Devastating Gun Violence Continues Over July 4 Weekend

Demand your reps take action on gun violence

  • 1,219

    its mostly black on black drug crimes

  • 136

    Why don't we force our city mayors, district attorneys and law enforcement to enforce existing laws? Too often felons who commit crimes with firearms are not fully prosecuted. Why is this allowed?

  • 8,997

    How can you be " PROLIFE"Ā  and not vote for responsible gun reforms?

    Baning assualt weapons , not voting for any congress member whoĀ  takes $$$$ from the NRA are a couple of starters.

  • 48.5k

    Still waiting for the "pro-life" crowd to wake up and realize that more people are dying of gun violence in this country and they're complicit.

    We need gun reform now. A country that refuses to stop its culture of death cannot prosper.

  • 1,178

    As long Republicans hold a majority in Congress there will never be any banning of assault weapons. The Republican party gets a lot of money from the NRA and therefore will not do anything the NRA doesn't want them to! It is so important that Citizens United be reversed, so Corporations can't use their donations to candidates running for office. The Supreme Court approved Citizens United in violation of the Constitution, since a Business isn not and never can be a person/citizen, and can't have the same rights as a citizen! Yet Congress has not created any law than reverses Citizens United. Some of the Justices on the Supreme Court have clearly shown "Poor Behavior" that is grounds for their impeachment, yet our elected officials have done nothing to "Check" the Supreme Court, which is part of their job while in office! Everyone should check with their elected officials to see if they actually represent their consituents or their political party!Ā 

  • 3,354

    I am sick to death of the NRA rented GOP not passing common sense Gun Laws!Ā Ā Ā  "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", they say.


    My answer to that is this,"No-people with ARs kill people!Ā  People who should never have had guns , but do-kill people."


    Any politician taking money from the NRA and other gun groups should now be charged with murder every time a private citizen is killed by a gun.


    Rep. Mike Kelly-I am looking and pointing directly at you!

  • 217

    Congress, as a body, continues to disregard the will of the majority of U.S. citizens who want to see meaningful Federal regulation of firearms sufficient to curb the ever-increasing gun violence raging in our society.Ā  It is long past time for the nation's elected representatives to rise above partisan, special-interest driven politics and finally DO SOMETHING meaningful about gun violence.

  • 2,418

    These mass shooting are only going to increase in # and death/injury, and the cost to provide medical/psychological treatment to the victims/survivors.Ā  It's way, way past time to take action that would decrease the likelihood of this insanity, but the god damn Republicans don't give a shit about how many people are killed/maimed due to this total disregard for life.Ā  The only thing they care about is the $ that the NRA pors into their campaigns and keeping their MAGA base happy.

  • 8,985

    There needs to be an ad that runs after every mass shooting:

    "The gop are in the majority, only they can pass gun reform, yet they do nothing. Again.

    Vote for change."

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  • 94.6k

    Itā€™s become as American as Apple Pie - Mass Shootings. The 2023 celebration of the 4th of July, which was also the 1 year anniversary of the Highland Park (IL) 4th of July parade shooting, was marked with more mass shootings.

    Ā It started the night before the 4th in PA (5 killed-2 injured) and TX (3 killed - 11 injured) which makes 330 mass shootings (21,042 dead - 18,033 injured) for 2023 according to the Gun Violence Archive which is in track to beat the 2021 record of 690, and then spread on the 4th to IN, IL, MD, MI, Ā MN, MO, NY, NC, OH, OK, PA for a total of 16 mass shootings, 15 dead and 94 injured.Ā 

    Ā ā€œFrom the nationā€™s capital to Fort Worth, Texas, from Florin, California, in the west to the Bronx, New York, in the east, the Fourth of July long weekend in the US was overshadowed by 16 mass shootings in which 15 people were killed and 94 injured."

    Ā "The archiveā€™s tally of mass shootings over the 4 July weekend involved incidents in: Washington DC, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland (twice), Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas (twice)."






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  • 3,959

    Why contact our elected folks, they need that election donations from weapons and ammunition manufacturers. They won't do anything. This has gone on to long. Even the death penalty doesn't scare these criminals .Ā 

  • 1,380

    I guess the guns sprout legs and shoot themselves.Ā