BILL: Should We Defend Uyghur Human Rights? - Uyghur Policy Act of 2023 - H.R.2766

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  • 27.8k

    I urge the House and Senate to pass the Uyghur Policy Act of 2023.

    Like every other authoritarian state, China needs to demonize a group. China has chosen to demonize the Uyghur people completely—some are openly calling for genocide: 

    Maisumujiang Maimuer, a Chinese religious affairs official, wrote of the Uyghurs on a Xinhua Weibo page on Aug. 10, 2017:
    "Break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections, and break their origins. Completely shovel up the roots of "two-faced people," dig them out, and vow to fight these two-faced people until the end."

    Changing China’s treatment of the Uyghurs requires diplomatic skills and tools.  Despite China's horrendous treatment of Uyghur peoples, the country does not want to completely alienate China. Hopefully, this bill, when passed, will provide the resources needed to eventually provide the Uyghurs significant relief.




  • 5,178


    North Carolina’s GOP-controlled state legislature is expected to vote on new congressional district maps that could put at risk as many as four Democratic-held seats in the US House — a move that could help determine which party gains the upper hand in the chamber after the 2024 elections. Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper does not have veto power over redistricting legislation in North Carolina


  • 13.9k

    Human rights are everyone's rights in the world, not just men, but women; the rights to speak out, right the to live and exist, the rights to be free, the right to set your own directions and course, the right to be with whoever you want to be with, the right to be accountable for your actions, the right to any religion or not,  the right to healthcare and your body, in saying that you body is your kingdom, your house, your home to keep in order!

  • 13.9k

    To ignore human rights and abuses, there will be no human rights or peace!

  • 13.9k

    I am thinking we need to protect our humans because we are next. Clarence Thomas is just like Trump, only black!

  • 3,462

    We should fix our own human rights violations here in the USA-and, in fact, should really do so before we start wagging our fingers in everyon else's face.


    That being said, we should support Human Rights everywhere.  Too Bad Rubio doesn't care about Human Rights right here in his own country!

  • 2,464

    From my point of view the US should always support human rights.  However, I am skeptical of this bill since two Republicans introduced it.  Republicans are not noted for their humanitarian care and concern for people., so I really wonder what's behind this sudden move to uphold human rights.  NO, I don't nor hardly ever trust Republicans to do anything that helps people.

  • 111.4k

    Bipartisan legislation with 80 cosponsors which has a better chance (32%) than historical average (11% in 2022) of getting out of committee and on the House floor for a vote IF Republicans ever agree on a House Speaker AND pass a budget. If it makes it to the floor it has a 12% chance of being passed versus 2% in 2022.

    Too bad the House is so dysfunctional and accomplishing nothing. The longer there is no speaker the less chance of anything getting done.

    In less than 1 month (Nov 17th) the government will shutdown just in time for Thanksgiving travel, the busiest flying time during the year.

  • 59.1k

    I support human rights everywhere, and China's reported treatment of the Uyghur people is wrong and atrocious and should be condemned. 

    I can support this bill, but I wish Kim and Rubio cared about human rights violations in this country as well. I guess it's too easy to complain about our enemies but not look at the ways we treat women, children, and minorities here.