Murder of Palestinian-American Boy Amid Global Hate Crimes

Are you worried about the growth in hate crimes?

  • 6,889
    Voted Angry

    I blame Trump.  

    He has given Americans permission.  

    Permission to HATE.  

    Permission to ATTACK.  

    Even Permission to KILL.

    Trump is the Ugly Side of the American Psyche.

  • 27.8k

    ATTENTION: Causes: Publisher, Editors, and Staff.

    Retract and Correct Your Article Using the Mistranslation of Protest as Jihad

    Words matter. Words can and do cause needless suffering and death.


  • 860
    Voted Apathetic

    What we need is a standard of what a hate crime is before we can define it.  Is it hate crime to say boys should not participate in women's sports, some think so.  Is it a hate crime to call someone a slur, some think so.  Is it a hate crime to call for the genocide of an entire group of people, too many are now stating that it depends.  

    If I were to call to eliminate an entire group of people, I would be arrested. Why is the same allowed for others? If speech is considered a hate crime, then it needs to be enforced consistently. If it is not a hate crime then those that retaliate against speech they do not approve of should be disciplined. 

    until we can agree that a consistent set of rules are followed no matter whether they support our point of view, everything seems subjective and you will continue to find those that disagree doing violence to those who they disagree with.  And many seem to get away with injuring and even killing others for their race or religion or even profession because those in power are not concerned with equal treatment, but forcing a narrative onto others. 

  • 59.1k
    Voted Angry

    Yes, especially as there is a constant flood of misinformation and disinformation on social media and other platforms.

    Remember, if you see a video or hear something, CHECK YOUR SOURCES! If it's not from a reputable journalistic news site, don't believe it. 

    And we must all speak out against anti-Semitism and anti-Islam every time we hear it and see it. Denounce it, report it, and contact whatever authorities you can.

    We all have a responsibility to protect the vulnerable.

  • 27.8k

    Murder of Palestinian-American Boy Amid Global Hate Crimes
    Are you worried about the growth in hate crimes?


    So many on the Right pretend to live as Christians, but it just another lie told by the Right. 

    In the past, we have had all manner of deranged folks, the overwhelming majority of those on the Right are unwilling to condemn violence on the part of somewhat more normal people. This has lead to hate crimes against Asian Immigrants and Asian Americans, Hispanics and Blacks. 

    Now we see hate crimes being committed against people from the MidEast.

    Stop supporting the Right with your money and your vote. 



  • 483
    Voted Apathetic

    This is a very sad story but we don't know the whole story. These people move to America and don't assimilate, instead they spew their hatred and words of consequences. Maybe the mom was chanting death to America,  Death to jews. We don't know. 


    I know all these pro Palestine people should move to Arab countries. 

  • 617

    Is Causes an arm of hamas?

  • 223

    The death of ANY CHILD for any reason (health, accident, or whatever) is horrific.  The MURDER of ANY CHILD from any region ...from any religion... is inexcusable PERIOD!  Hate is mean and ugly and has no place in the life of a child.

    People can attempt to cast blame on one side or another, but innocent children could hold the key to someday having a peaceful state between the various religions of the world. 

  • 3,808
    Voted Angry

    I'm concerned about hate crimes against both Israelis and Palestinians. I see them both being targeted at large.

  • 3,462
    Voted Angry

    He listened to right wing talk radio and watched Fox News.  It's high time that the right now step up and start taking responsibility for the hatred that they spread.  People are being killed.  CHILDREN are being killed.


    This must stop.  The right wing is now lower than low.

  • 266
    Voted Angry

    Yes very much! To much hate in the world

  • 104
    Voted Angry

    My soul is wounded after hearing about the attacks by Hamas, but also wounded learning about the way Palestinians have been treated for decades! The way they have been treated by the Jewish people starting in England in the 1900s caused Hamas to form and gain control. No group of people should be pushed to their limits. Not the Palestinians. Not the Jewish people. This is what happens when it does! 

    I have been watching several documentaries about Palestine and find myself absolutely APPALLED!

  • 3,405
    Voted Angry

    Is the person that murdered this boy in prison yet??????

  • 956
    Voted Angry

    I lay all of this at Trump's feet. He should be so proud to have stirred up so much hate and I don't believe he will ever stop. Hate and chaos are all he has going for him. Hillary Clinton was correct when she called his supporters the "deplorables".

  • 1,904
    Voted Angry

    We need to tackle conspiracy theories and right wing media rhedric 

  • 1,563
    Voted Angry

    There is too much hatred, racism and dispicable behavior in this world.  Satan is happy. We should be concerned and do what we can to build up our social framework and set the right example within our family and church.

  • 251
    Voted Angry

    Hate is irrational! Not only is it the absence of love it is a force of destruction. To violently murder a six year old child portrays the intensity of the violence that is unleashed in anyone who allows hate to control their thoughts and actions. Sadly, this evil is gaining control in too many people in our world as evidenced by the inability to express our thoughts and feelings in a rational and considerate manner to those who have different views and feelings.
    Civility and unity require that we be able to allow and respect the individuality and differences of people in our environment who share space with us. Violence and War will continue to destroy people's and countries when HATE continues to thrive.

  • 1,427
    Voted Angry

    This totally sucks and it is an alarming warning to us all of the impact of growing hate speech that incourages violence.  The ex-president is one of the worst violators.

    We each need to stand up to hate speech and actions when we encounter them.  This is no time for us to put our heads in the sand.

  • 2,849
    Voted Angry

    No reason to hate! 

  • 1,900
    Voted Angry

    That's all it is. Hate. Spurned by greed, ignorance, and self-righteousness. That's all EVERY war is ever about.


  • 244
    Voted Angry

    Any compassionate human would be furious about travesties like this.  With that said, it seems to me that the media plays a large role in inciting the kind of hate that impels people who are unstable to commit crimes like this. In my earlier days, we had laws in place to prevent the media from reporting anything but the facts of a situation. The media didn't twist the facts or take sides. We need to get back to that if we are going to regain moral ground and move forward with a more balanced understanding of events in this world. 

  • 251
    Voted Angry

    Hate is irrational! Not only is it the absence of love it is a force of destruction. To violently murder a six year old child portrays the intensity of the violence that is unleashed in anyone who allows hate to control their thoughts and actions. Sadly, this evil is gaining control in too many people in our world as evidenced by the inability to express our thoughts and feelings in a rational and considerate manner to those who have different views and feelings.
    Civility and unity require that we be able to allow and respect the individuality and differences of people in our environment who share space with us. Violence and War will continue to destroy people's and countries when HATE continues to thrive.

  • 536
    Voted Angry

    It's no coincidence when hate-speech grows (and with apologists for violence like @Reilly cheering it on) so do attacks and murders of those recipients of such hate-speech.

  • 225
    Voted Angry

    Stop supporting Zionist genocide! FREE PALESTINE!!!