BILL: Should We Protect Domestic Violence Survivors From Eviction? - Fair Housing for Survivors Act of 2023 - H.R.2918

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  • 149

    I believe all men who batter women should be instantly castrated. I've watched my dad slap my mom on many occasions because he didn't know how to handle his frustrations. If I had been old enough and was able to reach one of his many guns, I would have had to relieve him of his frustrations by giving him a few bullets. When a man hits a woman, his manly hood is instantly null and void. 

  • 1,091

    I don't see this bill passing and it shouldn't. That said, even tho there are measure in place to protect women, they and children are still the most vulnerable of the vulnerables.

    As a long time landlord I have delt with NYC rent controls as well as the free markets. Trust me, many abuse subsidized rents and for the mom & pop landlords profiting isn't always a sure thing. But women and children still take the brunt.

    So in turn I provide well below market value housing for over a decade to such an individual. Not because I could always afford to, but just because it was the right thing to do.

    It seems to me humanity...., has lost it's meaning these days.

  • 10.5k

    I support H.R.2918 which helps survivors of domestic violence find/keep affordable housing. The inability to access affordable housing is one of the many reasons people stay in violent relationships. 

    It would also help if we had Universal Healthcare...another reason people stay in violent their healthcare is tied to being married to their partner. 

    It would also help if we could mandate a law which prevents those arrested for domestic abuse from obtaining or keeping weapons. "Around 4.5 million women in the United States have been threatened with a gun, and nearly 1 million women have been shot or shot at by an intimate partner. Over half of all intimate partner homicides are committed with guns. Indeed, a woman is five times more likely to be murdered when her abuser has access to a gun."



  • 27.8k


    Please support H.R.2918 - 118th: Fair Housing for Survivors Act of 2023

    There should be unquestioned bipartisan support for victims of Domestic Violence!
    The Senate should fully support this as well.


  • 109.3k

    Bipartisan legislation with 52 cosponsors to provide protection for survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and sex trafficking under the Fair Housing Act with a 3% chance of being enacted because Only 11% of bills made it past committee and only about 2% were enacted in 2021–2023.

    Republican lead House is only interested in investigations for campaign PR & fund raising and not actually passing legislation.

  • 3,462

    This will never pass.  It will stall and die out.  The reason being is that the GOP neither cares about children, nor women.   They talk a big game, but at the end of the day they do not care.  It's easy to see by the actions of the GOP:  They refused to pass a child marriage law; They strip funding and benefits for children in the Foster Care system: They strip benefits and programs to help the poor children; They want children to work in dangerous situations  and do away with child labor laws; Tbey strip rights away from women bit by bit.


    Due to the GOP , everyone is in danger.  Every minority, every woman, and every child.


    Unless you are a well-off cis white male the GOP cares nothing about you.


    It's disgusting.

  • 2,464

    We should put in place all manner of protections for victims of DV, SA, and HT.  No victime of these crimes should lose their housing just because some asshole thinks s/he has a right to abuse anyone.  I get it that landlords should get their rent and should not have to suffer because of someone else's cruelty, thus make the damn abuser pay the rent or mortgage.  These types of crimes cannot be tolerated.

  • 114

    I believe we should not make Anyone who is the victim os domestic violence . But the landlords need their money. I believe the government should pay their rent , for a time. Let them find another place they can pay . I would think someone who suffers from DV. I'm just saying .... maybe the courts can make the Abuser should pay for the rent . If it was forever, the people you are  reciviving  help. Forever. They won't have a chance to get out of it? There are a lot ogpf homeless people and DV survive it, they should get all the help to relax for a time, but then try to fupind work. That will help people to feel like a real person . They will have a purpose in life.