Google Tests New AI Life Coach

Would you take life advice from AI?

  • 8,811

    Self-driving cars shut down & crash when they come across unforeseen variables. There are so many more unforeseen variables for humans!!!  While AI may fill in gaps for those who may have limited access,I see a lot of potential problems that may cause more harm than good. 


  • 51.9k
    Voted No

    No thanks. I am ok with using AI for certain services, but something that has never "lived" a life cannot give good life coaching. 

    Should I need a life coach at some point, I will seek a person with lived experience.

  • 27.8k
    Voted Yes

    Google's AI Life Coach, a venture so bold,

    Promises guidance and wisdom untold.

    But should it falter, fail to hit the mark,

    I'd seek another path, a different embark.


  • 99.3k

    Need a maybe on this as I would not use AI that provides no references as most do. However AI providing references that I can review I would consider. Alledgedly Bing does but I haven't tried it yet as it's easy enough for me to run my own queries and review results. 

  • 4,006
    Voted No

    CAUSES ASKS: "Would you take life advice from AI?"  ME: Ha! Ha! Ha!  I have enough trouble with life advice from humans!  

  • 2,772
    Voted No

    I won't take it from a human! 🤣

  • 194
    Voted No

    AI is not trustworthy and further development needs to be supervised closely.

  • 2,959

    I prefer to follow my own "gut instincts".  A I is only as good as the information programed into it.  I refuse to become "a part of the collective".  At the age of 76 years, I am fully capable of making my own decissions based on my own life experiences.  Don't like it?  Tough!  My life, my path, my darms and my very own karma.  No one ever said that life would be easy.  It is how we learn to survive in this chaotic environment.

  • 1,195
    Voted No

    AI is just a Machine, and it can only do what it's been programed to do! I would prefer advice to come from my primary care doctor or someone whose training is continnually updated! We have come to depend on AI for a lot of information, but what happens when you have a power loss, or a problem with your AI device? I once went in for a procedure for a specific reason, but when I was called in the computer system was down, and the doctor didn't have a paper file to check, and didn't remember what he was to check. I didn't kow this until he did a normal colonoscopy, and didn't check to see if he felt I needed a section of the colon removed, which is why I had this procedure done! He was depending on having the computer info to keep him on track. I no longer see him! Yes, AI can do amazing things, but it is just a machine, and as we all know, machines don't always do what they are meant to do!

  • 3,770
    Voted No

    May I please stick with Dear Abby?

  • 1,900
    Voted No

    I don't take advice from ANYONE, let alone a computer program.

  • 2,622
    530 East Hunt Highway
    Voted No

    Stupid is as stupid does 

  • 8,811

    Self-driving cars shut down & crash when they come across unforeseen variables. There are so many more unforeseen variables for humans!!!  While AI may fill in gaps for those who may have limited access,I see a lot of potential problems that may cause more harm than good.