Hunter Biden Plea Deal Close to Failure

How do you feel about the charges?

  • 598
    Voted Apathetic

    The man has admitted his guilt.  He wasn't hawking or hoarding State secrets. He hasn't done anything that got him a $2B payment from the Saudis for "services rendered."  Ladies & gentlemen, let's turn our attention to the grifter in Chief and his youngins'.

    But I am sure the Republicans will find some other reason to keep hounding the guy.  That's all they got.  They need to clean their own houses before they cast any more stones.  Republicans heal thy selves.  


  • 1,829
    Voted Sad

    He has paid all overdue taxes. If he's name weren't Biden this never would have been charged.


  • 956
    Voted Happy

    Four years and that's all that was found. He was late paying his taxes (we already know what Trump thinks of citizens who pay income tax because he doesn't) and possession of a gun (there are Republican states where this would be just fine). More deflection and distraction to keep attention away from their one true orange god and all his very real and proveable crimes.

  • 2,970

    Sadly, we are all human.  We all make mistakes and most of the time they are unintentional.  The attack on Hunter Biden is no more than just another ploy to get people to turn against his father in the upcomong election.  He has admited his mistakes and is willing to accept the court's decision.  Even if it means jail time which I doubt he will receive.  Heavy fines are a greater possibility.  We need to ignore so-called news that contains mis-information about any other politician or their family members.  We raise our children the best we can but once they are on their own, their mistakes belong to them and them alone.  Once a "child" reaches adulthood, the parent has no control over their actions.  We are ALL the "masters of our own fate".

  • 58.7k
    Voted Apathetic

    And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

    -John 8:7


    I'm dying to see all the MAGAdonians with perfect children and blameless family members line up to say nasty things about Hunter Biden, who has experienced numerous traumas in his life and is at least honest about his struggles instead of pretending he's perfect the way Donald does.

    This seems like justice; these are not major crimes, and Hunter has accepted his guilt and will take probation.

  • 2,934
    Voted Happy

    Fair handling by a trump appointed prosecutor 

  • 10.5k

    Hunter Biden is a private citizen, not a public servant. I believe he should not be treated any differently than any other citizen, regardless of who his father happens to be. I believe when it comes to justice, no one is above the one. 

    That being said, kudos to Hunter for paying back taxes owed and for staying sober. 

    The tRump appointed judge did him a favor by asking the hard questions that needed to be asked. Too bad his attorneys did not do this prior to the hearing today. 

    Hopefully, whatever happens is resolved soon. We have more pressing problems that our country needs to deal with right now. 

  • 874
    Voted Sad

    The charges are pretty stiff for a first-time offender. It appears they are bending over backward to appease the far right.

  • 280
    Voted Sad

    He needs and deserves to face many more serious charges. The DOJ needs to do their job, not cover for the Biden's.

  • 530
    Voted Happy

    Hunter's legal woes are just another drop in the bucket of "rules for thee and not for me." Maybe we should start holding the "powerful" accountable for their actions and crimes. 

  • 283
    Voted Sad

    If Hunter Biden is found guilty of the charges, he should be treated like all other citizens.  The same with Donald Trump.  What's that saying "equal justice under the law".  Why don't we start applying it to all, instead of just citizens who can not afford high priced lawyers and tie up our court system for years.

  • 613
    Voted Apathetic

    If we are going to invest relatives, let's investigate everyone's relatives!  Remember Jimmy Carter's brother! 

  • 4,042
    Voted Apathetic

    CAUSES TELLS ME, THEN ASKS: "Hunter Biden Plea Deal Close to Falling Apart Today Before Agreement Reached.  How do you feel about the charges?"  ME: Ho, hum.  Were it anyone other than a president's son it would have been a done deal long, long ago and without the "sound and fury signifying nothing" of the MAGAGOP.

  • 1,137
    Voted Apathetic

    Hunter Biden is not an elected official but the republicans are looking under every nook just in order to embarrass his family.  But the trump family worked in the White House and did many illegal maneuvers in plain sight. That is what whould be investigated

  • 1,028
    Voted Apathetic

    I could give a rats ass about Hunter Biden!! 

  • 1,251
    Voted Sad

    Here we go again. A wealthy person who has had their share of problems falls to the attention of the Republican Party. Will they be so eager to make Donald pay his due?

  • 860
    Voted Sad

    It is sad that he is woefully undercharged.  If Joe feels it is ok for hunter to not pay taxes and own a firearm illegally, then the pay your fair share or enforce gun laws is hypocrisy 

  • 6,889
    Voted Apathetic

    I don't care one way or the other...  

    Why does anyone especially people in the Congress and the Senate care what this private citizen has done or not done?  


  • 3,462
    Voted Apathetic

    unpaid taxes, gun possession while an addict-he paid the taxes.  He's a screw up, to be sure, of course, the same can be said for a great many of the children of politicians.  If he was not Joe Biden's son, he would never have been charged and this never would have been an issue and no one would have held up nude photos of him at a Congressional Hearing.   This is what the GOP is and this is what their base is.   Nothing but a rabid, frothing at the mouth , group of Fascist lunatics.

  • 2,602
    Voted Apathetic

    Republicans have so blown this case out of proportion, it is difficult to tell where truth and justice lie. Republicans are desperate to pin something on him and, by association, on the president as well.

  • 13.9k
    Voted Apathetic

    who cares? he is a private citizen, why would opinion matter here?


  • 2,970

    More coverup by the Fascist GOP extreme right and their supporters to prevent  the public from from finding out what is going on behind closed doors of the Republican Party.  Messing with our minds and beliefs so they can gain control.  Oh, how I wish they would set their minds to the future instead of holding on to the past.  I won't be holding my breath.  For their information,  "One size does not fit all."  Diversity is the key factor in our constitution.  Separatiojn from these facts allows for those in charge to do what they want.  No questions asked. 

  • 5,356
    Voted Apathetic

    I find it ironic that Republicans now find themselves in the position of calling for stronger penalties for tax and gun violations.

  • 276
    Voted Sad

    What a travesty. Not sure if Hunter Biden ever paid his unpaid taxes. Where the ordinary person would be in jail on both their unpaid taxes, and the gun charge but Hunter gets a free out of jail card. Even though millions of dollars were paid by foreign governments through shell corporations to the Biden family. This is a fact, uncovered by Congress. It is clear there is a two tiered system of justice, one for Hunter Biden, and the other for the rest of us. 

  • 13.6k
    Voted Apathetic

    If proven all should be held accountable no matter who it is whether Trump or Hunter Biden, Republican, Democratic or independent rich or poor as long as it is equal, fair in all dealings. No one is above the law and rule should equal

  • 94
    Voted Sad

    If it was me, God forbid I would spend the rest of my life in jail. I wouldn't trade my father for his. His father shouldn't have any bearing on this. The law is the law. No specail treatment because of who hs father is. Beside his dad way in cahoots with his son, admittedly by himself. Talk about special treatment. So they are targeting Trump but let this felon drug addicted joke get away with this. Trump is being targeted because the don't want him to run for office in 2024. The American people see it.

  • 2,849
    Voted Apathetic

    Should be accountable but not partisan! 

  • 947
    Voted Sad

    privilege gets rewarded.  these are serious crimes that the common people without connections will go to jail