BILL: Should We Raise the Minimum Wage? - Raise the Wage Act of 2023 - H.R.4889
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The Bill
H.R.4889 - Raise the Wage Act of 2023
Bil Details
- Sponsored by Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (D-Va.) on July 25, 2023
- Co-sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
- Committee: House - Education and the Workforce
- House: Not yet voted
- Senate: Not yet voted
- President: Not yet signed
Bill Overview
- Pushes for an increase in the federal minimum wage. Would gradually raise the minimum wage to $17 by 2028 and give approximately 28 million Americans (19% of workers) a long-overdue raise.
- Pegs future increases in the federal minimum wage to median wage growth to ensure the value of minimum wage does not, once again, erode over time.
- Eliminates the tipped sub-minimum wage over seven years, the sub-minimum wage for workers with disabilities over five years, and the sub-minimum wage for youth workers over seven years.
- After more than a decade with no increase in the federal minimum wage — the longest period in U.S. history — millions of people are working full-time jobs but are still struggling to make ends meet.
What's in the Bill
Addresses poverty among workers
- One in eight workers are paid wages that leave them in poverty.
- There are no cities in America where a full-time worker making the federal minimum wage can afford to cover the rent for a modest two-bedroom apartment.
- Almost 30% of workers (44 million people) make less than $17 per hour. Many of these low-wage workers face persistent economic insecurity.
Supports economy
- When workers earn more, they spend more on local businesses, boosting the economy from the ground up.
Supports a fair minimum wage
- Over the last 50 years, $50 trillion in wealth has been redistributed from the bottom 90% of America to the top 1%.
- The value of the current federal minimum wage, $7.25 per hour, is the lowest it has been since 1956 and has declined by nearly 28% since it was last increased in 2009.
- Approximately 5 million tipped workers in the U.S. depend on tips for nearly three-quarters of their income, but the tipped sub-minimum wage has remained stagnant at just $2.13 per hour since 1991.
- The current median wage for approximately 120,000 workers with disabilities is just $3.50 per hour.
What Supporters Are Saying
“No person working full-time in America should be living in poverty. The Raise the Wage Act will increase the pay and standard of living for nearly 28 million workers across this country. Raising the minimum wage is good for workers, good for business, and good for the economy. When we put money in the pockets of American workers, they will spend that money in their communities."
“The $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage is a starvation wage. It must be raised to a living wage – at least $17 an hour. In the year 2023 a job should lift you out of poverty, not keep you in it. At a time of massive income and wealth inequality and record-breaking corporate profits, we can no longer tolerate millions of workers being unable to feed their families because they are working for totally inadequate wages. Congress can no longer ignore the needs of the working class of this country. The time to act is now.”
What Opponents Are Saying
- The conservative think tank, The Cato Institute, has been vocal about the drawbacks of raising the minimum wage. The Institute argues that it would have little effect on alleviating poverty, would harm consumers in the form of higher prices, and would hurt low-skilled workers. They argue that it will lead to job loss, citing Joseph Sabia and Richard Burkhauser's 2010 estimate that “nearly 1.3 million jobs will be lost if the federal minimum wage is increased to $9.50 per hour.”
Tell your reps to support or oppose this bill
-Emma Kansiz
(Photo Credit: Canva)
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The indexes should the economy is doin great. They are the same indexes used for many many years n have very little to do with our international economy. The percentage of income left over at the end of the year for most wage earners has not improved significantly. If we are to control inflation,we need to control greed. I don't know of many laws that even mention the influence of greed. OUR GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO START DOING SOME GOVERNING OF THE EFFECT OF GREED. WE'VE HAD WAGE CONTROLS BEFORE AND WE'VE HAD PRICE CONTOLS BEFORE.
Would you believe that there is alignment here to raise the minimum wage?
Our survey shows that there is overwhelming support for $9-$10. So while that may be more than some want and less than others. Wouldn't it be wise to follow consensus?
Confiscate the wealth that all members of Congress have accumulated on the backs of the working class and give it to the state, and then make them work for minimum wage. Also, take away their sweet sweet medical benefits. Make them lives like us and I gurantee you they would change their tune.
Each and every time there has been a raising of the minimum wage, there has been a rising of the prices of goods. Minimum wage raises do not fight against inflation, they are a piece of inflation. We need to put the money back on the gold and silver standard, and to stop printing more money.
The fleecing of America by the republicans!
Hell, yes.
I was surprised to discover that the minimum hourly wage was raised in 2007 to $5.85 and in 2008 to $6.55 and in 2009 to $7.25.
But since then we've gone 16 years without adjusting the hourly minimu wage to keep pace with inflation.
We need to catch up.
No one including wait-staff should have to work for slave wages.
Trump hose the middle clas and the poor with the help of republicans the ten thing that were over looked! Obamacare, defense strategy, Covid-19, religion in schools marijuana, food security, overtime pay, climate change, tax cuts $1,5 trillion and sexual harassment.
If you want earn above your true worth here is one way
where is the oversight?
feel sorry for florida teachers ... state coffers being emptied rapidly while they and other essential workers take a back seat
If you are a teacher you could be arrested for asking why a superintendent that make $110,000 get a $38,000 raise, when teachers are only paid $38,000 and staff get less?
Yes, we have to raise the federal minimum wage. Many states have already done this. I think smaller businesses will need some initial adjustment time. More than double in 3 years might be a little ambitious in that scenario, but the medium or larger corporations have no excuse. It will not raise inflation. Corporate profits are at an all time high. Of course they don't want less profit and if they squeeze that out of the workers they will continue to do that. There's no data confirming corporations will hire more workers or reinvest in the business if they make more money. A change of thinking or corporate culture is needed. Maybe tie the lowest salary to the highest salary via a percentage?
Yes, raise the minimum wage.
Or, how about we have a maximum wage? Imagine if Elon could only make $2 million a year, instead of $2400 million?
He would have more $ than any one person needs, and would actually be able to pay employees a liveable wage.
We need to do something. The Federal minimum wage doesn't give the people enough money to rent a two bedroom apartment in any city in America, this article says.....not to mention, food , gas, utilities, child care, medical care etc.
As far as I'm concerned, this "bill" wouldn't work unless there was a "freeze" on rent, utilities, food, other necessities, medical costs. Yes, corporae America would lose out on their out-of-line profit margin which they really don't need. Greed and the lust for control and power are destroying us everywhere. Time has come for government to lay down the law on corporate greed so future generations will be able to survive. Price gouging for higher profits is out of control and is destroying the smaller businesses which provide a living for themselves and other workers. Raise the wages BUT FREEZE THE COST ON ALL NECESSITIES. And don't forget to eliminate all the corporate tax writeoffs. They must be made to pay their fair share.
I have a question about anti woke, is it the same as the movie as "Don't look up"?
Yes, we should raise the Federal minimum wage.
While many Americans do not make the minimum wage, it is still used to set hourly wages for many low-income jobs in addition to the tipped minimum wage, which is half of the minimum wage in that state.
Additionally, many states such as Pennsylvania do not have their own minimum wage or set theirs based on the federal minimum, and so have remained low for the decades that the current low minimum wage has been in effect.
Let's invest in our people and show that we recognize the difficulty of lower-wage workers by raising the federal minimum wage to a realistic working wage that enables all Americans to afford housing, healthcare, and food.
Legislation with 202 co-sponsors, all democrats previously introduced in 2021, so unless Republicans cross over and vote for it, doesn’t have a chance despite companies and states that have already raised their minimum wages.
10 companies (Aetna, Amazon, Bank of America, Costco, Disney, IKEA, Kaiser, Target, Walmart, Wells Fargo) have increased minimum wage in response to 30 states with minimum wage higher than the national minimum wage, and 10 states (CA, CT, DE, FL, IL, MA, MD, NE, NJ, NY) already at $15/hr now or next couple of years, and 35 cities (Albuquerque, Chicago, DC, Los Angelia, Minneapolis, NYC, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa FE, Seattle, Tucson, etc).
With all the grassroots efforts like the Tucson voter proposition that passed and became ordinance, 9 companies, 30 states and 35 cities, how can Congress, specifically House Republicans continue to ignore the national minimum wage as 202 Democrats are co-sponsoring thus legislation.
Should We Raise the Minimum Wage?
Yes! Absolutely!!
We most Strongly Urge You To Pass the Raise the Wage Act of 2023 - H.R.4889.
Fellow @Causes commenters,
If you live in "Purple States" or "Biden Districts" and have Republican Representatives, contact your Reps to let them know that you strongly support this bill for your fellow citizens, neighbors, grandchildren, children and yourselves.
Other commenters, you should also let your Reps know this is what you want.
We just need 6 Republican votes!
Edited prior comment.