October,” the Brown Divest Coalition said in a statement on Tuesday."

    " A spokesman for Brown, Brian Clark, said that divestment was not as simple as some students might perceive, though. The university doesn’t invest its endowment directly, he said. Instead, it relies on “external specialist investment managers, all with the highest level of ethics and all whom we believe share the values of the Brown community.”

    “This feels like a real moment of realizing our collective power,” said Rafi Ash, a sophomore at Brown who participated in the protests. “This is something that demonstrates that the mobilization of the student body can force the university to listen.”

    "Administrators said in a statement that it would still hold disciplinary proceedings related to the encampment, which broke the university’s rules. Reports of harassment and discrimination will also be investigated, the statement said."

    "Administrators and student activists at Northwestern University struck a similar deal on Monday."

  • 5
    Voted No

    Calling Jews occupiers and colonialists is absurd, factually and historically. . Confusing Israel as an imperialist, colonial occupier is belied by the fact that Jews have always been, a significant proportion of the population, and in many decades, majority residents over the course of ancient and modern history. When they were not the majority, they were oppressed (raped, hanged, killed) for much of that time by their Muslim neighbors. 


    Jews were kicked out of Arab lands in numbers equal to the Arabs that left "Palestine" when the modern state of Israel was created in 1948. Arab countries, at the time, exhorted their Palestinian compatriots to leave "Israel" so they could be assured of killing all of the resident Jews without worrying about being caught in the violence. So they have just as much responsiblity to solve for "dispossed Palestinians" as the modern Israeli government does in not actively solving for a two state solution. 


    Current and prior Netanyahu administrations are to be blamed for many issues including fostering Hamas at the PLO's expense, delegitimizing and weakenng any non-jihadist Palestinian policiticans, effectively leaving no legitimate "other side" to negotiate a peaceful two state solution.  Hamas needs to leave/be kicked out of Gaza, the hostages freed and the Netanyahu government voted out of office. Then, we can have a ceasefire. 


    Calling for Palestine to be "freed from the river to the sea" is an ahistorically racist and anti-semitic chant by ignorant kids conflating collonialism with other world issues. 



  • 788

    Their prime minister is attempting to do to Gaza residents what the Nazi did to Jews.  I resent every cent of my tax dollars going to them.  I wish this money would go to aid for Gaza residents

  • 617
    Voted No

    Did Israel call for a ceasefire after 9 11 when the US bombed the hell out of Iraq and Afganistan?