Looking Back: Gun Violence in the 2022-2023 School Year

Don't wait until the next school shooting - Tell your representatives to implement gun safety laws NOW

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    GUNS  GUNS  GUNS  GUNS  GUNS  GUNS . . . and still no movement for national and rational gun control legislation. This fatal attraction to guns and a slavish and narrow and self-serving interpretation of the 2nd Amendment MUST STOP!  

    Another mass shooting today in Baltimore - 2 people dead (so far) and 28 injured. And now, in our very own state, we have hideously loosened the laws for gun possession and ownership - concealed carry with no registration, training or background checks. Doesn't this seem insane to you? As I have written to you before, if the 2nd Amendment is the stumbling block to defeating this public health crisis, maybe it's time to amend or repeal the 2nd Amendment. Many other civilized nations get by just fine without massive gun ownership by their citizens, so why cannot "The Greatest Nation On Earth" not do the same?

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    Howmany more senseless deaths is it going to take for the GD Republicans to vote for commonsense gun laws?  But given how fucking greedy they are and how much them rake in from the NRA my guess is it will take many of their own children's lives at risk or ended via a mass shooting before they will ever ween themselves off the NRA cash cow.

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    Another school year since Columbine, Parkland, Sandy Hook and Uvalde, and still practically nothing has happened to protect children in the place we send them to learn and grow. 

    We know that Republicans don't care about children, and are more interested in collecting money and votes from the NRA, so they will never act to protect children. 

    Yesterday we heard nearly all the Republican presidential candidates pontificating about "saving babies" from the abortions they find so evil. 

    But they said nothing about saving babies from gun violence, starvation, poverty, poor healthcare, inadequately funded education, or climate disasters.

    As long as one of our major parties denies gun violence and these other problems exist and they refuse to act, our children are on their own. We as a community, their parents, and local leaders must do the best they can and hope that a shooter with ill intent doesn't slip through the far too many cracks in the system.


    Shame on the Republican Party.

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    One must ask

    why is there gun control in the courts, congress, govt buildings etc 

    but not 

    streets, malls, public areas etc? 

    shame on congress

    shame on the judiciary 



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