The Latest: Outrage in Israel Grows

How do you feel about the U.S. response so far?

  • 111.4k
    Voted Angry

    Haven't seen any humanitarian corridors established to provide Palestians with food, water, drugs, fuel nor safe areas designated, especially all existing hospitals.

    While Israel has a right to defend itself and the US has armed Israel over the years ($3B/year) it does not have a right to bomb Palestians civilians and infrastructure which is not only a war crime but escalatory as Hezbollah may join the fray in the north even if Lebanon and Jordan don't officially.

    Asking 1M civilians to evacuate in 24 hr is not feasible even if they all had cars, had a place to go, and roads that were not bombed. Think about the planning that goes into US evacuations for fires and hurricanes where 2-3M people are involved that happen over days, to shelters with provisions where everyone has a vehicle.

    Time to remind Israel about the rules of war, and  not destroying civilians or non-military infrastructure.

  • 2,464
    Voted Apathetic

    To tell the truth, I'm not sure how I feel.  While, I don't condone the attack, I know that Israel is not innocent as they have launched attacks in the past that seemed unprovoked (although I don't live over there so I can't really say for sure that the past attacks on Gaza were without provocation).  All I know is that both sides have acted like spoiled toddlers and need to sit down like real adults and work out some solution that benefits both sides.  Obviously, Gaza has reasons to not like or trust Israel and likewise Israel has reasons to not like or trust Gaza, but at some point this shit has to stop to stop the senseless killing on both sides.

  • 1,886

    I read the whole comments.  I will look at another alternative.

    The enmity between Israel and Hamas is complex and multifaceted, butI believe that religion and claims to religious buildings certainly play a role.

    Both Israel and Hamas are religious movements with strong ties to Judaism and Islam, respectively. Jews believe that the land of Israel is promised to them by God, while Muslims believe that Jerusalem is the third holiest city in Islam. The Temple Mount/Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem is sacred to both Jews and Muslims, and competing claims to the site have been a source of tension and violence for centuries.

    So one could say the war going on is because of religion and land grab on both sides.  

    I don't know what the solution is other than for them to grow up and realize religions are not good reasons to go war.  Historically, many wars happened because of religions.  

  • 5,356
    Voted Happy

    Okay, as a liberal, but also as a Jewish person, I've tried to avoid commenting on this site, but here's the thing, as I see it:
    1) you can support Israel without agreeing with its government. Frankly, I think Netanyahu is a real asshole. And that's despite the fact that we both graduated from the same high school. However, I support Israel's right to exist and defend itself against those who would see to destroy it.
    2) you can support the Palestinians without being antisemitic. I do, in fact. However, check your history. There's a reason the West Bank and Gaza strip exist and it's not because the ancestors of the current residents thought they would be nice vacation spots. Read up on Jordan's and Egypt's roles in creating these two sectors and how they responded to Palestinian requests for asylum after Israel's victory in 1948.
    3) you cannot support Hamas without being antisemitic. Or kind of horrible. As a billboard I saw the other day said, "There is no excuse for kidnapping, rape, and murder." No matter how sympathetic you may find the Palestinian cause (it is) or how horrible you may find Israel's current administration (they are), what happened on October 7 cannot be justified. Nor can a call for completely obliterating a sovereign state.

    Anyway, my 2¢.

  • 731
    Voted Excited

    Biden is correct. An Israeli ground invasion of Gaza could very well prove to be a collosal mistake.

    There is a good chance of it proving counterproductive in terms of subdoing Hamas;

    A good chance of serious unintended consequences,

    A chance of it sparking a larger confilct in the region, including possible world war;

    And finally, a full scale invasion in civilian territory will likely paint Israel in a very negative light internationally.

  • 9,293
    Voted Sad

    Stop the funding and a cease fire would happen.

  • 10.5k
    Voted Angry

    I'm saddened by recent events and worried about the implications for the United States and our NATO allies. Although this attack seemingly did not make intelligence agency's radar, it's been brewing for a while & Isreal is not blameless, in my opinion. 

    This region has been fought over for centuries, because of religion. I find it ironic that the major tenet of each of these religions is, in a sense, "the Golden Rule".


    Here is a brief history:

  • 59.1k
    Voted Apathetic

    It sounds more and more like Israel is about to commit mass casualties, possibly genocide, in Gaza starting as soon as their morning tomorrow.

    The international community and our US leadership needs to speak out loudly and strongly that while the horrors of last weekend were abominable and terrorism cannot be accepted, the destruction of human lives in retribution and in violation of international law is completely unacceptable.

    Netanyahu has long been a right-wing extremist when it comes to treatment of the Palestinian people, and it looks like he's finally found his reason to carry out his darkest impulses. 

    May God have mercy on the people of Gaza.

  • 46

    We need to use our power and influence to stop the killing of innocent civilians in Gaza Strip. Too many innocents are dying.

  • 379
    Voted Happy

    i ask my 2 Senators to Vote for any Legislation OR Military Aid that will help to Support the only Democratic Nation in the Middle East to Defend Itself Against Terrorist attacks. Military aid to  Israel is vital to the US. 


  • 1,028
    Voted Sad

    we need an immediate cease fire 

  • 441
    Voted Excited

    I think Biden and his team are handling the crisis about as well as possible. Thank God he's our Prez, as Trump would likely have had us in WW 3 by now.

    I recognize that Biden's robust support of Israel visa vee Hamas has not gone down well in some quarters, but as Jennifer Rubin pointed out in a brilliant column the other day, Biden's experienced enough to realize that the only way the US would have any significant leverage over Israel is to publicly support it (within the "rules" of war"), while privately urging its leaders to make every effort to minimize civilian casualties, allow aid to Gaza, agree to a pause in hostilities to allow for critical hostage exchanges and support a 2 state solution. I'm persuaded that without Biden's robust behind the scenes activity the current extended pause, significant exchange of hostages and increased aid to the innocent Palestinians in Gaza would not have occurred. That said, the tragic loss of innocent lives in Israel as well as Gaza is appalling, and the US needs to keep up the pressure to end this war as soon as possible, cripple Hamas and push all parties to embrace the long sought 2 state solution. Otherwise, many more innocent lives in Gaza and otherwise will be tragically lost and the crisis will continue to fester for at least another generation.

  • 10

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  • 53

    I get paid over $40 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I've been doing..

  • 3

    Outrage?  Give me a break.  ALL these creatures think about in Israel is themselves.  They are only concerned about "their" hostages.  Indecent and obscene.  May you reap what you have sowed for millenia.

  • 1,644
    Voted Angry

    Stop all aid to Israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 613
    Voted Apathetic

    the US is doing all they CAN do given the fact that Netanyahu is just a jewish trump. he like trump, is just trying to save his ass at the expense of thousands of innocent people. 

  • 3,462
    Voted Angry

    This is beyond disgusting, but then again, I don't wrap myself in a foreign flag and praise Genocide.


    I also couldn't be bribed by AIPAC


    Lastly, I do not believe in the Xtian end times scenarioe(this is for you, Mike Kelly)


    So, because of the above listed things, I am against Genocide.

  • 6,889
    Voted Angry

    Institute a Complete Arms Embargo on Netanyahu and Israel.  Start Now!

  • 568
    Voted Angry

    What happened to the Israelies on Oct. 7th was horrific, and Hamas should be eliminated.  But as we learned as children, two wrongs don't make a right.  It is deeply wrong for Isreal to kill so many innocent Palestinians in their pursuit of Hamas.

  • 483
    Voted Angry

    The Democrats have been in power for 16 years and Trump's years of President were the peaceful ones but because Oligarchs control the news and Democrats they indoctrinated liberal sheep to believe Trump is the bad guy. Lmao, Trump was one of them until he saw how corrupt the Democrats are.

  • 229
    Voted Sad

    The US needs to act on the side of peace and refuse to sell arms to them.

  • 13.2k
    Voted Apathetic


    May we stop seeing the dead bodies photo now? It's been up for almost a year.

  • 5,182
    Voted Angry

    Netanyahu vows to "hurt Hamas in a way Israel hasn't done before," Israeli official says

    amply clear zionists constantly poking to get a reaction so they can continue their agenda - usurp all of palestine (almost complete) 

    all by design 

  • 59.1k
    Voted Apathetic

    Meanwhile, Israel is now raiding the West Bank, which is not where Hamas was in power.

    Why are they doing this? When will it stop? What is the endgame? 

    We must call on Israel to stop right now, and we must force a cease fire. 


  • 2,343
    Voted Angry

    This article is one point of view about USA and Israel relationship. 

  • 694
    Voted Angry

    Sadly, most people do not realize (or recognize) that Israel was given its land from God. Its exact borders are given in several verses of scripture, but Genesis 15:18-21 is one such example. This land belongs to the Israelites alone. Israel has every right to defend its territory and drive invaders out. 

  • 64
    Voted Angry

    The United States needs to stop being complicit in the Genocide in Gaza.  Use all leverage, including immediate cessation of all arms and military support for Israel. 

  • 379
    Voted Happy

    israel had its citizens kidnapped by Hamas. it should be allowed to defend itself, get its citizens freed, minimize death in gaza & remove Hamas from future kidnappings. thank you for your support of this. 

  • 3,462
    Voted Angry

    I feel like this:  Netanyahu cannot be excused for his actions, nor his rhetoric.

    The rhetoric is the exact same that Hitler used.  Bibi simply takes away  the German Juden and in it's place says Palestnians....the rest is word for word the same.


    I don't care how much money AIPAC lined your pockets with.  If they can pay you enough to support a genocide then maybe you shouldn't be in office because you obviously have no integrity and can, in fact, be bought.



  • 1,137
    Voted Apathetic

    Pres Biden and Anthony Blinken are doing a great job of negotiating a Ceasefire.  The hold-up is Benjamin Netanyahu.  He seems to only want to kill as many non-white people as he can.  He seems not to care if the hostages are killed.  The IDF should have used tactics like the American CIA used to find and kill Osama bin Laden.  

  • 132
    Voted Apathetic

    I think the Biden administration has been trying very hard to address Gaza while keeping an eye on the bigger picture in the context of middle east history and conflict . But is now letting Netenyau get away with too much, and feel it us time to draw the line . Those at the convention who  are peacefuuly protesting the unbrideled slautering of thousands in Gaza should be acknowkedged and deserve a chance to be heard .