UAW Ends 46 Day Strike Against Detroit Big Three

Do you support a strike?

  • 55.1k
    Voted Support

    I always support the right of workers to strike, but this strike threatens to cause massive economic damage to our country, so I hope the UAW can find a way to continue the fight without allowing the strike to do too much damage over too long a period. This one could really be problematic.

    However, the UAW should strike and should ask for more. The CEOs of the Big Three make hundreds of times more money during a time of record profits for the automakers, and workers should get a slice of the pie. The evolution to electric vehicles and the need to protect good-paying American jobs are important issues that need to be heard out, and the CEOs clearly aren't listening. 

    When will we stop with the corporate greed and start rewarding the workers first? 

  • 1,550
    Voted Oppose

    I generally support labor and unions, but they're making an AVERAGE of $32/hour!

    "The union is pushing for a 46% pay raise over four years, a 32-hour week with 40 hours of pay, and a restoration of traditional pensions."

    Sorry, that's UTTERLY out of step with the rest of the country, the world, reality!  This high cost of manufacturing labor is why the U.S. is rapidly losing manufacturing to overseas.

    They mix in the issue of CEO pay, and I totally agree CEO pay is out of control and must be addressed, but that's completely different from rank-and-file union pay.

  • 498

    Republicans gave corporations a huge tax break trying to con voters into thinking money would would trickle down to workers.  Anyone with a brain knew that was a lie. Corporations are price gouging and stiffing their employees. That said getting paid for five days work when you only work four is a little much.

  • 9,988
    Voted Support

    I was raised by an autoworker. My father busted his butt for GM and retired from the company. I have uncles who worked for Chrysler, Dodge, and Ford. My family has survived the automobile downturns created by outsourcing and global competition (which wasn't always fair -stolen technology & foreign car tax equity).

    My father was so excited when profit sharing came about!  However, we soon learned that workers carried the bulk of concessions and when the profits came rolling in, the majority of bonuses went to the top. Oh, and the concessions didn't stop with workers! If you had a pension coming in...that was reduced, as were your benefits in the beginning of this century . It was either that OR the company would file bankruptcy & retirees would get nothing. 

    So, now the big three are making money hand over fist. "They could double our raises and not raise car prices and still make millions of dollars in profits. We’re not the problem. Corporate greed is the problem.”



  • 441
    Voted Oppose

    At this point I support the threat of a strike, but oppose an actual strike, vastly preferring that the parties continue robust good faith bargaining to achieve a fair result and thus spare the workers and, indeed, the country the potentially crippling economic consequences which a strike will likely bring. C'mon auto union and auto manufacturers, please get back to the table and hammer out a deal before everyone suffers.

  • 617

    Joes right.In a Biden economy everyone needs a raise and a second job.

  • 9,293
    Voted Support

    Hopefully the BIG 3 will reduce their CEO salary and benefits to accomodate the workers negotiations AND NOT PASS IT ON TO THE CONSUMER!!!!! OR seek another bailout.

  • 55.1k
    Voted Support

    I'm glad the strikes will end, and that the UAW feels they received a contract that establishes better pay and equity.

    Hopefully this will mark a new era in worker victory over corporate greed.

  • 2,817
    Voted Support

    Excessive profit is wrong! 

  • 2,602
    Voted Support

    Striking is the only power that workers have. Otherwise they are taken advantage of by companies which try to give as little as possible to the workers and even the consumers while racking up huge profits. 

  • 47
    Voted Support

    A union that does not include the threat of a strike is not a union.  A union that will not strike, when necessary, is a bag of wind.


  • 2,641
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted Support

    The strike is over!! Move on....

  • 1,582
    Voted Support

    Collective bargaining by unions have set the standard for workers in this country for a century! 
    Unions helped to enact child labor laws, promote safety in the workplace, retirement benefits, and many more common place work place standards that we take for granted! 
    Remember together we bargain, alone we beg! 

  • 3,959
    Voted Support

    Good job in negotiations. And the the three new fellows who assisted you. Step closer for all man kind : )

  • 2,817
    Voted Support

    Need better wealth distribution! 

  • 1,251
    Voted Support

    They should be getting back what they gave to save their jobs. It should be based on profit sharing and the money taken from executives' huge salaries and perks. Now we can look forward to the price of new vehicles exceeding the average person's ability to purchase. It is bad enough that they are now financing new vehicles longer than the warranty lasts and the electronics are failing faster than that.

  • 1,028
    Voted Support

    union strong!! I'm 💯 percent behind the strikers 

  • 3,462
    Voted Support

    Every American Citizen should go on strike and refuse to go to work until the corruption in DC and on The Hill(money in politics, insurrectiontists serving in The House and Senate, Lobbyists of Corporations and Special Interests Groups bribing both and the Supreme Court to boot!)  if we all banded together and did that and all their paychecks started drying up we, the people, would be treated better!


    Of course, that will never happen: That's why they do the Culture divide us to the point that we cannot ever agree so that they can continue as it is without fear of reprocussions.

  • 2,321
    Voted Oppose

    Should picet White House with EV's that will cost thousands of jobs. The companies are thge victims of EV's and will pass on to workers.

  • 45
    Voted Support

    The Big Three-have no trouble giving CEOs gigantic paychecks and providing dividends to shareholders 

    it's more than time that the workers who enable those benefits to be paid by breaking their backs on the assembly line get to share in the largess

  • 2,321
    Voted Oppose

    They should protest Biden's E-car mandate which destroys their jobs and enriches China.

  • 49
    Voted Support

    We need to take care of America before we take care any other country

  • 190
    Voted Support

    Yes, I livable wage should be a priority when the vast majority of workers cannot even afford the cars they build. Why does a CEO need to make 200 to 300 times more than the than its lowest paid employees? Either sure the wealth or raise the corporate taxes on this company's.

  • 35
    Voted Support

    It's time for those who create the products that create the wealth to be paid fairly for their work. 

  • 860
    Voted Support

    While I support a strike, I am not sure the demands are reasonable. 

    A 40% increase in pay and on top of that want another 20% increase as they want to be paid for 5 days working 4.  It seems like a 60% increase in labor costs which will only get passed to the consumer who on average get a 2-3% raise per year.  Maybe those that can afford a 40,000 car are willing to pay 44,000 to support the union and that may be true. 

    many people cannot afford the cost to start out with given the rise in everything else with inflation and interest rates otherwise known as bidenomics. It won't change how much those at the top make or make reasonable changes in work conditions while providing benefit for the American people. It will raise costs which will start demanding raises from other and rising prices will eventually make the raises moot or spiral the economy into a recession.