BILL: Should We Fight Executive Overreach? - REINS Act of 2023 - H.R.277

Tell your reps to support or oppose the bill

  • 9,543

    How about Mitch McConnell over reach as to stuffing the courts and the courts over reach. Mitch McConnell banking on you having a short memory. Mitch McConnell does not want any ethics on the supreme courts, which is required on lower courts? They are not independent from corruption and kickbacks!

  • 1,614

    If you mean the over-reach of a minority of 17th century bigots then yes we should fight it. 

  • 479

    Any regulations which adversely affect citizens should be voted on by elected representatives, not randomly enacted by faceless agencies which have no real accountability or oversight.

  • 4,005

    I agree we should have passed the REINS Act.  I've long felt people who aren't elected were running things.  And they still are anyway!  Why have elections if this is the case?  Why not just go apply for the job?  There is no reason why these different agencies still can't insert reasons for needing the money before there awarded it.  People and agencies should be more accountable with our money and how they use it!  It is after all, "Our Tax Money"!  

  • 9,543

    How about Supreme Court overreach? If you can'r handle the heat get out of the kitchen. A want a be Trump !!!


  • 548

    More performative action by the GOP, along with hearings that produced nothing but sound bites for right wing news. Got one house Democratic Party vote, though, from Maine. They continue to demonstrate the inability to produce anything, but happy to take credit for legislation they voted against.

    Why is Causes even raising this?

  • 9,293


    " REINED IN" !!!!!!!!

  • 27.8k

    Four Practical Ideas To Get the Ball Rolling To Fix SCOTUS:

    1. Call Senators & Representatives, 2. Join efforts to support Term Limits, 3. Join efforts to support Court Expansion, 4. Subscribe to and / or Donate to Pro Publica the publication exposing the SCOTUS Rot.

    #1. Call a few key Senators and your Senators Congress person. Phone numbers are below. 

    –Senator Durbin, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee

    –Senator Wyden, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee

    –Senator Schumer, Senate Majority Leader

    –Your two Senators

    –Your Representative

    Using the following script or something like it

    "I’m calling to demand robust investigations into the corruption of several of our Supreme Court justices.

    "It is the Senate’s job to hold them accountable and right now several of them are showing clear evidence of being compromised.

    "This is not Leonard Leo’s court.

    "It’s not the Federalist Society’s court.

    "It’s the Supreme Court of the United States and it’s supposed to be unbiased, nonpartisan, and beyond reproach. It is none of those things.

    "Please hold these MAGA justices accountable for their ethical and legal breaches.

    "Our democracy depends on it.

    "Thank you."

    Sen. Durbin: (202) 224-2152 or (312) 353-4952 or (618) 351-1122 or (217) 492-4062 or (309) 786-5173

    Sen. Wyden: (503) 326-7525 or (503) 589-4555 or (202) 224-5244

    Sen, Schumer: (212) 486-4430 or (518) 431-4070 or (202) 224-6542 or (914) 734-1532

    For your Senators or Representative phone numbers you may call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121

    When calling your Senators again you can use this script: 

    "Hello. I am a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is __.

    "I’m calling because I’m outraged and dismayed at the corruption on our Supreme Court. At least four of the justices have clearly been installed by billionaire backers to rule for the wealthy few. This is not the way it’s supposed to work. We, the voters, elected you to protect our freedoms, which those justices are taking away from us. I want the Senator to support rebalancing the Court by co-sponsoring  S. 1616  the Judiciary Act of 2023. I also want them to co-sponsor  S. 359  the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal and Transparency Act. We also need term limits for Supreme Court Justices. Finally, I want aggressive investigations into justices who have taken money and perks from people or groups with business before the court.



    When calling your Representative again you can use this script:

    "Hi, I'm a constituent calling from [zip]. My name is __.

    "I’m calling because I’m outraged and dismayed at the corruption on our Supreme Court. At least four of the justices have clearly been installed by billionaire backers to rule for the wealthy few. This is not the way it’s supposed to work. We, the voters, elected you to protect our freedoms, which those justices are taking away from us. I want the Congressmember to support rebalancing the Court by co-sponsoring  HR 3422, the Judiciary Act of 2023. I also want them to support  HR 926,the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal and Transparency Act. We also need term limits. Please ask the Congressmember to advocate for all of this and to make court reform a top priority. Thanks."

    #2. If you support term limits for Supreme Court justices sign up with the  Brennan Center for Justice

    #3. If you’re interested in supporting court expansion sign up with Demand Justice : Demand Justice is leading the movement to Expand the Supreme Court

    #4. Subscribe to and / or donate to Pro Publica  This publication is exposing SO MUCH of the rot at the court and they need our help so they can keep doing it. They are fully reader-supported. See Friends of the Court — ProPublica


    Note:  These suggestions come by way of Jessica Craven They have been edited.

  • 55.3k

    Funny how Republicans oppose executive power when they're not in the White House.

    The GOP created Homeland Security and the Space Force, so obviously they're not opposed to going around Congress and giving the executive more power 

  • 347

    What we need to do ... This is urgent......... Before anything can get done........ Take care of the Supreme Court........       Really ....... More judges that are for Americans instead of Republicans...... As is Republicans and Trump can run to Supreme Court ....... And America loses....... And those three Trump and McConnell stuck in needs investigated........ This is urgent to get anything done... Does anyone agree??????

  • 4,042

    CAUSES TELLS ME: "BILL: Should We Fight Executive Overreach? - REINS Act of 2023 - H.R.277 Tell your reps to support or oppose the bill" 

    The REINS Act passed the house on 06/14/2023-3:46pm, therefore contact your SENATORS.  My rep, Doug Lamborn, of course voted for it.

  • 3,462

    The REINS ACT, in itself, is Over Reach!  The sponsors of this bill scream about over reach, and then try to over reach! That being said,  of course as it was introduced, and sponsored by a group of lying, hypcritical, bigoted racist Fascists(aka Members of the GOP Party) an entire group  of idiot, lying Republicans it has a double standard double standard transparently at play.  It only becomes over-reach when the action is taken by a Democrat per the GD Republicans, but they think and act like whatever they do is just fine-like rolling back voting rights, trying to overturn an election, protecting members of their party who participated in the insurrection (Gaetz, Bobo, Jordan, Gosar.....not to mention Mangy three-name)   their over reach and treasonous activities do not matter.



  • 2,464

    Talk about over-reach-what the hell do the sponsors of this bill call it, but of course since it was introduced by a bunch of idiot Republicans a double standard is at play.  It only becomes over-reach when the action is taken by a Democrat per the GD Republicans, but they think and act like whatever they do is just fine-like rolling back voting rights, trying to overturn an election, etc. etc.

  • 6,889


    REINS is a horrible idea.  

    Making all rules and regulations instituted by our administrative and regulatory agencies obtain the approval of THE MOST DISFUNCTIONAL BRANCH OF OUR GOVERNMENT IS INSANE!  

    Nothing would ever get done...  


    I guess that's the real point.  

    Republicans want control.  

    If they can't have control, they want to block EVERYTHING!

  • 104.3k

    Another legislative retread from 2009 originated by the Tea Party that has been tried again annually in the 112th, 113th, 114th,115th, 116th, 117th Congresses which was implemented in 2 states (FL, WI) in 2023.

    Congress already gets very little done now so why should we have them reviewing regulations? And if they don't review it on time then the entire regulation is repealed along with any other associated regulations. 

    Bith REINS and sunsetting are dangerous as Congress would be a bottleneck given how little they accomplish.

    "One of the most problematic bills before the Senate1 is the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (“REINS”) Act of 2017.2 The REINS Act would require both houses of Congress to approve each major rule issued by a federal agency before the rule could go into effect. If Congress failed to act, not only would the rule be blocked, but the agency would also be prohibited from promulgating another related rule for the duration of that congressional session."

    "The Congressional Review Act already allows Congress to halt implementation of regulations; it can also decide not to fund a program. Moreover, the separation of powers is fundamental to our Constitution: the legislative branch creates the programs that the executive branch implements through federal agencies."

  • 27.8k


    We oppose HR 277 and most strongly ask you to reject it. 
