BILL: Should We Get Gov. Mandated Paid Sick Leave? - Healthy Families - Act H.R.3409

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  • 9,293

    All Workers need some sick leave. Shared responsibilty with buisness's and help if neede by the government.

  • 10.5k

    If you really want to cry, read this:


    "98 countries guarantee one month or more of paid sick days. Many high-income economies require employers to provide paid sick days upwards of 10 days, including: the Netherlands, Ireland (from 2026), Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Singapore."

    Congress, looking for ideas?  Here you go:




    Forget MAGA...we need to MAG....we're behind!!!!

  • 10.5k

    Big businesses should pay for at least 8 days of sick leave each year for their workers, not the government . Small businesses should be able to have the government help out. 

  • 6,889

    This very late but final the U.S. might meet the standard every other democratic country has set on Sick Leave.  

    NO ONE should be forced to suffer more because they are sick or injured because their employers are jerks!

  • 111.4k

    The US is the only developed country without paid sick leave except during COVID or at the state level in 16 states & DC (AZ, CA, CO, CT,  MA, MD, ME, NJ, NM, NV, NY, RI, OR, VT, WA) unless provided by private sector businesses.

    There is no federal law on paid sick leave but the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may allow eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for certain health-related situations. 77% of private sector businesses currently provide paid sick leave but only half of those working in hospitality and leisure industry have paid sick leave.

    As a result 62% of US workers work while sick which affects colleagues and customers.

    "Most nations within the European Union have the best sick pay benefits in the world. However, Japan, Canada and Australia make provisions for employees to receive 66%, 55%-80%, or 100% of their pay."

    "The United the only developed country that doesn’t offer any guaranteed sick days. So far, this only existed during the Covid-19 pandemic that led to the 2020 quarantines. California, New York, and other states may have permanent paid sick leave plans, however."

    "the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 77% of US workers in the private sector had access to paid sick leave in March 2022. This figure varies depending on the industry, and, in fact, 53% of people working in the leisure and hospitality sector have paid sick time. "

    "62% of US workers claim that they have worked while sick, and 92% said that they do so because they cannot afford to take an unpaid sick day."

  • 2,970

    As long as the "leave" is ordered by a doctor, paid "sick leave" should exsist.  Businesses, large and small can darn well take the loss of a few cents in their profits.  Tax the wealthiest and spend the money wisely and all will be well.  

  • 59.1k

    Anybody else notice that our MAGA friends on here never show up for these posts about actual legislation? 

    I guess because they don't believe in that...they just want an autocratic president to come in and make a lot of empty promises that won't turn into bills...

  • 59.1k

    Yes, this is another way in which the USA lags behind the rest of the western world. There's no reason for people to feel forced to come to work when they're sick, and companies that refuse to provide this reasonable need to their employees are both greedy and asking for their sick workers to bring those diseases to them, their other employees, and possibly their customers. It's irresponsible.

    I would have thought after COVID more employers would see the need for a minimum level of paid sick time, but maybe not. 

    Let's get this done and provide workers with the time they need to get better and protect everyone else.

  • 27.8k

    Representatives we urge you to fully support H.R.3409 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Healthy Families Act | Library of Congress,



    Bill Overview

    Ensures the U.S. joins almost every industrialized nation in guaranteeing paid sick leave to its workers. Currently, 34 million workers lack any paid sick time at all – including 25% of the private sector workforce and 9% of the public sector workforce. 
    Allows workers in businesses with 15 or more employees to earn up to seven job-protected paid sick days each year.
    Provides a simple method for calculating accrued sick time. Workers would earn a minimum of one hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked, up to 56 hours per year, unless the employer selects a higher limit.
    Expands eligibility to cover all workers who have earned at least $2,000 in income in the past two years, whether or not they are subject to Social Security taxes. Previously, only workers subject to Social Security taxes would have been eligible for paid leave benefits.
    What's in the Bill?

    Covers broad health needs

    • Allow workers who are victims of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault to use their paid sick days to recover or seek assistance related to an incident.
    • Workers can use the leave to recover from their own illnesses, access preventive care, and provide care to a sick family member.
    • Workers can use the paid leave to attend school meetings related to a child’s health condition or disability. 
    • Addresses gaps in sick leave
    • Nearly one in four employed mothers return to work within two weeks of giving birth, and one in five retirees have left the workforce earlier than planned to care for an ill family member.
    Over 2 million women have left the U.S. workforce since the start of the pandemic because they could not balance work and family responsibilities. Employers who provide paid sick leave see 25% less turnover in their workforce. 
    Focuses on public health
    • Workers without paid sick leave are three times more likely to delay or forgo necessary health care compared to working adults with paid sick days.
    • Workers with paid sick leave are 28% less likely to suffer nonfatal occupational injuries.
    • Universal paid sick days would result in cost savings of $1.1 billion per year, including $500 million in savings for public health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid.