Three U.S.-Palestinians Shot in Possible Hate Crimes

How do you feel about the global response? 

  • 104.1k
    Voted Apathetic

    As long as they keep it non-violent and factual it's fine with me, Unfortunately there have been deaths from all the misinformation including @Causes reporting a day of jihad instead of a day of protests.

    Words matter!

    -Chicago - 6yr old Palestinian boy murdered by landlord who read that there there had been a call for jihad when in fact it was a call for a day of protests 

    -Belgium - 2 Swedish tourists killed because an Iraqi refugee living in Sweden burned a Quran.

    -Egypt -policeman killed 2 Israeli tourists

    -France - radical Islamist killed a teacher

  • 27.8k

    Sharing a sentiment found online from an unidentified author.

    Interrupt the Online Hate

    If you see any anti-Semitism online, interrupt it.
    The Israeli government is in the wrong.
    Not the civilians nor Jewish people worldwide.
    If you see islamophobia online. Interrupt it.
    Hamas is in the wrong
    Do not let people use its actions as an excuse to justify or neglect the Massacre of the Palestinian people.
    Do not allow Hamas' views or actions to represent Muslims or Palestinians for that matter.
    People are not their governments.
    There is a rise of authoritarian, fascist, and extremist powers in the world pretending the speak for billions of civilians worldwide who just want clean water, good food, a place to live, love, family, and have peace and joy.


  • 1,620
    Voted Sad

    Regular people are not the ones fighting in the mid-east but, as ususal, they are the ones dying.  Even here at home.  WHY would anyone stab an eight year old boy, who has NOTHING to do with the war across the sea?  Why kill anyone of a different religion?  Are they harming you?  Are they keeping you from "worshipping" as you choose?  Do as though wilt and harm NO ONE.

  • 266
    Voted Happy

    Support Israel not Hamas who is Isis!

  • 27.8k

    The Right To Protest
    The First Amendment protects the right to assemble and express our views through protest.
    However, police and other government officials are allowed to place certain narrow restrictions on the exercise of speech rights.

    Become familiarized with the local rules and regulations and the need for permits. 

    When protesting be aware of your surroundings and be leery of law enforcement's attempts to corral demonstrators.

    Pay particular attention to group pressures and avoid getting swept up by group emotions. 

    Prepare and bring a bag with snacks, water, first aid kit, etc.

    Be judicious with the use of your cell phone camera, other cameras and camcorders. 

    It is very advisable to become thoroughly knowledgeable of the various opinions of the issues at hand before joining or attempting to organize public protests.

    You may be asked by the media to explain why you are protesting, have a prepared statement and have a friend also record your response to deal with out of context quotes and outright misquotes.

    With respect to protesting regarding the current Israeli / Hamas / Palestinian Conflict even a cusory knowledge of the situation means accepting there have been serious crimes committed by Israel and Hamas. 

  • 55.2k
    Voted Apathetic

    The relationship between Israel and Palestine has been controversial for over 100 years, and maybe it's time for people to start openly discussing it (peacefully) instead of letting feelings fester in classrooms and battle lines. 

    Disagreement over how these two groups have treated each other should be protected under the First Amendment as far as the government is concerned, but college campuses and online platforms have a right to screen and act as they see fit.

    Hamas is an evil terrorist group, and these attacks should never have happened, but that doesn't mean we can't be critical of the Israeli government and its treatment of the Palestinian people. We all need to learn the difference between politics and religion, provocation and tolerance. 

  • 3,405
    Voted Sad

    It is hard to swallow when you realize that most of the world is rooting for a group of people, that are lead by a criminal equal to our trump, that is killing millions of children a day without regard.

  • 1,252
    Voted Happy

    Democrats been funding terrorist Iran since Obozo days

  • 55.2k
    Voted Apathetic

    @Causes, the attempted murder of these 3 young men is more important than bundling it with a bunch of other topics. Stop being lazy.


    This shooting of these young Palestinian students in Vermont is awful and is a sign that Islamophobia is ramping up in our country just as antisemitism has been.

    I will remind you all again that every time you say something hateful or condemning about someone who's not like you, you might be inspiring others to commit violence. Palestinians are just as human and just as vulnerable as all other people are, and deserve to be able to attend universities in our country in safety.

    Shame on this attacker and all who are saying hateful things.

  • 2,464
    Voted Apathetic

    Glad to see so many pushing for an end to the war, but these hate crimes have to stop.

  • 3,462
    Voted Sad

    People are not to blame for what organizations do, nor what their Government does.


    I live in the USA and I am not responsible for what my Government does, nor what the Republicans do.


    So, Jewish people should not be targets because of Isarel and Palestinians should not be targeted because of Hamas.



  • 1,137
    Voted Sad

    So much hatred and misdirected anger has been unleashed by the former president.  donald displayed bullying to such a great degree that people who were filled with anger admired him because he hated the same people that they did.  donald provided an example of how to make choices based on unsound emotion instead of FACTS.  I fear that his poor example will take time to be overcome.  I pray that cooler heads will prevail.

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Sad

    Antisemitism anywhere, anytime against anyone is not acceptable 

  • 426
    Voted Sad

    We have gone so far down the slippery slope of acceptable discrimination in all areas and corners of life that I don't think we will ever recover. Is there anyplace on Earth we can live in PEACE?

  • 9,413
    Voted Apathetic

    We need to support both Israel and the Palestine people. The government of Israel is fighting Hamas government, it is not the people of Palestine that chose this war, but governments like Iran, Qatar and others, the people do not matter to these countries they expendable as shields for their corruption. They live with the mindset of the 14th century it shows by the property and so called government culture towards the people!

  • 3,462
    Voted Sad

    What Hamas did was despicable and I think the leaders should be  tried for Crimes against Humanity and put to death


    THAT being said, Netanyahu and his Government's response is just as bad, and the punishment should be the same.


    One can be pro-Israel and anti-Netanyahu!   I am living proof and Isarel should get no further funding from the U.S.A. while he and his right wing Government are in power.  Let me remind ALL the lawmakers that this man is trying to dismantle Democracy so he doesn't have to pay for his crimes and corruption.   That is anti-Democratic.


    Any Genocide is immoral, and any attempted Genocide should be called out.


    The USA should not support Genocide-period.

  • 9,293
    Voted Sad

    Sadden by ANY HATE CRIME against ANY GROUP.

  • 2,321
    Voted Sad

    The new world-terrorists are heroes. 

  • 1,103
    Voted Sad

    The more the population of this Planet grows the more ignorant people become.  I wonder if these same people would have protested the United States when we dropped the Atom bombs on Japan to save American Lives.  I find these protestors to be complicit in what happened in Israel so that country has every right to do what it intends to do.  One problem I have is our open border.  If we have an incident here because of that border Biden will be held accountable by the American People.  

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Sad

    Global response to the war, global response to antisemitism, response to this man being killed?

    You can't be filled love and hate Israel unless of course you don't know history. Remember it was Hamas who started it. Hopefully Israel will finish it! 

  • 812
    Voted Sad

    Mr. President this behavior is unacceptable and you expect this specific group to vote for you this election coming up and if I was a member of that group I would ask why!

  • 1,358
    Voted Sad

    Israel is only an ally when they want something from us. Iran is clearly an ally of Russia. It is very likely that Russia and Iran collaborated to have the attack launched to divert the world's attention away from the war in Ukraine. It certainly worked on the Republican Party. That isn't surprising as they are known for basically sucking Putin's dick.  My representative Pete Stauber would gladly drop to his knees and do what Putin desires

  • 53
    Voted Sad

    We have to do something, we cannot sit by while civilians are being slaughtered in their homes 

  • 9,293
    Voted Sad

    The Israel Gaza would not last long if only one side was in the wrong!!!!

  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Sad

    MSM needs to stop giving them their 30 seconds of fame...... they need to be arrested. 

  • 2,970
    Voted Sad

    "Haters" are going to hate no matter the reason.  Most of this nonsense is just hype created by uninformed minds.  Most people don't realize Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism teach the "Ten Commandments".  The "Seven Steps to Enlightenment" of Buddhaism resemble the so-called "Seven Deadly Sins' and are quite similar.  These being the last seven of the Ten Commandments.  A good study of theology should be taught in public schools so ignorance doesn't run amok,  For it is ignorance of what is that has and always well be a major cause of chaos.  Along with "programing" of others due to personal beliefs isn't good for the soul.  Judges and other government officials should be thoroughly screened for their beliefs in Theocracy which has no place in any society.  Religion should be a PRIVATE belief and kept to one's self and respected so others may have that same freedom. 

    One of the major rules is "Thou shall not kill."  which is ment to say that separating the soul from the physical body, ON PURPOSE, is a "no-no".  But then again, those in power don't want to lose that control over the masses. We then end up with continued chaos in the world.  

    ALL of life is each and every one of us attending the school of "Hard Knocks" by our own experiences and the influence others have on us.  The "Craft" alone, requires "Harm to None."  Time to live and let live, don't you think.